brew update
brew install pyenv
Add the following line to ~/.bash_profile
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
pyenv virtualenvwrapper
Add the following to ~/.bash_profile
Restart your shell or source your profile:
source ~/.bash_profile
git clone ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-pip-rehash
List available Python versions you can install:
pyenv install --list
Install a Python version
pyenv install 2.7.8
pyenv install 3.4.1
See what Python versions you have installed:
pyenv versions
Switch Python versions globally or locally:
pyenv global 2.7.8
pyenv local 2.7.8
Create a virtualenv:
mkvirtualenv my-venv
Install a package with pip:
pip install ipython
First you need to have installed virtualenvwrapper with pip
pip install virtualenvwrapper