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Last active August 16, 2018 13:10
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Ultimate WordPress PHP deployer file for Swedish site
namespace Deployer;
require 'recipe/composer.php';
set('repository', 'path-to-repo');
set('git_tty', true);
set('shared_files', ['.env','web/.htaccess']);
set('shared_dirs', ['web/app/uploads']);
->set('deploy_path', '~/sites/application-name')
->set('branch', 'master')
// Tasks
task('wp-init', function () {
$deploy_path = has('deploy_path') ? get('deploy_path') : null;
$path = $deploy_path ? "cd {$deploy_path}/current && " : "";
$host = run("{$path}wp config get --constant=WP_HOME");
$password = uniqid('pass');
run("{$path}wp core install --url={$host} --title=RootsBedrock --admin_user=root --admin_password={$password} [email protected]");
writeln("WordPress installed with user 'root' and password '{$password}'");
})->desc('Initialize your local or production setup from scratch');
task('wp-cleanup', function () {
$envFile = run("cd {{deploy_path}}/current && cat .env");
if (!$envFile) {
$actions = [
"vendor/bin/wp language core install sv_SE",
"vendor/bin/wp language core update",
"vendor/bin/wp language core activate sv_SE",
"vendor/bin/wp rewrite structure '/%postname%'",
"vendor/bin/wp rewrite flush",
"vendor/bin/wp option update timezone_string \"Europe/Stockholm\"",
"vendor/bin/wp option update date_format \"Y-m-d\"",
"vendor/bin/wp option update time_format \"H:i\"",
"php -r \"opcache_reset();\"",
"vendor/bin/wp cache flush",
foreach ($actions as $action) {
run("cd {{deploy_path}}/current && $action", [
"timeout" => 999,
})->desc('After deploy, make WordPress clean for us');
after('deploy', 'wp-cleanup');
task('pull', function () {
$host = Task\Context::get()->getHost();
$user = $host->getUser();
$hostname = $host->getHostname();
$url = parse_url(run("cd {{deploy_path}}/current && wp config get --constant=WP_HOME"), PHP_URL_HOST);
$localUrl = parse_url(runLocally("wp config get --constant=WP_HOME"), PHP_URL_HOST);
$actions = [
"ssh {$user}@{$hostname} 'cd {{deploy_path}}/current && wp db export - | gzip' > db.sql.gz",
"gzip -df db.sql.gz",
"vendor/bin/wp language core install sv_SE",
"vendor/bin/wp db import db.sql",
"rm -f db.sql",
"vendor/bin/wp search-replace '{$url}' '{$localUrl}' --all-tables",
"rsync --exclude .cache -re ssh " .
"{$user}@{$hostname}:{{deploy_path}}/shared/web/app/uploads web/app",
"vendor/bin/wp rewrite flush",
"vendor/bin/wp cache flush",
"vendor/bin/wp theme update --all"
foreach ($actions as $action) {
writeln(runLocally($action, ['timeout' => 999]));
})->desc('Get the production setup to your local dev env');
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