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Last active January 13, 2018 06:32
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  • Save elect000/09cf4d0029f838995237cf6c71e6d7c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elect000/09cf4d0029f838995237cf6c71e6d7c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
java -jar jblas-1.2.4.jar
-- org.jblas INFO jblas version is 1.2.4
Simple benchmark for jblas
Running sanity benchmarks.
checking vector addition... ok
-- org.jblas CONFIG BLAS native library not found in path. Copying native library from the archive. Consider installing the library somewhere in the path (for Windows: PATH, for Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
-- org.jblas CONFIG ArchFlavor native library not found in path. Copying native library libjblas_arch_flavor from the archive. Consider installing the library somewhere in the path (for Windows: PATH, for Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
-- org.jblas CONFIG Loading from /lib/static/Linux/amd64/, copying to
-- org.jblas ERROR Couldn't load copied link file: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/jblas5239787082843388211/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
On Linux 64bit, you need additional support libraries.
You need to install libgfortran3.
For example for debian or Ubuntu, type "sudo apt-get install libgfortran3"
For more information, see
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.jblas.NativeBlas.dgemm(CCIIID[DII[DIID[DII)V
at org.jblas.NativeBlas.dgemm(Native Method)
at org.jblas.SimpleBlas.gemm(
at org.jblas.DoubleMatrix.mmuli(
at org.jblas.DoubleMatrix.mmul(
at org.jblas.util.SanityChecks.checkMatrixMultiplication(
at org.jblas.util.SanityChecks.main(
at org.jblas.benchmark.Main.main(
-- org.jblas INFO Deleting /tmp/jblas5239787082843388211/
-- org.jblas INFO Deleting /tmp/jblas5239787082843388211
java -server -jar jblas-1.2.4.jar
-- org.jblas INFO jblas version is 1.2.4
Simple benchmark for jblas
Running sanity benchmarks.
checking vector addition... ok
-- org.jblas CONFIG BLAS native library not found in path. Copying native library from the archive. Consider installing the library somewhere in the path (for Windows: PATH, for Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
-- org.jblas CONFIG ArchFlavor native library not found in path. Copying native library libjblas_arch_flavor from the archive. Consider installing the library somewhere in the path (for Windows: PATH, for Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
-- org.jblas CONFIG Loading from /lib/static/Linux/amd64/, copying to
-- org.jblas CONFIG Loading from /lib/static/Linux/amd64/sse3/, copying to
checking matrix multiplication... ok
checking existence of dsyev...... ok
[-0.210656, -0.640445, -0.451188; -0.509085, -0.116445, 0.796815; -0.807515, 0.407556, -0.398408; 0.210656, 0.640445, -0.052780]
[17.233688; 1.414214; 0.000000]
[-0.470605, 0.782218, 0.408248; -0.571449, 0.082339, -0.816497; -0.672293, -0.617540, 0.408248]
[17.233688; 1.414214; 0.000000]
checking existence of dgesvd...... ok
Checking complex return values... (z = -21.0 + 88.0i)
Check whether we're catching XERBLA errors. If you see something like "** On entry to DGEMM parameter number 4 had an illegal value", it didn't work!
checking XERBLA... ok
Sanity checks passed.
Each benchmark will take about 5 seconds...
Running benchmark "native matrix multiplication, single precision".
n = 10 : 1.281 GFLOPS (3203374 iterations in 5.0 seconds)
n = 100 : 11.192 GFLOPS (27980 iterations in 5.0 seconds)
n = 1000 : 18.981 GFLOPS (48 iterations in 5.1 seconds)
-- org.jblas INFO Deleting /tmp/jblas6793705967272229922/
-- org.jblas INFO Deleting /tmp/jblas6793705967272229922/
-- org.jblas INFO Deleting /tmp/jblas6793705967272229922
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