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Created February 25, 2020 21:08
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  • Save elicwhite/c1d9dcc87a4ed37923eaa971f059a21b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Possible Codegen configuration
const Codegen = require('react-native-codegen');
const FlowParser = require('react-native-codegen-flow-parser');
const FabricObjcGenerator = require('react-native-codegen-fabric-objc-generator');
const ViewConfigGenerator = require('react-native-codegen-viewconfig-generator');
const MarkdownDocumentationGenerator = require('react-native-codegen-markdown-generator');
schema: new FlowParser({
files: ["src/*NativeComponent.js", "src/*NativeModule.js"],
otherConfig: true
generators: [
new FabricObjcGenerator({
bridgeTypes: {
ColorPrimitive: {
header: ...,
kind: ...,
nativeTypeName: ...,
destFolder: "",
new ViewConfigGenerator({
destFolder: "",
new MarkdownDocumentationGenerator({
destFolder: "",
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