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Last active November 9, 2017 10:03
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Pursuance: elevator pitch

What is Pursuance?

Pursuance is a software tool for effectively organizing individuals to achieve a shared mission.

Our free, open source, and secure Pursuance System software enables participants to: create action-oriented groups called "pursuances", discuss how best to achieve their mission, rapidly record exciting strategies and ideas in an actionable form (namely as tasks), divvy up those tasks among one other, share files and documents, get summoned when relevant events occur (e.g., when they are assigned a task, or when mentioned), request help from others, receive social recognition for their contributions, and to delegate tasks to other pursuances in this ecosystem in order to harness its collective intelligence, passion, and expertise.

Pursuance can be used for a great many things. But we, its creators, have certain interests. Specifically, we are focused on organizing activists, journalists, and non-profits in order to solve serious problems we face as a society -- the surveillance state, the police state, the drug war, and many more.

Fundamentally, we aim to confront and correct, via an energetic, global network of forward-thinking individuals, the injustices imposed on society by criminalized institutions the world over.

To learn more, please see or follow us on Twitter at @PursuanceProj.

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