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Last active January 13, 2021 16:17
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Higher-Kinded Data Pattern in Scala
import scala.languageFeature.higherKinds
import cats.{Applicative, Id, ~>}
object Shapes {
case class Child[F[_]](nickname: F[String], age: F[Int])
case class Adult[F[_]](job: F[String], innerChild: Child[F])
class ApplicativeTrans[F[_]](implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]) extends ~>[Id, F] {
override def apply[A](value: A): F[A] = applicativeF.pure(value)
trait HKD[D[_[_]]] {
type IdType = D[Id]
def compile[F[_], G[_]](data: D[F], trans: F ~> G): D[G]
def fold[F[+_]](data: D[F])(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[IdType]
def foldMap[F[_], G[+_]](data: D[F], trans: F ~> G)(implicit applicativeG: Applicative[G]): G[IdType] =
fold[G](compile[F, G](data, trans))
def pure[F[_]](data: IdType)(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): D[F] =
compile[Id, F](data, new ApplicativeTrans[F])
object HKD {
def apply[D[_[_]]](implicit hkdD: HKD[D]): HKD[D] = hkdD
class ChildHKDManual extends HKD[Child] {
override def compile[F[_], G[_]](data: Child[F], trans: F ~> G): Child[G] =
nickname = trans(data.nickname),
age = trans(data.age)
override def fold[F[+_]](data: Child[F])(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[IdType] =
applicativeF.map2(data.nickname, data.age) { (nickname, age) =>
nickname = nickname,
age = age
class AdultHKDManual(implicit childHKD: HKD[Child]) extends HKD[Adult] {
override def compile[F[_], G[_]](data: Adult[F], trans: ~>[F, G]): Adult[G] =
job = trans(data.job),
innerChild = childHKD.compile(data.innerChild, trans)
override def fold[F[+_]](data: Adult[F])(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[IdType] =
applicativeF.map2(data.job, childHKD.fold(data.innerChild)) { (job, innerChild) =>
job = job,
innerChild = innerChild
object Shapeless {
import shapeless.{::, Generic, HList, HNil}
private[this] def mkId[A](a: A): Id[A] = a
sealed abstract class FList[F[_]] extends Product with Serializable {
type HType <: HList
type WithType[G[_]] <: FList[G]
def toHList: HType
def compile[G[_]](trans: F ~> G): WithType[G]
def fold(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[WithType[Id]]
final case class FNil[F[_]]() extends FList[F] {
override type HType = HNil
override type WithType[G[_]] = FNil[G]
override def toHList: HType = HNil
override def compile[G[_]](trans: F ~> G): WithType[G] = FNil()
override def fold(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[WithType[Id]] = applicativeF.pure(FNil())
final case class FCons[F[_], H, T <: FList[F]](head: F[H], tail: T) extends FList[F] {
override type HType = F[H] :: tail.HType
override type WithType[G[_]] = FCons[G, H, tail.WithType[G]]
override def toHList: HType = head :: tail.toHList
override def compile[G[_]](trans: F ~> G): WithType[G] = FCons(trans(head), tail.compile(trans))
override def fold(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[WithType[Id]] =
applicativeF.map2(head, tail.fold) { (h, t) => FCons(mkId(h), t) }
object FList {
def fromHList[F[_], H <: HList](hlist: H)(implicit generic: Generic.Aux[H, FList[F]]): generic.Repr =
implicit def genericHNil[F[_]]: Generic.Aux[HNil, FNil[F]] = new GenericHNil[F]
implicit def genericHCons[F[_], H, T <: HList, U <: FList[F]](
implicit genericTail: Generic.Aux[T, U]
): Generic.Aux[F[H] :: T, FCons[F, H, U]] =
new GenericHCons[F, H, T, U]
class GenericHNil[F[_]] extends Generic[HNil] {
override type Repr = FNil[F]
override def to(t: HNil): Repr = FNil[F]()
override def from(r: Repr): HNil = HNil
// NOTE: Some part of the compiler/ide doesn't like these definitions in the same scope as `Repr`...
private[this] def hackConsTo[F[_], H, T <: HList, U <: FList[F]](
t: F[H] :: T
implicit genericTail: Generic.Aux[T, U]
): FCons[F, H, U] =
t match {
case head :: tail =>
FCons[F, H, U](head,
private[this] def hackConsFrom[F[_], H, T <: HList, U <: FList[F]](
r: FCons[F, H, U]
implicit genericTail: Generic.Aux[T, U]
): F[H] :: T =
r match {
case FCons(head, tail) => head :: genericTail.from(tail)
class GenericHCons[F[_], H, T <: HList, U <: FList[F]](
implicit genericTail: Generic.Aux[T, U]
) extends Generic[F[H] :: T] {
override type Repr = FCons[F, H, U]
override def to(t: F[H] :: T): Repr = hackConsTo[F, H, T, U](t)
override def from(r: Repr): F[H] :: T = hackConsFrom[F, H, T, U](r)
class FListHKD extends HKD[FList] {
override def compile[F[_], G[_]](data: FList[F], trans: F ~> G): FList[G] = data.compile(trans)
override def fold[F[+_]](data: FList[F])(implicit applicativeF: Applicative[F]): F[IdType] = data.fold
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