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Last active August 8, 2021 13:24
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Simple Dependency Injection in Python
# I'm using Django models as inspiration in this example
from mymodels import User, Org
# You could also call these Getters or DAOs etc
# The point is that they perform some kind of
# side effect like talking to a DB or an API
class UserConnector:
def get_user(id: str) -> User:
return User.objects.get(id=id)
class OrgConnector:
def get_org(id: str) -> Org:
return Org.objects.get(id=id)
# Service is a collection of business logic
# that we want to have Dependency Injection support
# By injecting all the Connectors,
# we have good separation of concerns
# and testing becomes simple
class UserService:
# We can pass in the default implementations here and
# replace them in tests or if we do a UserService V2
# that coexists with V1 but has different Connectors.
user_connector: UserConnector = UserConnector()
org_connector: OrgConnector = OrgConnector()
def get_user_with_org(self, id: str) -> User:
return {
'user': self.user_connector.get_user(id),
'org': self.org_connector.get_org(id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# can be parametrised with Mock user_connector and org_connector
s = UserService()
user = s.get_user_with_org("123")
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