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# Cordova Global | |
plugins/ | |
# iOS Platform | |
platforms/ios/build/ | |
platforms/ios/www/ | |
platforms/ios/cordova/console.log | |
*.xcuserdatad | |
# Android Platform | |
platforms/android/.gradle | |
platforms/android/build | |
platforms/android/assets/www | |
platforms/android/local.properties | |
platforms/android/CordovaLib/build | |
platforms/android/CordovaLib/gen | |
platforms/android/CordovaLib/local.properties | |
# wp8 | |
platforms/wp8/bin | |
platforms/wp8/obj | |
platforms/wp8/www | |
platforms/wp8/.staging | |
platforms/wp8/*.suo | |
platforms/wp8/*.csproj.user | |
# Windows Universal App (Windows Platform) | |
platforms/windows/build | |
platforms/windows/www | |
platforms/windows/AppPackages | |
# Electron | |
platforms/electron/build | |
platforms/electron/build-res | |
platforms/electron/www | |
platforms/electron/config.xml | |
platforms/electron/electron.json | |
# Browser | |
platforms/browser/www | |
# res | |
resources/signing | |
# Node JS + TS | |
logs | |
*.log | |
npm-debug.log* | |
yarn-debug.log* | |
yarn-error.log* | |
pids | |
*.pid | |
*.seed | |
*.pid.lock | |
lib-cov | |
coverage | |
.nyc_output | |
.grunt | |
bower_components | |
.lock-wscript | |
build/Release | |
dist/ | |
node_modules/ | |
jspm_packages/ | |
typings/ | |
.npm | |
.eslintcache | |
.node_repl_history | |
*.tgz | |
.yarn-integrity | |
.env | |
.env.test | |
.cache | |
.next | |
.nuxt | |
.vuepress/dist | |
.serverless/ | |
.fusebox/ | |
.dynamodb/ | |
# Windows | |
ehthumbs.db | |
ehthumbs_vista.db | |
*.stackdump | |
[Dd]esktop.ini | |
*.lnk | |
# Linux | |
.fuse_hidden* | |
.directory | |
.Trash-* | |
.nfs* | |
# Mac | |
.DS_Store | |
.AppleDouble | |
.LSOverride | |
.DocumentRevisions-V100 | |
.fseventsd | |
.Spotlight-V100 | |
.TemporaryItems | |
.Trashes | |
.VolumeIcon.icns | |
.com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent | |
.AppleDB | |
.AppleDesktop | |
.apdisk |
Updated to include node ignores, thx a million for that feedback
nice 🍸 - thanks
Need to add plugin/
Good catch, adding
can't seem to emoji within gist comments, but thanks @elliot-labs
No prob 😁😁😁
Integrate Linux too...
Super useful, thank you !
Hi @Baneeishaque,
Added Linux!
Super useful, thank you !
No prob :)
# Electron Platform
Not sure, if there's more.
Thanks for sharing!
# Electron Platform platforms/electron/build platforms/electron/build-res platforms/electron/www
Not sure, if there's more.
Thanks for sharing!
Added electron support, thx for the heads up!
Is no longer correct, it is under platforms/android/app/src/main/assets/www
Acording to latest docs, you should not be including platforms nor plugins folders on version control: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-cli/#version-control
So this gitignore can be greatly simplified
Acording to latest docs, you should not be including platforms nor plugins folders on version control: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-cli/#version-control
So this gitignore can be greatly simplified
to exclude platforms folder makes no sense if you have modified/additional code imho
It is a hit or miss sorta thing. One is supposed to be able to have the config file inject your changes but that doesn't cover every scenerio. I think I am gonna keep it this way and I can have a fork that does the platform and plugins folder.
Is no longer correct, it is underplatforms/android/app/src/main/assets/www
thx for the heads up, I'll get it updated shortly
So true, needs node_module.
thanks for that comment. I need to integrate NPM/Node ignores.