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Erich Küster ekuester

  • Krefeld / Germany
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ekuester / Install-Fedora-30-with-Live-TV
Created August 15, 2019 11:22
Special Installation Fedora-30 Cinnamon-Spin with Live TV ( revised version of ekuester/Install-Fedora-27-for-Live-TV )
# New installation of Fedora 30, Kernel 5.2.7-200.fc30.x86_64, cinnamon spin-off
# Kodi for LiveTV, LibreOffice and much more
# rEFInd was set as boot manager before installing Fedora 30
# Partitions
# part1(fat32) 200 MiB UEFI to /boot/efi
# part2(ext4) 1024 MiB to /boot
# part3(LVM) containing /root, /home und swap
# set root-password, create a new user as administrator
# start anew
# user kuestere in audio, avahi, users, video, wheel aufnehmen
ekuester / gpxtrack.xml
Last active May 19, 2018 08:27
C++ program to read XML files using libxml++-3.0 especially for parsing GPX tracks
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>2017-02-22 16:56:53</name>
<color red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="1.000000" alpha="1.000000"/>
<area showArea="no" areaDistance="0.000000"/>
<directionArrows showDirectionArrows="yes"/>
<sync syncPhotosOniPhone="no"/>
<timezone offset="60"/>
ekuester / Install-Fedora-27-for-Live-TV
Last active April 2, 2018 15:38
Special Installation Fedora-27 Cinnamon-Spin with Live TV
# Installation of Fedora 27, Kernel 4.13.9-300.fc27.x86_64, cinnamon spin-off
# Kodi for LiveTV, LibreOffice and much more
# rEFInd was set as boot manager before installing Fedora 27
# Partitions
# part1(fat32) 200 MiB UEFI to /boot/efi
# part2(ext4) 1024 MiB to /boot
# part3(LVM) containing /root, /home und swap
# set root-password, create a new user as administrator
# start anew
# add user kuestere to groups audio, avahi, cdrom, users, video, wheel
ekuester / Dual-Boot-Bluetooth-Pairing
Last active July 14, 2022 16:06
How-to bluetooth pair an Apple Magic Mouse in a Dual Boot System with Fedora 27 Linux and macOS 10.13 High Sierra
With help of the python script from <> you will succeed in pairing an Apple Magic Mouse both under Linux Fedora 27 and High Sierra.
# first start Linux Fedora 27
# all commands with $ in front should be executed as root in a terminal, so
$ sudo su
# stop bluetooth services
$ systemctl stop bluetooth.service
# now delete the subdirectories in /var/lib/bluetooth (warning: all bluetooth devices must be newly initialized)
$ rm -frv /var/lib/bluetooth/F8\:63\:3F\:3C\:11\:E3/
# the name of the subdirectory will vary depending on the computer
# start bluetooth services anew