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Last active June 23, 2016 18:59
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Redshift Connection Killer
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
import json
import argparse
from classes.Config import Config
from classes.pg_tools import PGInteraction
from classes.Logger import Logger as l
from pprint import pprint
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
l = l()
RESERVED_USERS = ['admin', 'alooma', 'rdsdb']
conf = Config()
pg_db_name = conf['cosmo']['db_name']
pg_user = conf['cosmo']['user']
pg_host = conf['cosmo']['host']
pg_password = conf['cosmo']['password']
pg_port = conf['cosmo']['port']
pg = PGInteraction(dbname=pg_db_name,host=pg_host,user=pg_user,password=pg_password,port=pg_port,schema='public')
c_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=60)
sql = """
select process from stv_sessions
where starttime <= '%(a)s'
and user_name not in ('%(u)s') and db_name <> 'dev'
and process not in
( select pid
from stv_recents
where status = 'Running')
and process not in
( select pid
from stl_query
where starttime >= '%(a)s'
and database <>'dev')""" % ({'a': c_date, 'u': "','".join((str(n) for n in RESERVED_USERS))})
l.l('\n' + sql + '\n')
result = pg.fetch_sql(sql)
kill_list = [x[0] for x in result]
kill_len = len(kill_list)
l.l(str(kill_len) + " connections to be killed")
if kill_len == 0:
l.l("no work to do")
for k in kill_list:
sql_kill = 'select pg_terminate_backend(%s);' % (str(k))
l.l("connection %s killed: " % str(k))
l.l('kill list complete')
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