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Last active December 17, 2015 18:39
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Save ekampf/91cd9f5722b3ce08c04e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. (Google AppEgnine) Resource Route to describe RESTful resources
from webapp2 import Route
from webapp2_extras.routes import MultiRoute
from inflection import singularize, pluralize
__author__ = 'ekampf'
# pylint:disable=C0326,R0902
class ResourceRoute(MultiRoute):
ALL_REST_ACTIONS = ['index', 'create', 'show', 'update', 'destroy']
def __init__(self, name, handler,
Defines routes for a RESTful resource.
>>> APP = WSGIApplication([
>>> ResourceRoute('photos', PhotosHandler, actions=[('delete_all', 'POST')], member_actions=['thumb'], sub_resources=[
>>> ResourceRoute('comments', PhotosCommentsHandler, only=['index', 'show'])
>>> ]
>>> ])
Creates the following routes:
HTTP PATH Handler Method Name (uri_for)
GET - /photos - PhotosHandler.index(self) - 'photos'
POST - /photos - PhotosHandler.create(self) - 'photos'
GET - /photos/:photo_id -, photo_id) - 'photo'
PUT - /photos/:photo_id - PhotosHandler.update(self, photo_id) - 'photo'
DELETE - /photos/:photo_id - PhotosHandler.destroy(self, photo_id) - 'photo'
POST - /photos/delete_all - PhotosHandler.delete_all - 'photos_delete_all'
GET - /photos/:photo_id/thumb - PhotosHandler.thumb(self, photo_id) - 'photo_thumb'
GET - /photos/:photo_id/comments - PhotosCommentsHandler.index(self) - 'photo_comments'
GET - /photos/:photo_id/comments/:comment_id -, - 'photo_comment'
:param name: The resource name. Has to be plural ('People', 'Posts', 'Users', ...)
:param handler: The handler class to handle the resource
:param actions: Additional actions that apply on the resource collection (all the resources of this type). An array of tuples (action_name, http_method) or just a name for GET actions
:param member_actions: Additional action that apply to resource members (specific resource entities). An array of tuples (action_name, http_method) or just a name for GET actions
:param sub_resources: An array of sub resources
:param only: Specifies only to create specific REST routes. An array of strings with these possible values: ['index', 'create', 'show', 'update', 'destroy']
:param without: Omit specific REST routes. An array of strings with these possible values: ['index', 'create', 'show', 'update', 'destroy']
:param path_prefix: A path to prefix all teh resource's paths with. For example given '/api/v1' the resource's paths will be '/api/v1/photos' etc.
:param name_prefix: A prefix to use for path name. For example: given 'api' the named routes would be 'api_photos', 'api_photo', etc.
:type name: str
:type handler: webapp2.RequestHandler
:type actions: list[(str, str)|str]
:type member_actions: list[(str, str)|str]
:type sub_resources: list[ResourceRoute]
:rtype: ResourceRoute
""" = pluralize(name.lower())
self.__handler = handler
self.__actions = actions or []
self.__member_actions = member_actions or []
self.__sub_resources = sub_resources or []
self.__path_prefix = path_prefix
self.__name_prefix = name_prefix + '_' if name_prefix else ''
self.supported_actions = only or self.ALL_REST_ACTIONS
if without:
self.supported_actions = [action for action in self.supported_actions if action not in without]
# Make sure actions are (name, httml_method) tuples
self.__actions = [a if isinstance(a, tuple) else (str(a), 'GET') for a in self.__actions]
self.__member_actions = [a if isinstance(a, tuple) else (str(a), 'GET') for a in self.__member_actions]
routes = self.__get_routes()
super(ResourceRoute, self).__init__(routes)
def __get_routes(self):
singular_name = singularize(
resources_path = "%s/%s" % (self.__path_prefix,
resource_path = "%s/%s/<%s_id>" % (self.__path_prefix,, singular_name)
routes = []
if "index" in self.supported_actions:
routes.append(Route(resources_path, handler=self.__handler, methods=['GET', 'OPTIONS'], handler_method='index', name=self.__name_prefix +
if "create" in self.supported_actions:
routes.append(Route(resources_path, handler=self.__handler, methods=['POST', 'OPTIONS'], handler_method='create', name=self.__name_prefix +
if "show" in self.supported_actions:
routes.append(Route(resource_path, handler=self.__handler, methods=['GET', 'OPTIONS'], handler_method='show', name=self.__name_prefix + singular_name))
if "update" in self.supported_actions:
routes.append(Route(resource_path, handler=self.__handler, methods=['PUT', 'OPTIONS'], handler_method='update', name=self.__name_prefix + singular_name))
if "destroy" in self.supported_actions:
routes.append(Route(resource_path, handler=self.__handler, methods=['DELETE', 'OPTIONS'], handler_method='destroy', name=self.__name_prefix + singular_name))
for action_name, http_method in self.__actions:
routes.append(Route(resources_path + '/' + action_name, handler=self.__handler, handler_method=action_name, methods=['OPTIONS', http_method], name="%s_%s" % (self.__name_prefix +, action_name)))
for action_name, http_method in self.__member_actions:
routes.append(Route(resource_path + '/' + action_name, handler=self.__handler, handler_method=action_name, methods=['OPTIONS', http_method], name="%s_%s" % (self.__name_prefix + singular_name, action_name)))
for sub in self.__sub_resources:
for sub_route in sub.get_routes():
routes.append(Route(resource_path + sub_route.template, handler=sub_route.handler, handler_method=sub_route.handler_method, methods=sub_route.methods, name="%s_%s" % (self.__name_prefix + singular_name,
return routes
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