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Suraj Nath electron0zero

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electron0zero / convert_go-kit_slog.bash
Created October 25, 2024 13:26 — forked from tjhop/convert_go-kit_slog.bash
Convert go-kit/log to slog calls
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# License: Apache-2.0
# Description: Convert go-kit/log to slog calls
# Authors:
# - Ben Kochie (@superq)
# - TJ Hoplock (@tjhop)
electron0zero / bloom.go
Created August 9, 2024 22:37
Read some blooms in golang using "" and dump them into stdout, only tested for bloom created using ""
package main
import (
electron0zero /
Last active December 5, 2023 07:55
Benchmarking Object Store with Minio Wrap

This test is done aginst a local instace of Minio, running on my laptop (Intel® Core™ i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz × 8, Linux x1-carbon 6.2.0-37-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux)

wrap can be found at

Benchmarking Object Store

Mixed benchmark

$ warp mixed --host= --access-key=$MINIO_KEY --secret-key=$MINIO_SEC --autoterm --bucket=test
electron0zero /
Last active September 19, 2023 17:24 — forked from noahp/
Dell Universal Dock D6000 on ubuntu - Updated Sep 19, 2023
electron0zero /
Created April 22, 2021 12:15
GitHub rename master to main for local repos.

The default branch has been renamed!

master is now named main

If you have a local clone, you can update it by running:

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a
electron0zero /
Created March 6, 2021 16:32
Rails new without all the extra stuff
rails new . my-app --database=postgresql --skip-webpack-install --skip-test --skip-turbolinks --skip-javascript --skip-spring --skip-sprockets --skip-action-cable --skip-active-storage --skip-active-job --skip-action-text --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-mailer
electron0zero / sidekiq_monitoring
Created July 7, 2020 12:27 — forked from ngsmrk/sidekiq_monitoring
Sidekiq queue checking via rails console
stats =
# Copyright (c) 2014 Lukas Fittl <[email protected]>
# Released in the public domain - fork as you wish.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mixlib/cli'
require 'pg'
require 'pg_query'
require 'curses'
electron0zero /
Created June 30, 2020 13:37
Using Logstasher in Rails

Setting Logstasher for Rails

Logstasher's tagline is Awesome Logging for Rails !!, and it does what it says.

we have been using it in prod, and it's working fine.

Our logging setup is Logstasher -> Filebeat Sidecar -> Logstash -> Elasticsearch -> Kibana

  • Logstasher for json fomatted logs
electron0zero / httparty_logger_and_debug.rb
Created June 16, 2020 11:01
Playing Around with httparty request logger and debug feature
require 'httparty'
require 'rails'
# Or wrap things up in your own class
class StackExchange
include HTTParty
# make sure logger is at info for HTTParty Logger to work
Rails.logger.level = 0