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Last active June 25, 2022 14:25
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package mathema
import "errors"
type Config struct{
ExtraPoint float64
IsExtra bool
type Calculate struct{
config Config
func NewCalculate(config Config) *Calculate{
return &Calculate{config: config}
func (cal *Calculate) Calculate(operator string, firstValue, secondValue float64) (float64,error){
if operator == ""{
return 0,errors.New("Invalid operator")
if cal.config.IsExtra {
result, err := Compute(operator,firstValue,secondValue)
if err != nil{
return 0,err
return result + cal.config.ExtraPoint,nil
return Compute(operator,firstValue,secondValue)
func Compute(operator string,firstValue,secondValue float64)(float64,error){
switch operator {
case "+":
return firstValue +secondValue,nil
case "-":
return firstValue -secondValue,nil
case "*":
return firstValue*secondValue,nil
case "/":
return firstValue /secondValue,nil
return 0,errors.New("provided operator not supported")
// mathema can used with main like belong
package main
import (
func main(){
config := mathema.Config{ExtraPoint:20,IsExtra:true}
calculator := mathema.NewCalculator(config)
res, err:=calculator.Calculate("+",5,5)
if err != nil {
// your task is to modify the mathema package
// 1. the calculate can be called by using configuration
// 2. calculate can be called by not using configuration
// such that a user can use the package like below
package main
import (
func main(){
config := mathema.Config{ExtraPoint:20,IsExtra:true,Operator:"+"}
calculator := mathema.NewCalculator(config)
result, err:=calculator.Calculate(5,5)
if err != nil {
//should be 30
result2,err := mathema.Calculate("-",15,5)
if err != nil {
//should be 10
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