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Created December 23, 2021 12:51
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MEDIUM - 5 Ways To Code a Caesar Cipher - 10
const uppercase = () =>
[...Array(26)].map((n, i) => `${String.fromCharCode(i + "A".charCodeAt())}`);
const lowercase = () =>
[...Array(26)].map((n, i) => `${String.fromCharCode(i + "a".charCodeAt())}`);
const mod = (a, b) => {
const c = a % b;
return c < 0 ? c + b : c;
const chiper = (array, shift) => {
const cipher = {};
array.forEach((value, index) => {
cipher[value] = array[mod(index + shift, array.length)];
return cipher;
const caesarChipher = (shift) => {
return {
...chiper(uppercase(), shift),
...chiper(lowercase(), shift),
const processCharacter = (cipher, character) =>
cipher.hasOwnProperty(character) ? cipher[character] : character;
export default (text, shift) => {
const caesar = caesarChipher(shift);
return [...text].map((c) => processCharacter(caesar, c)).join("");
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