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Created November 2, 2020 05:24
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G3N testing
package main
import (
func main() {
a := new(App)
a.Application = app.App()
// Creates application logger
a.log = logger.New("G3ND", nil)
a.log.SetFormat(logger.FTIME | logger.FMICROS)
// Create scenes
a.scene = core.NewNode()
// Create camera and orbit control
width, height := a.GetSize()
aspect := float32(width) / float32(height) = camera.New(aspect)
a.scene.Add( // Add camera to scene (important for audio demos)
a.orbit = camera.NewOrbitControl(
// Create and add ambient light to scene
a.ambLight = light.NewAmbient(&math32.Color{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, 0.5)
// Sets the default window resize event handler
a.Subscribe(window.OnWindowSize, func(evname string, ev interface{}) { a.OnWindowResize() })
// Subscribe to key events
a.Subscribe(window.OnKeyDown, func(evname string, ev interface{}) {
kev := ev.(*window.KeyEvent)
if kev.Key == window.KeyEscape { // ESC terminates the program
// Setup application
// Run application
// App contains the application state
type App struct {
*app.Application // Embedded standard application object
log *logger.Logger // Application logger
scene *core.Node // Scene rendered
// demoScene *core.Node // Scene populated by individual demos
ambLight *light.Ambient // Scene ambient light
// Camera and orbit control
camera *camera.Camera // Camera
orbit *camera.OrbitControl // Orbit control
// Terrain model
terrain *TerrainModel
// Setup sets up the scene
func (a *App) Setup() {
// Destroy all objects in demo scene and GUI
// Clear subscriptions with ID (every subscribe called by demos should use the app address as ID so we can unsubscribe here)
// Clear all custom cursors and reset current cursor
// Set default background color
a.Gls().ClearColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)
// Reset renderer z-sorting flag
// Reset ambient light
a.ambLight.SetColor(&math32.Color{1.0, 1.0, 1.0})
// Reset camera, 0, 5){0, 0, 0}, &math32.Vector3{0, 1, 0})
// Set up orbit control for the camera
// camera.NewOrbitControl(
a.terrain = &TerrainModel{}
// Run runs the application render loop
func (a *App) Run() {
// Update updates the scene
func (a *App) Update(rend *renderer.Renderer, deltaTime time.Duration) {
// Clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers
a.Gls().Clear(gls.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gls.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | gls.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) // TODO maybe do inside renderer, and allow customization
// Update the current running demo if any
if a.terrain != nil {
a.terrain.Update(a, deltaTime)
// Render scene
err := rend.Render(a.scene,
if err != nil {
// Update GUI timers
// gui.Manager().TimerManager.ProcessTimers()
// AmbLight returns the default scene ambient light
func (a *App) AmbLight() *light.Ambient {
return a.ambLight
// Log returns the application logger
func (a *App) Log() *logger.Logger {
return a.log
// Scene returns the current application 3D scene
func (a *App) Scene() *core.Node {
return a.scene
// Camera returns the current application camera
func (a *App) Camera() *camera.Camera {
// Orbit returns the current camera orbit control
func (a *App) Orbit() *camera.OrbitControl {
return a.orbit
// OnWindowResize is default handler for window resize events.
func (a *App) OnWindowResize() {
// Get framebuffer size and set the viewport accordingly
width, height := a.GetFramebufferSize()
a.Gls().Viewport(0, 0, int32(width), int32(height))
// Set camera aspect ratio / float32(height))
package main
import (
// TerrainModel is your test object. You can store state here.
// By convention and to avoid conflict with other demo/tests name it
// using your test category and name.
type TerrainModel struct {
grid *helper.Grid // Pointer to a GridHelper created in 'Start'
// Start will be called once when the test is selected from the G3ND list.
// 'a' is a pointer to the G3ND application.
// It allows access to several methods such as a.Scene(), which returns the current scene,
// a.DemoPanel(), a.Camera(), a.Window() among others.
// You can build your scene adding your objects to the a.Scene()
func (t *TerrainModel) Start(a *App) {
// Show axis helper
ah := helper.NewAxes(1.0)
// Creates a grid helper and saves its pointer in the test state
t.grid = helper.NewGrid(50, 1, &math32.Color{0.4, 0.4, 0.4})
// Changes the camera position
a.Camera().SetPosition(0, 4, 10)
a.Camera().LookAt(math32.NewVector3(0, 0, 0), math32.NewVector3(0, 1, 0))
// Update method will be called at every frame
// You can animate your objects here.
func (t *TerrainModel) Update(a *App, deltaTime time.Duration) {
// Rotate the grid, just for show.
// rps := float32(deltaTime.Seconds()) * 2 * math32.Pi
// t.grid.RotateY(rps * 0.05)
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