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Last active May 19, 2017 20:29
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Javascript Promises

A Promise is a Javascript object that takes in a function, called the executor. The executor itself takes in two parameters, resolve and reject, that are themselves functions. Inside the promise, resolve must be invoked with the sucessful returned value of the promise instance. You can also invoke the reject function with the reason for the promise instance's failure, although doing so is optional.

Promises are used to capture the values of asynchronous functions. They resolve only once the asynchronous function has returned.

.then and .catch

Promises have two very important methods: .then and .catch

then is used for chaining promises. You invoke .then with one and optionally two functions. The first function specifies what to do in the case that the above promise fulfilled, and the second function specifies what to do in the case that the above promise rejected.

catch is used for error handling. You invoke .catch with a function which specifies what to do if any of the promises in the promise chain rejected.

Here is a simple promise example with puppies!

const maybePuppy = () => {
	let randomNum = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 10 ); // generate a random number between 1 and 10
	if (randomNum % 2){ // if our random number is odd 
		return 'A PUPPY!'; // then we return a puppy
	} else { // if it's even
		return null; // we return nothing 

const puppyPromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { // here we are making a new promise instance 
	setTimeout( () => { // we are using setTimeout for 2 seconds to mimic an async request 
		let puppy = maybePuppy();
		if (puppy) { // if our request returns a puppy, then we resolve with that puppy
		} else { // otherwise, if it returns null, we reject our promise with an error 
			reject(new Error( 'No puppies for you :(' ));
    }, 2000);

.then(puppy => console.log(puppy)) // if we get a puppy, we will log it here
.catch(console.error); // if we get an error, we will also log it 

Try the above code block it out on!

Note that if we want to do anything with our returned puppy, we will have to do so WITHIN the promise chain, like so:

.then(puppy => 'itty bitty ' + puppy.toLowerCase())
.then(modifiedPuppy => console.log(modifiedPuppy))

Try the above code block out on!


The final promise method to be aware of is Promise.all. Unlike .then and .catch, .all is a method on the Promise constructor, not on its prototype. Promise.all takes an array of promises, and returns a promise of an array.

Here is a Promise.all example that gives us many different baby animals, not just puppies!

const maybeBabyAnimal = (babyAnimal) => {
	let randomNum = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 10 ); 
	if (randomNum > 2){
		return babyAnimal;
	} else {
		return null;

const puppyPromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { 
	setTimeout( () => { 
		let puppy = maybeBabyAnimal('PUPPY');
		if (puppy) { 
		} else { 
			reject(new Error( 'Puppy promise rejected! No puppies for you :(' ));
    }, 2000);

const kittyPromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { 
	setTimeout( () => { 
		let kitty = maybeBabyAnimal('KITTY');
		if (kitty) { 
		} else { 
			reject(new Error( 'Kitty promise rejected! No kitties for you :(' ));
    }, 2000);

const chickPromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { 
	setTimeout( () => { 
		let chick = maybeBabyAnimal('CHICK');
		if (chick) { 
		} else { 
			reject(new Error( 'Chick promise rejected! No chicks for you :(' ));
    }, 2000);

Promise.all([puppyPromise, kittyPromise,chickPromise]) // Promise.all lets us pass an array of all our baby animal promises 
.then(babyAnimals => babyAnimals.join(', '))
.then(babyAnimalStr => console.log(babyAnimalStr))
.catch(console.error); // if we get an error, print out the error so we know which promise rejected 

Try the above code block out on!

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