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Justin Johnson elof

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elof /
Last active August 24, 2021 20:08
Incident Summary 19-08-2020

Incident Summary:

Incident Description: Start Date/Time: 07:00, 2021-08-19 End Date/Time: 13:56, 2021-08-19 / TIme format is 24h in UTC Time Zone /

Issue Description: On 19 August between 0700 and 1230 UTC, a maintenance window was initiated for the ap-west region. Maintenance windows are designed to have no disruption to users with global endpoints. In this situation, intermittent connectivity issues manifested in a maintenance window that extended for 1 hour beyond initial scope.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am elof on github.
  • I am el0f ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCQ_5MOqp1RpheeZgSAS0GPqJcRt1YC7ckMOY-7HYFFIAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

elof / salesforce-csv-process.rb
Created March 3, 2017 00:10
A script to parce a salesforce generated CSV into JSON and pass to Keen IO
# Salesforce CSV import
# Author: Jevon Wild <[email protected]>
# Creation Date: 15 DEC 2016
# This file contains one method for processing multiple CSVs in the same
# directory and returning a block of bulk events for immediate ingestion. It
# does assume the events are in a particular format (for the Addons) so it would
# probably need to be modified for other use
elof / index.ios.js
Created February 28, 2017 21:56
Using Keen IO to collect and query event data in React Native
* Sample React Native App
* @flow
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
elof /
Created August 26, 2013 23:04
GA WDI final project

Rebuilding site.

Connect developers to code together based on shared interists.

People connect via GitHub connect and create profiles. From their profiles they can make project pages. Other users can search for projects based on code language and topics (i.e. sharing economy) and can either star or apply to projects.

Project owners can deny applicants or let them in as collaborators, but before they do they can review profiles and schedule times to interview or better yet schedule a time to pair program together.

elof /
Last active December 21, 2015 09:29
Schema Design Lab


elof /
Last active December 20, 2015 13:59
Wigwm by Second-Hand Startup

There is lots of awesome happening all over SF, the city is alway bustling with parties and there are endless places to go with an influx of people coming to the city and leaving the city.

For me this is both a blessing and a curse! There is always something to do, but this environment makes it really hard to find and make new friends. SF is a transient city and all the years I've been here the most meaningful friendships come out of work friends.

We are building an app that helps connect with the people around them to do fun things and get to know each other, and we call it Wigwm (for context, a Wigwam is large building where Native American's would all come together to eat and build community). On Wigwam folks can post events so they can find people around them to share experiences. A perfect use case is someone just moved to SF for work and wants to check out a new bar in their neighborhood next thursday. They can post an event at the bar and say they are looking for 3 people to check out happy hour with

Task Code
Change the background color of '#target' by script. $('#target').css('background', 'blue');
Change the text in the span, a child of '#target' $('#target span').text('foo:bar');
Create a clone of the span in '#target' and position it under the orgin. $('#target span').clone().insertAfter('#target span');
Change background color of the second of three '.target'. $('.target').eq(1).css('background', 'blue');
Disable the button $('.target button').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
Uncheck the boxes $('.target input').removeAttr('checked');
Move '#child' from '#parent1' to '#parent2' $('#child').appendTo('#parent2');
Make the textbox in '#target' read-only $('#target input').attr('readonly', 'readonly')
elof /
Last active December 19, 2015 00:58


What happens if you callh[:lolcats] on an empty hash?

It will return nil (and you'll give co-workers the giggles) Create a hash using a literal and another using new

Option A

my_hash = {}