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Created May 16, 2021 16:07
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Fixing Nuxt client-side rendered virtual DOM error in vuetify
  1. Define isHydrated in data property and set default value false.
data: {
  return {
    isHydrated: false,
  1. Define breakpoint computed property and set some default value of $vuetify breakpoints.
computed: {
  breakpoint() {
    return this.isHydrated
      ? this.$vuetify.breakpoint
      : { smAndUp: true, xsOnly: false };
  1. Set isHydrated value true in mounted hook.
mounted() {
  this.isHydrated = true;
  1. Use breakpoint computed property instead of $vuetify.breakpoint in template.
  <v-app id="app">
      <v-btn>My Profile</v-btn>
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