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Last active July 16, 2018 12:59
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Powershell: Replace tokens in content (or file) allowing pipe for input and/or output
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content)) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($inputFile)) {
Write-Host "Must enter -inputFile if content is not piped" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
$content = Get-Content -Raw $inputFile
$tokens.Keys | % ($_) {
$content = $content -replace "{{$_}}", $tokens[$_]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($outputFile)) {
Write-Output $content
else {
Set-Content -Path $outputFile -Value $content
# Usage:
# 1. Replace tokens {{a}} & {{b}} with "Gag" and "Ufo" in input.txt and save output.txt
# .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{a="Ufo";b="Gag"} -inputFile .\input.txt -outputFile output.txt
# 2. Same as before but using pipe
#.\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{a="Ufo"} -inputFile .\input.txt | .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{b="Gag"} -outputFile .\output.txt
# 3. Replace same tokens but from pipe input instead of a file
# "{{a}} - {{b}}" | .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{a="Ufo"} | .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{b="Gag"} -outputFile .\output.txt
# 4. Replace same tokens, but write output to stdout to allow further piping
# .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{a="Ufo"} -inputFile .\input.txt | .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{b="Gag"} | % {$_.ToUpper()}
# 5. Same as 4 but using pipe for input instead a file
# "{{a}} - {{b}}" | .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{a="Ufo"} | .\token-replace.ps1 -tokens @{b="Gag"} | % {$_.ToUpper()}
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