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Broken types in Elixir Issue #10140
# Downloaded from:
# Lists all the types that have the problem reported in
# create an Elixir project, and save this file in lib/typespec_example.ex
# Start IEx with: iex -S mix
# then run: TypespecExample.types()
# and paste the output into the shell.
defmodule TypespecExample do
@type bar(key) :: [key]
@type bar2222(key) :: [key]
@type none(key) :: [key]
@type atom(key) :: [key]
@type map(key) :: [key]
@type pid(key) :: [key]
@type port(key) :: [key]
@type reference(key) :: [key]
@type tuple(key) :: [key]
@type float(key) :: [key]
@type integer(key) :: [key]
@type neg_integer(key) :: [key]
@type non_neg_integer(key) :: [key]
@type pos_integer(key) :: [key]
@type list(key, key) :: [key]
@type nonempty_list(key, key) :: [key]
@type maybe_improper_list(key) :: [key]
@type maybe_improper_list(key, key, key) :: [key]
@type nonempty_improper_list(key) :: [key]
@type nonempty_improper_list(key, key, key) :: [key]
@type nonempty_maybe_improper_list(key) :: [key]
@type nonempty_maybe_improper_list(key, key, key) :: [key]
@type term(key) :: [key]
@type arity(key) :: [key]
@type as_boolean(key, key) :: [key]
@type binary(key) :: [key]
@type bitstring(key) :: [key]
@type boolean(key) :: [key]
@type byte(key) :: [key]
@type char(key) :: [key]
@type charlist(key) :: [key]
@type nonempty_charlist(key) :: [key]
@type fun(key) :: [key]
@type function(key) :: [key]
@type identifier(key) :: [key]
@type iodata(key) :: [key]
@type iolist(key) :: [key]
@type keyword(key, key, key) :: [key]
@type mfa(key) :: [key]
@type module(key) :: [key]
@type no_return(key) :: [key]
@type node(key) :: [key]
@type number(key) :: [key]
@type struct(key) :: [key]
@type timeout(key) :: [key]
@type example_bar() :: bar(1)
@type example_none() :: none(1)
@type example_atom() :: atom(1)
@type example_map() :: map(1)
@type example_pid() :: pid(1)
@type example_port() :: port(1)
@type example_reference() :: reference(1)
@type example_tuple() :: tuple(1)
@type example_float() :: float(1)
@type example_integer() :: integer(1)
@type example_neg_integer() :: neg_integer(1)
@type example_non_neg_integer() :: non_neg_integer(1)
@type example_pos_integer() :: pos_integer(1)
@type example_list() :: list(1, 2)
@type example_nonempty_list() :: nonempty_list(1, 2)
@type example_maybe_improper_list() :: maybe_improper_list(1)
@type example_maybe_improper_list_3() :: maybe_improper_list(1, 2, 3)
@type example_nonempty_improper_list() :: nonempty_improper_list(1)
@type example_nonempty_improper_list_3() :: nonempty_improper_list(1, 2, 3)
@type example_nonempty_maybe_improper_list() :: nonempty_maybe_improper_list(1)
@type example_nonempty_maybe_improper_list_3() :: nonempty_maybe_improper_list(1, 2, 3)
@type example_term() :: term(1)
@type example_arity() :: arity(1)
@type example_as_boolean(key, key) :: as_boolean(1, 2)
@type example_binary() :: binary(1)
@type example_bitstring() :: bitstring(1)
@type example_boolean() :: boolean(1)
@type example_byte() :: byte(1)
@type example_char() :: char(1)
@type example_charlist() :: charlist(1)
@type example_nonempty_charlist() :: nonempty_charlist(1)
@type example_fun() :: fun(1)
@type example_function() :: function(1)
@type example_identifier() :: identifier(1)
@type example_iodata() :: iodata(1)
@type example_iolist() :: iolist(1)
@type example_keyword(key, key, key) :: keyword(1, 2, 3)
@type example_mfa() :: mfa(1)
@type example_module() :: module(1)
@type example_no_return() :: no_return(1)
@type example_node() :: node(1)
@type example_number() :: number(1)
@type example_struct() :: struct(1)
@type example_timeout() :: timeout(1)
@spec tuple(tuple(integer)) :: example_tuple()
def tuple({integer}) when is_integer(integer),
do: {integer, integer * 2}
@spec bar(bar(integer)) :: example_bar()
def bar({integer}) when is_integer(integer),
do: {integer, integer * 2}
require IEx.Helpers
def types() do
{:docs_v1, _, :elixir, _, _, _, docs} = Code.fetch_docs(__MODULE__)
types =
Enum.filter(docs, fn
{{:type, type_name, _type_arity}, _, _, _, _} ->
case Atom.to_string(type_name) do
<<"example_" <> _rest::binary >> ->
_ ->
_ ->
for {{:type, type_name, arity}, _, _, _, _} <- types do
IO.puts("t #{__MODULE__}.#{type_name}/#{arity}")
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