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Created October 17, 2010 16:20
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concurrent sieve of erathostenes - analogy with go example
run(M) ->
Numbers = lists:seq(3, M),
Startpid = self(),
spawn_link(fun() -> prime_filter(Startpid, 2, Numbers) end),
gather() ->
%% concatenate received primes
{Prime, finish} ->
{Number} ->
prime_filter(StartPid, Prime, []) ->
StartPid ! {Prime, finish};
prime_filter(StartPid, Prime, List) ->
Indivisible = lists:filter(fun(Elem) -> (Elem rem Prime) /= 0 end, List),
[NextPrime|Rest] = Indivisible,
StartPid ! {Prime},
spawn(fun() -> prime_filter(StartPid, NextPrime, Rest) end).
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