Also see the original Pieter Noordhuis's guide
You need:
- Raspberry Pi Model B (or B+) with a MicroSD Card $35-40
- An RTL-SDR dongle:
<!-- /templates/collection.liquid --> | |
{% paginate collection.products by 12 %} | |
<div data-section-id="{{ }}" data-section-type="collection-template" data-sort-enabled="{{ section.settings.collection_sort_enable }}" data-tags-enabled="{{ section.settings.collection_tag_enable }}"> | |
<header class="grid"> | |
<h1 class="grid__item small--text-center {% if section.settings.collection_sort_enable or section.settings.collection_tag_enable %}medium-up--one-third{% endif %}">{% if current_tags.size > 0 %}{{ current_tags.first }}{% else %}{{ collection.title }}{% endif %}</h1> | |
{% if section.settings.collection_sort_enable or section.settings.collection_tag_enable %} | |
<div class="collection-sorting grid__item medium-up--two-thirds medium-up--text-right small--text-center"> | |
{% if section.settings.collection_tag_enable and collection.all_tags.size > 0 %} |
{% unless grid_item_width %} | |
{% assign grid_item_width = 'medium-up--one-third small--one-half' %} | |
{% endunless %} | |
{% unless current_collection == blank %} | |
{% assign current_collection = collection %} | |
{% endunless %} | |
{% assign on_sale = false %} | |
{% assign sale_text = '' | t %} |
Also see the original Pieter Noordhuis's guide
You need:
for song in ./*.brstm; do /Applications/ "${song}" --sout="#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=320,samplerate=44100}:standard{access=file,mux=mp3,dst=${song%.brstm}.mp3}" vlc://quit ; done |
for node in $(kubectl get pod -l app=foo -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}{end}' | sort -n | uniq); do zone=$(kubectl get node $node -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}{.metadata.labels.topology\.kubernetes\.io/zone}"); gcloud compute instances simulate-maintenance-event $node --zone=$zone --async ; done |
kubectl get secret bleh -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' |
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedMount 6m35s (x3278 over 5d3h) kubelet, gke-cluster-1-pool-1-7f7f8d03-gzgt Unable to mount volumes for pod "mysql-1-0_default(26843a14-94ff-49dd-90a7-5214f575f70d)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod "default"/"mysql-1-0". list of unmounted volumes=[rootfs]. list of unattached volumes=[vls-72d7-mysql-1-vm volumes rootfs lvmdata udevdata cgroups default-token-pr9xg]
Warning FailedAttachVolume 3m40s (x1751 over 4d21h) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-0885265c-b5c3-4d96-8383-31489181eb01" : attachment timeout for volume simple-pvc-0885265c-b5c3-4d96-8383-31489181eb01
# The following workflow executes a diamond workflow | |
# | |
# A | |
# / \ | |
# B C | |
# \ / | |
# D | |
apiVersion: | |
kind: Workflow | |
metadata: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> | |
<plist version="1.0"> | |
<dict> | |
<key>BackgroundBlur</key> | |
<real>0.0</real> | |
<key>BackgroundColor</key> | |
<data> | |
### Keybase proof | |
I hereby claim: | |
* I am elsonrodriguez on github. | |
* I am elsonrodriguez ( on keybase. | |
* I have a public key ASB4F_3JGBBf3SiMDALLOV3YS9DKJRznk4g55RuzNEocGQo | |
To claim this, I am signing this object: |