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Last active March 13, 2024 14:12
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(in-package :common-lisp-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload :array-operations)
(ql:quickload :trivial-garbage)
(ql:quickload :rove))
(defpackage :dezero-naive.steps.step19
(:use :common-lisp)
(:shadow :exp)
(in-package :dezero-naive.steps.step19)
(defparameter *enable-backpropagation* t)
(defparameter *retain-gradient* nil)
(defun zeros-like (array)
"return an array of zeros with the same dimensions and element type as a given array"
(aops:zeros* (aops:element-type array) (aops:dims array)))
(defun ones-like (array)
"return an array of ones with the same dimensions and element type as a given array"
(aops:ones* (aops:element-type array) (aops:dims array)))
(defun ensure-array (x)
(if (arrayp x) x (vector x)))
(defgeneric call (function &rest inputs))
(defgeneric forward (function &rest xs))
(defgeneric backward (function-or-variable &optional gys))
(defclass <variable> ()
((data :initarg :data :accessor @data)
(name :initarg :name :initform nil :accessor @name)
(gradient :initform nil :accessor @gradient)
(creator :initform nil :accessor @creator)
(generation :initform 0 :accessor @generation)))
(defun <variable> (data &optional name)
(make-instance '<variable> :data data :name name))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((var <variable>) &key)
(check-type (@data var) array))
(defmethod print-object ((var <variable>) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (var stream :type t :identity nil)
(format stream
"~:@_~<data: ~W ~_name: ~W ~_gradient: ~W ~_creator: ~W ~_generation: ~W~:>"
(list (@data var) (@name var)
(@gradient var) (@creator var) (@generation var)))))
(defmethod shape ((var <variable>))
"list of array dimensions"
(aops:dims (@data var)))
(defmethod ndim ((var <variable>))
"number of array dimensions"
(aops:rank (@data var)))
(defmethod size ((var <variable>))
"number of elements in the array"
(aops:size (@data var)))
(defmethod dtype ((var <variable>))
"data type of array's elements"
(aops:element-type (@data var)))
(defmethod len ((var <variable>))
"number of array's first dimension"
(aops:dim (@data var) 0))
(defclass <function> ()
((inputs :initform nil :accessor @inputs)
(outputs :initform nil :accessor @outputs)
(generation :initform nil :accessor @generation)))
(defmethod print-object ((func <function>) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (func stream :type t :identity nil)
(format stream
"~<generation: ~W~:>"
(list (@generation func)))))
(defmethod set-creator ((var <variable>) func)
(setf (@creator var) func)
(setf (@generation var) (+ (@generation func) 1)))
(defmethod clear-gradient ((var <variable>))
(setf (@gradient var) nil))
(defmethod backward ((var <variable>) &optional gys)
(declare (ignore gys))
(unless (@gradient var)
(setf (@gradient var) (ones-like (@data var))))
(let (funcs seen-set)
(flet ((add-func (f)
(unless (member f seen-set)
(push f funcs)
(pushnew f seen-set)
(setf funcs (sort funcs #'> :key #'@generation)))))
(add-func (@creator var))
(loop :while funcs :do
(let* ((func (pop funcs))
(gys (mapcar (lambda (gy)
(@gradient (tg:weak-pointer-value gy)))
(@outputs func)))
(gxs (uiop:ensure-list (apply #'backward func gys))))
(loop :for x :in (@inputs func)
:for gx :in gxs
:do (with-accessors ((x-grad @gradient)) x
(setf x-grad (if x-grad
(aops:vectorize (x-grad gx)
(+ x-grad gx))
(when (@creator x)
(add-func (@creator x)))))
(unless *retain-gradient*
(dolist (y (@outputs func))
(setf (@gradient (tg:weak-pointer-value y))
(defmethod call ((func <function>) &rest inputs)
(let* ((xs (mapcar #'@data inputs))
(ys (uiop:ensure-list (apply #'forward func xs)))
(outputs (mapcar (lambda (y) (<variable> (ensure-array y))) ys)))
(when *enable-backpropagation*
(setf (@generation func)
(reduce #'max inputs :key #'@generation))
(dolist (output outputs)
(set-creator output func)))
(setf (@inputs func) inputs)
(setf (@outputs func) (mapcar #'tg:make-weak-pointer outputs))
(if (= (length outputs) 1)
(car outputs)
(defclass <add> (<function>) ())
(defun <add> () (make-instance '<add>))
(defun add (&rest xs) (apply #'call (<add>) xs))
(defmethod forward ((func <add>) &rest xs)
(list (destructuring-bind (x0 x1) xs
(aops:vectorize (x0 x1) (+ x0 x1)))))
(defmethod backward ((func <add>) &optional gy)
(list gy gy))
(defclass <square> (<function>) ())
(defun <square> () (make-instance '<square>))
(defun square (x) (call (<square>) x))
(defmethod forward ((func <square>) &rest xs)
(let ((x (first xs)))
(aops:vectorize (x)
(* x x))))
(defmethod backward ((func <square>) &optional gy)
(let* ((x (@data (first (@inputs func))))
(gx (aops:vectorize (x gy) (* x gy 2.0d0))))
(let ((*retain-gradient* nil))
(let* ((x0 (<variable> #(1.0)))
(x1 (<variable> #(1.0)))
(u (add x0 x1))
(y (add x0 u)))
(backward y)
(format t "~A ~A~%~A ~A~%"
(@gradient y) (@gradient u)
(@gradient x0) (@gradient x1))))
(let ((*retain-gradient* t))
(let* ((x0 (<variable> #(1.0)))
(x1 (<variable> #(1.0)))
(u (add x0 x1))
(y (add x0 u)))
(backward y)
(format t "~A ~A~%~A ~A~%"
(@gradient y) (@gradient u)
(@gradient x0) (@gradient x1))))
(defun numerical-diff (f x &optional (eps 1.0d-4))
(let* ((x (@data x))
(x0 (<variable> (aops:vectorize (x) (- x eps))))
(x1 (<variable> (aops:vectorize (x) (+ x eps))))
(y0 (@data (call f x0)))
(y1 (@data (call f x1))))
(aops:vectorize (y1 y0)
(/ (- y1 y0)
(* 2 eps)))))
(defpackage :dezero-naive.steps.step19.test
(:use :common-lisp :rove)
(:import-from :dezero-naive.steps.step19
(in-package :dezero-naive.steps.step19.test)
(defun all-close-efv (x y)
(every (lambda (x) (<= x 1d-08))
(aops:vectorize (x y)
(/ (abs (- x y)) (abs x))))))
(defun all-close-vr (x y)
(>= 1d-08 (aops:vectorize-reduce #'max (x y)
(/ (abs (- x y)) (abs x)))))
(let ((x (aops:generate* 'double-float (lambda () (1+ (random 1.0d0))) '(5000 5000)))
(y (aops:rand '(5000 5000) 'double-float)))
(eql (all-close x y)
(all-close-vr x y)))
(let ((x (aops:generate* 'double-float (lambda () (1+ (random 1.0d0))) '(5000 5000)))
(y (aops:rand '(5000 5000) 'double-float)))
;; warm-up
(all-close x y)
(all-close-vr x y)
;; benchmark
(time (all-close x y))
(time (all-close-vr x y)))
;; Evaluation took:
;; 1.400 seconds of real time
;; 1.381522 seconds of total run time (1.283582 user, 0.097940 system)
;; [ Real times consist of 0.500 seconds GC time, and 0.900 seconds non-GC time. ]
;; [ Run times consist of 0.499 seconds GC time, and 0.883 seconds non-GC time. ]
;; 98.71% CPU
;; 5,287,418,680 processor cycles
;; 2,599,993,824 bytes consed
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.939 seconds of real time
;; 0.944718 seconds of total run time (0.894239 user, 0.050479 system)
;; [ Real times consist of 0.090 seconds GC time, and 0.849 seconds non-GC time. ]
;; [ Run times consist of 0.087 seconds GC time, and 0.858 seconds non-GC time. ]
;; 100.64% CPU
;; 3,585,169,280 processor cycles
;; 2,400,026,576 bytes consed
(deftest square-test
(testing "test forward"
(let* ((x (<variable> #(2.0)))
(y (square x))
(expected #(4.0)))
(ok (equalp (@data y) expected))))
(testing "test backward"
(let* ((x (<variable> #(3.0)))
(y (square x)))
(backward y)
(let ((expected #(6.0)))
(ok (equalp (@gradient x) expected)))))
(testing "test gradient check"
(let* ((x (<variable> (aops:generate (lambda () (random 1.0d0)) 1)))
(y (square x)))
(backward y)
(let ((num-grad (numerical-diff (<square>) x)))
(ok (all-close-vr (@gradient x) num-grad))))))
(run-suite :dezero-naive.steps.step19.test)
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