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Created June 25, 2010 13:16
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  • Save eleclerc/452825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eleclerc/452825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my phing skeleton build file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="change-me" default="build">
<target name="build" description="Placeholder">
<echo msg="See list of availlable tasks by executing: phing -l" />
<target name="lint">
<phplint haltonfailure="yes" level="verbose">
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}">
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<!-- pear channel-discover -->
<!-- pear channel-discover -->
<!-- pear install phpunit/PHPUnit -->
<target name="runtests" description="Run PHPUnit">
<phpunit codecoverage="true" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true">
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}/tests">
<include name="**/*Test*.php" />
<!-- pear channel-discover -->
<!-- pear install phpunit/phpcpd -->
<target name="phpcpd" description="run 'PHP Copy/Paste detector' tool">
<exec command="phpcpd --suffixes php ${project.basedir}" passthru="true" />
<!-- pear channel-discover -->
<!-- pear channel-discover -->
<!-- pear install phpunit/phploc -->
<target name="phploc" description="run 'PHP Line Of Code' tool">
<exec command="phploc --suffixes php ${project.basedir}" passthru="true" />
<!-- pear install PHP_CodeSniffer -->
<target name="phpcs" description="run 'PHP CodeSniffer' with the PEAR coding standards">
command="phpcs --standard=PEAR --extensions=php --report-file=phpcs-report.txt --tab-width=4 ${project.basedir}"
<echo message="CodeSniffer report saved as ${project.basedir}/phpcs-report.txt" />
<!-- pear channel-discover -->
<!-- pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta -->
<target name="pdepend" description="run the PHP Depend tool">
<property name="pdepend.dir" value="/tmp" />
<exec command="pdepend --summary-xml=${pdepend.dir}/summary.xml --jdepend-chart=${pdepend.dir}/jdepend.svg --overview-pyramid=${pdepend.dir}/pyramid.svg --suffix=php,cpt ${project.basedir}" />
<echo message="pdepend reports/graphs in '${pdepend.dir}'" />
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