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Last active February 19, 2025 06:12
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American Express - Add all offers to card at once (bookmarklet)

American Express - Add all offers to card at once

If you own an AMEX card, you can add a bunch of offers to the card in this link:

There are many offers, and they change all the time. Instead of clicking "Add to card" repeatedly, I created this bookmarklet.

In Chrome, add a new bookmark (right click on bookmarks bar -> "Add Page...") with the following URL:

javascript:btns=[...document.querySelectorAll('.offer-cta')].filter(b => b.textContent === 'Add to Card');c=()=>{ b = btns.shift(); if (!b) return;; setTimeout(c, Math.random() * 300) };c();

Just visit that bookmark while on the offers page, and watch the magic happens!

javascript:btns=[...document.querySelectorAll('.offer-cta')].filter(b => b.textContent === 'Add to Card');c=()=>{ b = btns.shift(); if (!b) return;; setTimeout(c, Math.random() * 300) };c();
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batinthestacks commented Feb 18, 2024

The following modified version worked for me. Note I increased the minimum timeout to .8 seconds and log each clicked offer.

javascript:btns=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("button[title='Add to Card']")),(c=()=>{if(!(b=btns.pop()))return console.log("added all!");,console.log("clicked:"+b.getAttribute("aria-label")),setTimeout(c,1500*Math.random()+800)})();

Here it is not minified
btns=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("button[title='Add to Card']"));
c=()=>{ b = btns.pop();
if (!b) return console.log("added all!");;
setTimeout(c, Math.random() * 1500 + 800) };

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