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Lizzie Siegle elizabethsiegle

View GitHub Profile
elizabethsiegle / resume.json
Last active February 2, 2024 04:19
"$schema": "",
"basics": {
"name": "Elizabeth (Lizzie) Siegle",
"label": "Developer && Evangelist @ Twilio | writer | events, etc. newsletter 💌:",
"image": ",h_264,c_fill,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep,g_auto/",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "call (855) 302-1845",
"url": "",
"summary": "Software dev💻 who loves❤️ devs and helps them be successful🏆. Led teams/projects for Twilio's dev conference, SIGNAL🎙️. \n\nAlso an AI🤖 enthusiast, international + keynote speaker🎙, event-organizer📆, community-builder👯‍♀️, 4th gen. Bay Arean 🌁, and proud Bryn Mawr CompSci alumna",
"description": "A New Flow",
"states": [
"name": "Trigger",
"type": "trigger",
"transitions": [
"next": "what_did_you_guess",
"event": "incomingMessage"
elizabethsiegle / wordlesolver.json
Created February 22, 2022 18:54
wordle solver studio flow
"description": "A New Flow",
"states": [
"name": "Trigger",
"type": "trigger",
"transitions": [
"next": "what_did_you_guess",
"event": "incomingMessage"
elizabethsiegle / what_twilio_product_are_you.json
Created May 13, 2020 22:01
Complete Autopilot questions for "What Twilio Product are you"
"actions": [
"collect": {
"name": "what_twilio_product_are_you",
"questions": [
"question": "1. What is your favorite color?\n A. red🔴\n B. black🖤\n C. lavender \n D. yellow",
"name": "color",
"validate": {
elizabethsiegle / startRecording.swift
Created December 7, 2018 19:03
Complete startRecording() function for Travel the World via Speech Recognition and FlyoverKit in Swift Part 2
func startRecording() {
if recognitionTask != nil { //created when request kicked off by the recognizer. used to track progress of a transcription or cancel it
recognitionTask = nil
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
do {
try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category(rawValue: convertFromAVAudioSessionCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.record)), mode: .default)
try audioSession.setMode(AVAudioSession.Mode.measurement)
try audioSession.setActive(true, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am elizabethsiegle on github.
  • I am lizziepika ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is C10E 28F7 D26D 6680 A213 FD3F 24C3 B775 C1B8 E16B

To claim this, I am signing this object:

elizabethsiegle / The Technical Interview Cheat
Created October 19, 2016 06:28 — forked from tsiege/The Technical Interview Cheat
This is my technical interview cheat sheet. Feel free to fork it or do whatever you want with it. PLEASE let me know if there are any errors or if anything crucial is missing. I will add more links soon.

Studying for a Tech Interview Sucks, so Here's a Cheat Sheet to Help

This list is meant to be a both a quick guide and reference for further research into these topics. It's basically a summary of that comp sci course you never took or forgot about, so there's no way it can cover everything in depth. It also will be available as a gist on Github for everyone to edit and add to.

Data Structure Basics

###Array ####Definition:

  • Stores data elements based on an sequential, most commonly 0 based, index.
  • Based on tuples from set theory.
elizabethsiegle / facebook-cookie.MD
Last active September 12, 2016 16:26 — forked from sorenlouv/facebook-cookie.MD
Get "xs" value from Facebook cookie
elizabethsiegle /
Created August 11, 2016 00:24 — forked from stephenlb/
DIY How to make your own HD Animated GIF Generator

HD Animated GIF Generator

You can make your own HD animated GIF generator.
Follow along with these commands to get started.

HD Animated GIF Generator

git clone git://
cd ffmpeg
# bash/zsh completion support for core Git.
# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <[email protected]>
# Conceptually based on gitcompletion (
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
# The contained completion routines provide support for completing:
# *) local and remote branch names
# *) local and remote tag names