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Created July 27, 2012 02:56
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Simple PHP 5.3+ Bcrypt class and functions
By Marco Arment <[email protected]>.
This code is released in the public domain.
Usage example:
// In a registration or password-change form:
$hash_for_user = Bcrypt::hash($_POST['password']);
// In a login form:
$is_correct = Bcrypt::check($_POST['password'], $stored_hash_for_user);
// In a login form when migrating entries gradually from a legacy SHA-1 hash:
$is_correct = Bcrypt::check(
function($password, $hash) { return $hash == sha1($password); }
if ($is_correct && Bcrypt::is_legacy_hash($stored_hash_for_user)) {
class Bcrypt
public static function hash($password, $work_factor = 0)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') < 0) throw new Exception('Bcrypt requires PHP 5.3 or above');
if (! function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
throw new Exception('Bcrypt requires openssl PHP extension');
if ($work_factor < 4 || $work_factor > 31) $work_factor = self::DEFAULT_WORK_FACTOR;
$salt =
'$2a$' . str_pad($work_factor, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '$' .
strtr(base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)), '+', '.'),
0, 22
return crypt($password, $salt);
public static function check($password, $stored_hash, $legacy_handler = NULL)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') < 0) throw new Exception('Bcrypt requires PHP 5.3 or above');
if (self::is_legacy_hash($stored_hash)) {
if ($legacy_handler) return call_user_func($legacy_handler, $password, $stored_hash);
else throw new Exception('Unsupported hash format');
return crypt($password, $stored_hash) == $stored_hash;
public static function is_legacy_hash($hash) { return substr($hash, 0, 4) != '$2a$'; }
// =============================================================================
// Or, if you don't want the class structure and just want standalone functions:
// =============================================================================
function bcrypt_hash($password, $work_factor = 8)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') < 0) throw new Exception('Bcrypt requires PHP 5.3 or above');
if (! function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
throw new Exception('Bcrypt requires openssl PHP extension');
if ($work_factor < 4 || $work_factor > 31) $work_factor = 8;
$salt =
'$2a$' . str_pad($work_factor, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '$' .
strtr(base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)), '+', '.'),
0, 22
return crypt($password, $salt);
function bcrypt_check($password, $stored_hash, $legacy_handler = NULL)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') < 0) throw new Exception('Bcrypt requires PHP 5.3 or above');
if (bcrypt_is_legacy_hash($stored_hash)) {
if ($legacy_handler) return call_user_func($legacy_handler, $password, $stored_hash);
else throw new Exception('Unsupported hash format');
return crypt($password, $stored_hash) == $stored_hash;
function bcrypt_is_legacy_hash($hash) { return substr($hash, 0, 4) != '$2a$'; }
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