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Created May 20, 2011 05:13
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Save ejconlon/982398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Project Euler 96 - Solve Sudoku! (in Haskell)
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{- Project Euler 96 - Solve Sudoku!
- Compile it with ghc -o blah --make sudoku
- And grab sudoku.txt from
- Answer: 24702
import Debug.Trace
-- There is probably a better way of doing this but
-- why not try to do it myself...
newlineIterator :: String -> [String]
newlineIterator s = go [] "" s
go :: [String] -> String -> String -> [String]
go ls "" "" = ls
go ls cs "" = ls ++ [cs]
go ls cs (c:'\r':'\n':end) = go (ls ++ [cs++[c]]) "" end
go ls cs (c:end) = go ls (cs++[c]) end
newtype Grid = WrapGrid [[Int]] deriving (Show)
makeGrid :: [String] -> Grid
makeGrid rs = WrapGrid [[read [i] | i <- is] | is <- rs]
-- get row i from a grid
row :: Grid -> Int -> [Int]
row (WrapGrid rs) i | (i < 0) || (i > 8) = error "invalid row"
| otherwise = rs !! i
-- get col i from a grid
col :: Grid -> Int -> [Int]
col (WrapGrid rs) i | (i < 0) || (i > 8) = error "invalid col"
| otherwise = [row !! i | row <- rs]
flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten xs = go [] xs
go ys [] = ys
go ys (x:xs) = go (ys ++ x) xs
-- get block i from a grid (where block 0 is the top left square,
-- block 1 is the top middle, and so on)
block :: Grid -> Int -> [Int]
block (WrapGrid rs) i | (i < 0) || (i > 8) = error "invalid block"
| otherwise = flatten rs'
f k = (take 3) . (drop (k * 3))
rs' = [(f mj) r | r <- (f mi) rs]
mi = div i 3
mj = mod i 3
-- are all 9 numbers present?
segCorrect :: [Int] -> Bool
segCorrect row = go row 1
go :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
go _ 10 = True
go row i | elem i row = go row (i+1)
| otherwise = False
firstIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
firstIndex p xs = go p xs 0
go _ [] _ = Nothing
go p (x:xs) i | p x = Just i
| otherwise = go p xs (i+1)
first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
first p [] = Nothing
first p (x:xs) | p x = Just x
| otherwise = first p xs
-- pluck the next open row index out of the
-- grid... first row with an empty space
nextOpenRowIndex :: Grid -> Maybe Int
nextOpenRowIndex grid =
has0 :: [Int] -> Bool
has0 = elem 0
rows :: [[Int]]
rows = (map (row grid) [0..8])
in firstIndex (has0) rows
-- pluck the first open space coords out of the grid
nextOpenRowColIndices :: Grid -> Maybe (Int, Int)
nextOpenRowColIndices grid = do
rowIndex <- nextOpenRowIndex grid
let targetRow = (row grid rowIndex)
colIndex <- firstIndex (== 0) targetRow
return (rowIndex, colIndex)
-- should use Data.Set
intersection :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersecion _ [] = []
intersecion [] _ = []
intersection (x:xs) ys | elem x ys = x : (intersection xs ys)
| otherwise = intersection xs ys
intersection _ _ = []
-- is our puzzle completely filled in?
filledIn :: Grid -> Bool
filledIn grid = (Nothing == nextOpenRowIndex grid)
-- is it filled in correctly?
gridCorrect :: Grid -> Bool
gridCorrect grid = (filledIn grid) &&
(all id (map segCorrect (map (row grid) [0..8]))) &&
(all id (map segCorrect (map (col grid) [0..8]))) &&
(all id (map segCorrect (map (block grid) [0..8])))
-- utility for parsing a file into grids
gridIterator :: [String] -> [Grid]
gridIterator ls = go [] [] ls
go :: [Grid] -> [String] -> [String] -> [Grid]
go gs [] [] = gs
go gs ls [] | length ls == 10 = gs ++ [makeGrid $ tail ls]
| otherwise = error "Invalid grid len"
go gs ls (r:rs) | length ls == 10 = go (gs ++ [makeGrid $ tail ls]) [] (r:rs)
| otherwise = go gs (ls ++ [r]) rs
-- what can we fill into an empty space?
getMissing :: [Int] -> [Int]
getMissing row = go row [] 1
go row acc 10 = acc
go row acc i | elem i row = go row acc (i+1)
| otherwise = go row (acc ++ [i]) (i+1)
debug = flip trace
-- destructuring and restructuring lists... not the best
fillIn :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
fillIn row m = (go m [] row) --`debug` ("fillIn " ++ (show row) ++ " " ++ (show m))
go m acc [] = acc
go m acc (x:xs) | x == 0 = acc ++ [m] ++ xs
| otherwise = go m (acc ++ [x]) xs
replaceRow :: Grid -> [Int] -> Int -> Grid
replaceRow (WrapGrid gridRows) row index = go row index 0 [] gridRows
go row index curIndex acc [] = WrapGrid acc
go row index curIndex acc (r:rs) | index == curIndex = go row index (curIndex+1) (acc ++ [row]) rs
| otherwise = go row index (curIndex+1) (acc ++ [r]) rs
getBlockIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int
getBlockIndex r c = 3*(div r 3) + (div c 3)
-- grid solution candidates
enumerate :: Grid -> [Grid]
enumerate grid = case maybeIndices of
Nothing -> [grid]
Just (rowIndex, colIndex) -> do
let {origRow = row grid rowIndex;
origCol = col grid colIndex;
blockIndex = getBlockIndex rowIndex colIndex;
origBlock = block grid blockIndex;
rowMissing = getMissing origRow;
colMissing = getMissing origCol;
blockMissing = getMissing origBlock;
missing = intersection (intersection rowMissing colMissing) blockMissing}
m <- missing
let {newRow = fillIn origRow m;
grid' = replaceRow grid newRow rowIndex}
(enumerate grid')-- `debug` (show grid')
maybeIndices = nextOpenRowColIndices grid
-- pluck the first correct solution out of the candidates
solve :: Grid -> Grid
solve grid = case solution of
Nothing -> error "unsolvable problem"
Just wrappedSoln -> wrappedSoln
where solution = first gridCorrect (enumerate grid)
printI :: Grid -> Int -> IO()
printI g i = do
print $ "ROW "++(show i)
print $ row g i
print $ "COL "++(show i)
print $ col g i
print $ "BLK "++(show i)
print $ block g i
dot :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
dot (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x*y) + (dot xs ys)
dot [] [] = 0
dot _ _ = error "Invalid len"
-- this is the magic number the problem wants us to calculate
derivedValue :: Grid -> Int
derivedValue (WrapGrid grid) = dot [100,10,1] (take 3 $ head grid)
main = do
grids <- (readFile "sudoku.txt") >>= return.newlineIterator >>= return . gridIterator
--let g = grids !! 0
--print g
--mapM_ (printI g) [0..8]
--let g' = solve g
--print g'
--print $ gridCorrect g'
--print $ derivedValue g'
print "thinking..."
print $ sum (map derivedValue (map solve grids))
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