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Created May 20, 2011 04:35
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Monad-like trees with fun applications like integer factoring
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{- Monad-like trees can do cool things like factoring integers and
- pruning leaves with bind (>>=).
- Internal nodes are annotated with a measure of some sort that can be used
- for efficient indexing and sizing.
- Measured typeclass and tagged nodes from
module AnnoTree where
import Prelude
import Data.Monoid
class Sequence s a where
-- A Sequence is anything isomorphic to a list
fromList :: [a] -> s a
toList :: s a -> [a]
-- the above let us lift list ops to the sequence
-- including filter
sfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> s a -> [a]
sfilter p v = filter p $ toList v
-- and foldr
sfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> s a -> b
sfoldr f v0 v = foldr f v0 $ toList v
-- and monoid ops
sempty :: s a
sempty = fromList []
sappend :: s a -> s a -> s a
sappend v w = fromList $ (toList v) ++ (toList w)
sconcat :: [s a] -> s a
sconcat [] = sempty
sconcat (v:vs) = sappend v (sconcat vs)
-- LeafyTree instances
data LeafyTree a = LTEmpty | LTLeaf a | LTBranch (LeafyTree a) (LeafyTree a) deriving (Show)
-- builds a tree from the bottom up: divide, construct, and join
ltbuild :: [LeafyTree a] -> [LeafyTree a]
ltbuild [t] = [t]
ltbuild [t1,t2] = [LTBranch t1 t2]
ltbuild xs = ltbuild $ (ltbuild xs1) ++ (ltbuild xs2)
where l = length xs
l2 = (l `div` 2) + (l `mod` 2)
(xs1, xs2) = splitAt l2 xs
-- removes empty leaves
prune :: LeafyTree a -> LeafyTree a
prune (LTBranch LTEmpty t) = prune t
prune (LTBranch t LTEmpty) = prune t
prune t = t
-- collapsing our tree into a list gets us filtering and
-- monoid ops 'for free', expensively
instance Sequence LeafyTree a where
fromList [] = LTEmpty
fromList xs = (ltbuild $ map LTLeaf xs) !! 0
toList LTEmpty = []
toList (LTLeaf x) = [x]
toList (LTBranch l r) = (toList l) ++ (toList r)
instance Functor LeafyTree where
fmap _ LTEmpty = LTEmpty
fmap f (LTLeaf x) = LTLeaf (f x)
fmap f (LTBranch l r) = prune $ LTBranch (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
instance Monad LeafyTree where
return x = LTLeaf x
LTEmpty >>= f = LTEmpty
(LTLeaf x) >>= f = (f x)
(LTBranch l r) >>= f = prune $ LTBranch (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
instance Monoid (LeafyTree a) where
mempty = sempty
mappend = sappend
-- some examples of construction
test_leafy_tree = do
putStrLn "test_leafy_tree"
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [] :: LeafyTree Int)
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [1] :: LeafyTree Int)
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [1..2] :: LeafyTree Int)
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [1..3] :: LeafyTree Int)
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [1..4] :: LeafyTree Int)
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [1..5] :: LeafyTree Int)
putStrLn . show $ (fromList [1..6] :: LeafyTree Int)
-- error is awful... should be working in the Maybe monad
-- but there are only so many hours in the day
-- and days in a life
first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
first p [] = error "Nothing matches criterion"
first p (x:xs) | p x = x
| otherwise = first p xs
-- the poor man's factoring routine.
firstFactor :: Int -> Int
firstFactor x | x <= 0 = error "naturals only"
| x <= 3 = x
| (mod x 2 == 0) = 2
| otherwise = first (\f -> (mod x f) == 0) ([3,5..(div x 2)]++[x])
-- we can bind a function into our tree monad to factor integers
treeFactor :: Int -> LeafyTree Int
treeFactor x | x <= 0 = error "naturals only"
| x <= 3 = LTLeaf x
| otherwise =
if (f == x) then (LTLeaf x)
else LTBranch (treeFactor f) (treeFactor (div x f))
where f = firstFactor x
-- some examples of integer factoring
test_factor_ints = do
putStrLn "test_factor_ints"
putStrLn . show $ firstFactor 5
putStrLn . show $ (return 5 :: LeafyTree Int) >>= treeFactor
putStrLn . show $ (return 10 :: LeafyTree Int) >>= treeFactor
putStrLn . show $ (return 20 :: LeafyTree Int) >>= treeFactor
putStrLn . show $ (return 12345678 :: LeafyTree Int) >>= treeFactor
let t = ((return 12345678 :: LeafyTree Int) >>= treeFactor)
let t2 = t >>= treeFactor
let t3 = (LTBranch (LTLeaf 20) (LTLeaf 341)) >>= treeFactor
let t4 = (sappend (LTLeaf 2) t3) >>= treeFactor
putStrLn . show $ toList t
putStrLn . show $ toList t2
putStrLn . show $ toList t3
putStrLn . show $ toList t4
putStrLn . show $ sfoldr (*) 1 t
putStrLn . show $ sfoldr (*) 1 t2
putStrLn . show $ sfoldr (*) 1 t3
putStrLn . show $ sfoldr (*) 1 t4
-- we can also bind a function to prune our tree of any even factors
oddClobber :: Int -> LeafyTree Int
oddClobber x | mod x 2 == 0 = LTEmpty
| otherwise = treeFactor x
test_pruning = do
putStrLn "test_pruning"
let t = treeFactor 12345678
let t2 = t >>= oddClobber
putStrLn . show $ t
putStrLn . show $ t2
main = do
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