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Created May 29, 2023 17:06
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  • Save eliocamp/d9a9c0ccd42ea81fda4f47ce135af075 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Monitor a download in progress and print a progress bar with speed and eta.
total <- 116653684*1024 # change your total dir size here
folder_size <- function() {
system('du -s "[folder]"', intern = TRUE) %>% # change your dest folder here
strsplit(split = "\t", fixed = TRUE) %>%
.[[1]] %>%
.[1] %>%
dt <- 5
speed <- NA
size_before <- 0
size_now <- 0
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = total, format = "[:bar]:spin :size (:percent) - :speed - :est", clear = FALSE)
while (size_now < total) {
size_now <- folder_size()*1024
speed <- (size_now - size_before)/dt
est <- (total - size_now)/speed
est <- prettyunits::vague_dt(format = "short", as.difftime(est, units = "secs"))
speed <- paste0(scales::label_bytes()(speed), "/s")
pb$update(ratio = size_now/total, tokens = list(size = scales::label_bytes()(size*1024),
speed = speed, est = est))
size_before <- size_now
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