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Last active March 28, 2024 12:27
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Windows pwsh aliases
Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)
Invoke-Expression (& { (zoxide init powershell | Out-String) })
function Get-GitStatus { & git status -sb $args }
New-Alias -Name gs -Value Get-GitStatus -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitDiff { & git diff $args}
New-Alias -Name gd -Value Get-GitDiff -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitAdd { & git add -A . $args }
New-Alias -Name gaa -Value Get-GitAdd -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitCommit { & git commit -m $args }
New-Alias -Name gcm -Value Get-GitCommit -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitPush { & git push origin $args}
New-Alias -Name gpo -Value Get-GitPush -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitPull { & git pull $args }
New-Alias -Name gl -Value Get-GitPull -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitFetch { & git fetch origin $args }
New-Alias -Name gfo -Value Get-GitFetch -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitCheckout { & git checkout $args }
New-Alias -Name gc -Value Get-GitCheckout -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitLogPretty { git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit }
New-Alias -Name gll -Value Get-GitLogPretty -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitListRemote { git ls-remote --heads }
New-Alias -Name glrh Get-GitListRemote -Force -Option AllScope
function Get-GitResetHeadHard { git reset HEAD --hard }
New-Alias -Name grhh Get-GitResetHeadHard -Force -Option AllScope
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