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#!/bin/sh | |
# Make sure to: | |
# 1) Name this file `backup.sh` and place it in /home/ubuntu | |
# 2) Run sudo apt-get install awscli to install the AWSCLI | |
# 3) Run aws configure (enter s3-authorized IAM user and specify region) | |
# 4) Fill in DB host + name | |
# 5) Create S3 bucket for the backups and fill it in below (set a lifecycle rule to expire files older than X days in the bucket) | |
# 6) Run chmod +x backup.sh | |
# 7) Test it out via ./backup.sh | |
# 8) Set up a daily backup at midnight via `crontab -e`: | |
# 0 0 * * * /home/ubuntu/backup.sh > /home/ubuntu/backup.log | |
# DB host (secondary preferred as to avoid impacting primary performance) | |
HOST=db.example.com | |
# DB name | |
DBNAME=my-db | |
# S3 bucket name | |
BUCKET=s3-bucket-name | |
# Linux user account | |
USER=ubuntu | |
# Current time | |
TIME=`/bin/date +%d-%m-%Y-%T` | |
# Backup directory | |
DEST=/home/$USER/tmp | |
# Tar file of backup directory | |
TAR=$DEST/../$TIME.tar | |
# Create backup dir (-p to avoid warning if already exists) | |
/bin/mkdir -p $DEST | |
# Log | |
echo "Backing up $HOST/$DBNAME to s3://$BUCKET/ on $TIME"; | |
# Dump from mongodb host into backup directory | |
/usr/bin/mongodump -h $HOST -d $DBNAME -o $DEST | |
# Create tar of backup directory | |
/bin/tar cvf $TAR -C $DEST . | |
# Upload tar to s3 | |
/usr/bin/aws s3 cp $TAR s3://$BUCKET/ | |
# Remove tar file locally | |
/bin/rm -f $TAR | |
# Remove backup directory | |
/bin/rm -rf $DEST | |
# All done | |
echo "Backup available at https://s3.amazonaws.com/$BUCKET/$TIME.tar" |
I think that the one-liner suggested by @francisdb 1 year ago is the way to go. The "versioning" and life cycle should be auto-managed by S3: use a pre-set, hard-coded archive name in the script. The restore script would take the object's version as the argument (vs. the timestamp). There can also be a simple parsing step coded to get the version by date from the list.
This approach should also take care of accidental multiple or parallel processes as each invocation should technically create a separate S3 object's version. Multi-part upload "emulation" can be achieved by splitting the dump by DB name as suggested above
works fine on ubuntu 16.04 as well ! Thanks
works like a charm 😸 ❤️ Thank you
Thank you man !
script is great yet I have had a problem with uploading to s3, backup is nearly 80mb and it brokes connection, so I switched from aws-cli to s3cmd and it's working perfectly fine
wget -O- -q http://s3tools.org/repo/deb-all/stable/s3tools.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/s3tools.list http://s3tools.org/repo/deb-all/stable/s3tools.list
sudo apt-get install s3cmd
s3cmd --configure
in shell file:
#/usr/bin/aws s3 cp $TAR s3://$BUCKET/
s3cmd put $TAR s3://$BUCKET/$TIME.tar
it worked great. this is great work.
backup and restore works great for me. I just have one question - I have many databases and was wondering if there is a way to backup all databases without defining a list of databases? or recommendation to backup separately for restore purposes? whats the best practice
use to backup 10-12 databases via one script?
@jainmnsh Modify the script so it accepts a list of databases instead of a single one, and have it loop over the list, mongodumping each database in a for loop and uploading it to S3.
thanks @eladnava, yep it worked out really well.
the 2nd part of the question - generally do you prefer to separate tar for each database or one tar bundle all databases? I know the script can do either way but I am thinking it may be better to save each database backup separately in S3?
Yes @jainmnsh it's a better idea to separate the tars because if you need to restore just one database, in an emergency, depending on the size of the other databases, it would take too long to untar the full archive just to restore one database.
when running aws configure
shall I set the default output format to zip? or tar.gz? by default it is json.
I am using Debian on a ec2 container. I keep getting cowardly errors on archiving the database. The data is there and I got it to tar with out the -C by hand. But any time I use the script it fails.
@TopHatMan What is the exact error message you are facing?
will it be okay if the mongodump size is over 11G?
Hi @alidavid0418,
Should be fine, you will need at least 23GB free space on your /
mounted partition. S3 definitely supports large files. :)
Thank you for your kind attention and confirmation. +1
error parsing command line options: expected argument for flag -h, --host', but got option
how to backup MongoDB(ECS container) data backup on s3 bucket
how to run the backup script and where?
and a simpler way to do all this is:
mongodump --archive --gzip | aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/some-file
clean and simple! thanks
@ps-34 You would need to write a custom script for that. Query the database in the script and save the result set to local disk or S3. You would then need a restore script as well.