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Created August 9, 2024 13:40
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export const DEFAULT_CACHE_SECONDS = 15
* We're **not** using upstash or the Vercel KV SDK here to avoid package conflicts
* instead we're using vercel KV's REST API directly:
const createClient = <T>({ token, url }: { token: string; url: string }) => {
return {
get: async (key: string): Promise<T | null> => {
const result = await (
await fetch(url, {
body: `["GET", "${key}"]`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
method: 'POST',
if (result.result) {
return JSON.parse(result.result)
} else {
return null
set: async (
key: string,
value: T,
options: {
ex?: number
) => {
const result = await (
await fetch(
`${url}/set/${key}?EX=${options.ex || DEFAULT_CACHE_SECONDS}`,
body: JSON.stringify(value),
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
method: 'POST',
return result.result
* @param fetcher Function a function that returns the data to be cached
* @param cacheKey string the cache key
* @param options object
* @param options.ex number the number of seconds to cache the data
* @returns Promise<any> the data from the fetcher
* todo: could be generically typed
export const withKVCache = async <T>(
fetcher: () => Promise<T>,
cacheKey: string,
options: { ex: number } = { ex: DEFAULT_CACHE_SECONDS },
) => {
const kvClient =
process.env.KV_REST_API_URL && process.env.KV_REST_API_TOKEN
? createClient<T>({
token: process.env.KV_REST_API_TOKEN,
url: process.env.KV_REST_API_URL,
: undefined
if (!kvClient) {
return fetcher()
const cacheResult = await kvClient.get(cacheKey)
if (cacheResult) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.debug(`[KV_CACHE:HIT] ${cacheKey}`, cacheResult)
return cacheResult
const fetchResult = await fetcher()
const kvResult = await kvClient.set(cacheKey, fetchResult, {
ex: options.ex,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`[KV_CACHE:MISS] ${cacheKey} [ex:${options.ex}], cached: ${kvResult}`,
return fetchResult
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