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Created November 18, 2020 17:08
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4D file type .4dm in JetBrains IDE
<filetype binary="false" description="4D *.4dm files" name="4D">
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<option name="COMMENT_START" value="/*" />
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<option name="HAS_BRACES" value="true" />
<option name="HAS_BRACKETS" value="true" />
<option name="HAS_PARENS" value="true" />
<option name="HAS_STRING_ESCAPES" value="true" />
<keywords keywords="4d;_o_add data segment;_o_add subrecord;_o_all subrecords;_o_apply to subselection;_o_array string;_o_array to string list;_o_before subselection;_o_c_graph;_o_c_integer;_o_c_string;_o_convert case;_o_create resource file;_o_create subrecord;_o_create user form;_o_data segment list;_o_delete resource;_o_delete subrecord;_o_delete user form;_o_disable button;_o_document creator;_o_document type;_o_drag and drop properties;_o_during;_o_edit form;_o_enable button;_o_end subselection;_o_export odbc;_o_first subrecord;_o_font name;_o_font number;_o_form get parameter;_o_gestalt;_o_get component resource id;_o_get platform interface;_o_graph table;_o_import odbc;_o_integrate log file;_o_invert background;_o_iso to mac;_o_last subrecord;_o_list user forms;_o_mac to iso;_o_mac to win;_o_map file types;_o_mobile return selection;_o_modify subrecord;_o_next subrecord;_o_no trace;_o_object get action;_o_object set color;_o_open external window;_o_order subrecords by;_o_page setup;_o_picture to gif;_o_picture type list;_o_platform properties;_o_previous subrecord;_o_qt compress picture;_o_qt compress picture file;_o_qt load compress picture from file;_o_query subrecords;_o_records in subselection;_o_redraw list;_o_save picture to file;_o_set cgi executable;_o_set document creator;_o_set document type;_o_set picture resource;_o_set platform interface;_o_set resource;_o_set resource name;_o_set resource properties;_o_set string resource;_o_set text resource;_o_set web display limits;_o_set web timeout;_o_use external database;_o_use internal database;_o_web context;_o_win to mac;_o_xslt apply transformation;_o_xslt get error;_o_xslt set parameter;abort;abort process by id;abs;accept;accumulate;activated;active transaction;add record;add to date;add to set;adjust blobs cache priority;adjust index cache priority;adjust table cache priority;after;alert;all records;append data to pasteboard;append document;append menu item;append to array;append to list;application file;application type;application version;apply to selection;arctan;array blob;array boolean;array date;array integer;array longint;array object;array picture;array pointer;array real;array text;array time;array to collection;array to list;array to selection;assert;asserted;average;backup;base64 decode;base64 encode;beep;before;before selection;begin sql;blob properties;blob size;blob to document;blob to integer;blob to list;blob to longint;blob to picture;blob to print settings;blob to real;blob to text;blob to users;blob to variable;bool;boolean array from set;break level;bring to front;build application;c_blob;c_boolean;c_collection;c_date;c_longint;c_object;c_picture;c_pointer;c_real;c_text;c_time;c_variant;cache info;call form;call subform container;call worker;cancel;cancel transaction;caps lock down;change current user;change licenses;change password;change string;char;character code;check log file;choose;clear list;clear named selection;clear pasteboard;clear semaphore;clear set;clear variable;clickcount;close document;close printing job;close resource file;close window;collection to array;collection.average;collection.clear;collection.combine;collection.concat;collection.count;collection.countvalues;collection.distinct;collection.equal;collection.every;collection.extract;collection.fill;collection.filter;collection.find;collection.findindex;collection.indexof;collection.indices;collection.join;collection.lastindexof;collection.length;;collection.max;collection.min;collection.orderby;collection.orderbymethod;collection.pop;collection.push;collection.query;collection.reduce;collection.remove;collection.resize;collection.reverse;collection.shift;collection.slice;collection.some;collection.sort;collection.sum;combine pictures;command name;compact data file;component list;compress blob;confirm;contextual click;convert coordinates;convert from text;convert path posix to system;convert path system to posix;convert picture;convert to text;copy array;copy blob;copy document;copy list;copy named selection;copy set;cos;count in array;count list items;count menu items;count menus;count parameters;count screens;count tasks;count user processes;count users;create alias;create data file;create document;create empty set;create entity selection;create folder;create index;create menu;create record;create related one;create selection from array;create set;create set from array;create thumbnail;cs;current client authentication;current date;current default table;current form name;current form table;current form window;current machine;current method name;current method path;current process;current process name;current system user;current time;current user;cut named selection;data file;data file encryption status;datastore.getrequestlog;date;day number;day of;deactivated;dec;decrypt blob;default table;delay process;delete document;delete folder;delete from array;delete from blob;delete from list;delete index;delete menu item;delete record;delete selection;delete string;delete user;describe query execution;dialog;difference;disable menu item;discover data key;display notification;display record;display selection;displayed line number;distinct attribute paths;distinct attribute values;distinct values;document list;document to blob;document to text;dom append xml child node;dom append xml element;dom close xml;dom count xml attributes;dom count xml elements;dom create xml element;dom create xml element arrays;dom create xml ref;dom export to file;dom export to var;dom find xml element;dom find xml element by id;dom get first child xml element;dom get last child xml element;dom get next sibling xml element;dom get parent xml element;dom get previous sibling xml element;dom get root xml element;dom get xml attribute by index;dom get xml attribute by name;dom get xml child nodes;dom get xml document ref;dom get xml element;dom get xml element name;dom get xml element value;dom get xml information;dom insert xml element;dom parse xml source;dom parse xml variable;dom remove xml attribute;dom remove xml element;dom set xml attribute;dom set xml declaration;dom set xml element name;dom set xml element value;drag window;drop position;drop remote user;ds;duplicate record;dynamic pop up menu;edit access;edit formula;edit item;enable menu item;encrypt blob;encrypt data file;end selection;end sql;equal pictures;erase window;euro converter;execute formula;execute method;execute method in subform;execute on client;execute on server;exp;expand blob;export data;export dif;export structure;export structure file;export sylk;export text;false;field;field name;file;filter event;filter keystroke;find in array;find in field;find in list;find in sorted array;find window;first record;flush cache;focus object;folder;folder list;font file;font list;font style list;form;form convert to dynamic;form event;form event code;form first page;form get current page;form get entry order;form get horizontal resizing;form get names;form get objects;form get properties;form get vertical resizing;form goto page;form last page;form load;form next page;form previous page;form screenshot;form set entry order;form set horizontal resizing;form set input;form set output;form set size;form set vertical resizing;form unload;formula;formula from string;formula.apply;frontmost process;frontmost window;generate certificate request;generate digest;generate encryption keypair;generate password hash;generate uuid;get 4d file;get 4d folder;get action info;get activity snapshot;get adjusted blobs cache priority;get adjusted index cache priority;get adjusted table cache priority;get allowed methods;get application info;get assert enabled;get automatic relations;get backup information;get cache size;get call chain;get current data source;get current printer;get data source list;get database localization;get database measures;get database parameter;get default user;get document icon;get document position;get document properties;get document size;get edited text;get external data path;get field entry properties;get field properties;get field relation;get field titles;get file from pasteboard;get group list;get group properties;get highlight;get highlighted records;get icon resource;get indexed string;get last error stack;get last field number;get last query path;get last query plan;get last table number;get last update log path;get license info;get list item;get list item font;get list item icon;get list item parameter;get list item parameter arrays;get list item properties;get list properties;get localized document path;get localized string;get locked records info;get macro parameter;get memory statistics;get menu bar reference;get menu item;get menu item icon;get menu item key;get menu item mark;get menu item method;get menu item modifiers;get menu item parameter;get menu item property;get menu item style;get menu items;get menu title;get missing table names;get monitored activity;get mouse;get pasteboard data;get pasteboard data type;get picture file name;get picture formats;get picture from library;get picture from pasteboard;get picture keywords;get picture metadata;get picture resource;get plugin access;get pointer;get print marker;get print option;get print preview;get printable area;get printable margin;get printed height;get process activity;get process variable;get query destination;get query limit;get registered clients;get relation properties;get resource;get resource name;get resource properties;get restore information;get selected menu item parameter;get serial information;get serial port mapping;get string resource;get style sheet info;get subrecord key;get system format;get system info;get table fragmentation;get table properties;get table titles;get text from pasteboard;get text keywords;get text resource;get user list;get user properties;get window rect;get window title;goto object;goto record;goto selected record;goto xy;graph;graph settings;hide menu bar;hide process;hide tool bar;hide window;highlight records;highlight text;http authenticate;http get;http get certificates folder;http get option;http request;http set certificates folder;http set option;idle;import data;import dif;import structure;import sylk;import text;in break;in footer;in header;in transaction;insert in array;insert in blob;insert in list;insert menu item;insert string;int;integer to blob;integrate mirror log file;intersection;invoke action;is a list;is a variable;is compiled mode;is data file locked;is field number valid;is field value null;is in print preview;is in set;is license available;is macos;is new record;is nil pointer;is picture file;is record loaded;is table number valid;is user deleted;is waiting mouse up;is windows;json parse;json parse array;json resolve pointers;json stringify;json stringify array;json to selection;json validate;keystroke;kill worker;last record;launch external process;ldap login;ldap logout;ldap search;ldap search all;length;level;list item parent;list item position;list of choice lists;list of style sheets;list to array;list to blob;listbox collapse;listbox delete column;listbox delete rows;listbox duplicate column;listbox expand;listbox get array;listbox get arrays;listbox get auto row height;listbox get cell coordinates;listbox get cell position;listbox get column formula;listbox get column width;listbox get footer calculation;listbox get footers height;listbox get grid;listbox get grid colors;listbox get headers height;listbox get hierarchy;listbox get locked columns;listbox get number of columns;listbox get number of rows;listbox get objects;listbox get print information;listbox get property;listbox get row color;listbox get row color as number;listbox get row font style;listbox get row height;listbox get rows height;listbox get static columns;listbox get table source;listbox insert column;listbox insert column formula;listbox insert rows;listbox move column;listbox moved column number;listbox moved row number;listbox select break;listbox select row;listbox select rows;listbox set array;listbox set auto row height;listbox set column formula;listbox set column width;listbox set footer calculation;listbox set footers height;listbox set grid;listbox set grid color;listbox set headers height;listbox set hierarchy;listbox set locked columns;listbox set property;listbox set row color;listbox set row font style;listbox set row height;listbox set rows height;listbox set static columns;listbox set table source;listbox sort columns;load 4d view document;load list;load record;load set;load variables;locked;locked by;log;log event;log file;log file to json;longint array from selection;longint to blob;lowercase;macintosh command down;macintosh control down;macintosh option down;mail convert from mime;mail convert to mime;mail new attachment;match regex;max;maximize window;menu bar height;menu bar screen;menu selected;message;messages off;messages on;method called on error;method called on event;method get attribute;method get attributes;method get code;method get comments;method get folders;method get modification date;method get names;method get path;method get paths;method get paths form;method open path;method resolve path;method set access mode;method set attribute;method set attributes;method set code;method set comments;milliseconds;min;minimize window;mobile app refresh sessions;mod;modified;modified record;modify record;modify selection;month of;move document;multi sort array;name;new collection;new data key;new list;new log file;new object;new process;new shared collection;new shared object;new signal;next record;next window;no default table;not;notify resources folder modification;null;num;ob class;ob copy;ob entries;ob get;ob get array;ob get property names;ob get type;ob instance of;ob is defined;ob is empty;ob keys;ob remove;ob set;ob set array;ob set null;ob values;object duplicate;object get action;object get auto spellcheck;object get best size;object get border style;object get context menu;object get coordinates;object get corner radius;object get data source;object get drag and drop options;object get enabled;object get enterable;object get events;object get filter;object get focus rectangle invisible;object get font;object get font size;object get font style;object get format;object get help tip;object get horizontal alignment;object get indicator type;object get keyboard layout;object get list name;object get list reference;object get maximum value;object get minimum value;object get multiline;object get name;object get placeholder;object get pointer;object get print variable frame;object get resizing options;object get rgb colors;object get scroll position;object get scrollbar;object get shortcut;object get style sheet;object get subform;object get subform container size;object get text orientation;object get three states checkbox;object get title;object get type;object get vertical alignment;object get visible;object is styled text;object move;object set action;object set auto spellcheck;object set border style;object set context menu;object set coordinates;object set corner radius;object set data source;object set drag and drop options;object set enabled;object set enterable;object set events;object set filter;object set focus rectangle invisible;object set font;object set font size;object set font style;object set format;object set help tip;object set horizontal alignment;object set indicator type;object set keyboard layout;object set list by name;object set list by reference;object set maximum value;object set minimum value;object set multiline;object set placeholder;object set print variable frame;object set resizing options;object set rgb colors;object set scroll position;object set scrollbar;object set shortcut;object set style sheet;object set subform;object set text orientation;object set three states checkbox;object set title;object set vertical alignment;object set visible;object to path;old;old related many;old related one;on err call;on event call;on exit database method;on startup database method;one record select;open administration window;open color picker;open data file;open database;open datastore;open document;open font picker;open form window;open printing job;open resource file;open security center;open settings window;open url;open window;order by;order by attribute;order by formula;outside call;page break;parse formula;pasteboard data size;path to object;pause indexes;pause process;php execute;php get full response;php get option;php set option;picture codec list;picture library list;picture properties;picture size;picture to blob;play;plugin list;pop record;pop up menu;pop3 new transporter;position;post click;post event;post key;post outside call;previous record;print form;print label;print object;print option values;print record;print selection;print settings;print settings to blob;printers list;printing page;process 4d tags;process aborted;process number;process properties;process state;push record;qr blob to report;qr count columns;qr delete column;qr delete offscreen area;qr execute command;qr find column;qr get area property;qr get borders;qr get command status;qr get destination;qr get document property;qr get drop column;qr get header and footer;qr get html template;qr get info column;qr get info row;qr get report kind;qr get report table;qr get selection;qr get sorts;qr get text property;qr get totals data;qr get totals spacing;qr insert column;qr move column;qr new area;qr new offscreen area;qr on command;qr report;qr report to blob;qr run;qr set area property;qr set borders;qr set destination;qr set document property;qr set header and footer;qr set html template;qr set info column;qr set info row;qr set report kind;qr set report table;qr set selection;qr set sorts;qr set text property;qr set totals data;qr set totals spacing;query;query by attribute;query by example;query by formula;query by sql;query selection;query selection by attribute;query selection by formula;query selection with array;query with array;quit 4d;random;read only;read only state;read picture file;read write;real to blob;receive buffer;receive packet;receive record;receive variable;record number;records in selection;records in set;records in table;redraw;redraw window;reduce selection;refresh license;regenerate missing table;register client;register data key;reject;reject new remote connections;relate many;relate many selection;relate one;relate one selection;release menu;reload external data;remove from set;remove picture from library;replace string;request;resize form window;resolve alias;resolve pointer;resource list;resource type list;restart 4d;restore;resume indexes;resume process;resume transaction;right click;round;save list;save record;save related one;save set;save variables;sax add processing instruction;sax add xml cdata;sax add xml comment;sax add xml doctype;sax add xml element value;sax close xml element;sax get xml cdata;sax get xml comment;sax get xml document values;sax get xml element;sax get xml element value;sax get xml entity;sax get xml node;sax get xml processing instruction;sax open xml element;sax open xml element arrays;sax set xml declaration;scan index;screen coordinates;screen depth;screen height;screen width;select document;select folder;select list items by position;select list items by reference;select log file;select rgb color;selected list items;selected record number;selection range to array;selection to array;selection to json;self;semaphore;send message to remote user;send packet;send record;send variable;sequence number;set about;set allowed methods;set assert enabled;set automatic relations;set blob size;set blobs cache priority;set cache size;set channel;set current printer;set cursor;set database localization;set database parameter;set default century;set document position;set document properties;set document size;set drag icon;set environment variable;set external data path;set field relation;set field titles;set field value null;set file to pasteboard;set group properties;set index;set index cache priority;set list item;set list item font;set list item icon;set list item parameter;set list item properties;set list properties;set macro parameter;set menu bar;set menu item;set menu item icon;set menu item mark;set menu item method;set menu item parameter;set menu item property;set menu item shortcut;set menu item style;set picture file name;set picture metadata;set picture to library;set picture to pasteboard;set plugin access;set print marker;set print option;set print preview;set printable margin;set process variable;set query and lock;set query destination;set query limit;set real comparison level;set recent fonts;set screen depth;set table cache priority;set table titles;set text to pasteboard;set timeout;set timer;set update folder;set user alias;set user properties;set window rect;set window title;shift down;show menu bar;show on disk;show process;show tool bar;show window;sin;size of array;smtp new transporter;soap declaration;soap get info;soap reject new requests;soap request;soap send fault;sort array;sort list;spell add to user dictionary;spell check text;spell checking;spell get current dictionary;spell get dictionary list;spell set current dictionary;split string;sql cancel load;sql end selection;sql execute;sql execute script;sql export database;sql export selection;sql get last error;sql get option;sql load record;sql login;sql logout;sql set option;sql set parameter;square root;st compute expressions;st freeze expressions;st get attributes;st get content type;st get expression;st get options;st get plain text;st get text;st get url;st insert expression;st insert url;st set attributes;st set options;st set plain text;st set text;start monitoring activity;start sql server;start transaction;std deviation;stop monitoring activity;stop sql server;storage;string;string list to array;structure file;substring;subtotal;sum;sum squares;super;suspend transaction;svg export to picture;svg find element id by coordinates;svg find element ids by rect;svg get attribute;svg set attribute;svg show element;system folder;table;table name;tan;temporary folder;test path name;test semaphore;text to array;text to blob;text to document;this;tickcount;time;time string;timestamp;tool bar height;trace;transaction level;transform picture;trigger event;trigger level;trigger properties;true;trunc;truncate table;type;undefined;union;unload record;unregister client;uppercase;use character set;use entity selection;use named selection;use set;user in group;users to blob;validate password;validate transaction;value type;variable to blob;variable to variable;variance;verify current data file;verify data file;verify password hash;version type;volume attributes;volume list;wa back url available;wa create url history menu;wa evaluate javascript;wa execute javascript function;wa forward url available;wa get current url;wa get external links filters;wa get last filtered url;wa get last url error;wa get page content;wa get page title;wa get preference;wa get url filters;wa get url history;wa open back url;wa open forward url;wa open url;wa open web inspector;wa refresh current url;wa run offscreen area;wa set external links filters;wa set page content;wa set page text larger;wa set page text smaller;wa set preference;wa set url filters;wa stop loading url;web close session;web get body part;web get body part count;web get current session id;web get http body;web get http header;web get option;web get server info;web get session expiration;web get session process count;web get statistics;web get variables;web is secured connection;web is server running;web send blob;web send file;web send http redirect;web send raw data;web send text;web server;web server list;web service authenticate;web service call;web service get info;web service get result;web service set option;web service set parameter;web set home page;web set http header;web set option;web set root folder;web start server;web stop server;web validate digest;window kind;window list;window process;windows alt down;windows ctrl down;wp add picture;wp bookmark range;wp compute formulas;wp delete bookmark;wp delete footer;wp delete header;wp delete picture;wp delete style sheet;wp delete subsection;wp export document;wp export variable;wp freeze formulas;wp get attributes;wp get body;wp get bookmarks;wp get element by id;wp get elements;wp get footer;wp get formulas;wp get frame;wp get header;wp get links;wp get page count;wp get position;wp get section;wp get sections;wp get style sheet;wp get style sheets;wp get subsection;wp get text;wp get view properties;wp import document;wp import style sheets;wp insert break;wp insert document;wp insert formula;wp insert picture;wp insert table;wp is font style supported;wp new;wp new bookmark;wp new footer;wp new header;wp new style sheet;wp new subsection;wp paragraph range;wp picture range;wp print;wp reset attributes;wp select;wp selection range;wp set attributes;wp set frame;wp set link;wp set text;wp set view properties;wp table append row;wp table delete columns;wp table delete rows;wp table get cells;wp table get columns;wp table get rows;wp table insert columns;wp table insert rows;wp table range;wp text range;wp use page setup;write picture file;xml decode;xml get error;xml get options;xml set options;year of;zip create archive;zip read archive" ignore_case="true" />
<keywords2 keywords="4d client database folder;4d client soap license;4d client web license;4d desktop;4d digest;4d for oci license;4d local mode;4d odbc pro license;4d remote mode;4d remote mode timeout;4d rest test license;4d server;4d server log recording;4d server timeout;4d soap license;4d soap local license;4d soap one connection license;4d sql server license;4d sql server local license;4d sql server one conn license;4d user account;4d user alias;4d user alias or account;4d view license;4d volume desktop;4d web license;4d web local license;4d web one connection license;4d write license;64 bit version;_o_4d draw license;_o_4d first;_o_4d for ado license;_o_4d for mysql license;_o_4d for postgresql license;_o_4d for sybase license;_o_4d interpreted desktop;_o_4d local mode scheduler;_o_4d mobile license;_o_4d remote mode scheduler;_o_4d server scheduler;_o_accept action;_o_add subrecord action;_o_ala macintosh;_o_ala windows;_o_american dictionary;_o_automatic platform;_o_cache writing mode;_o_cancel action;_o_clear action;_o_client ip address to listen;_o_client max web requests size;_o_client maximum web process;_o_client minimum web process;_o_compositing mode;_o_compositing mode form window;_o_condensed;_o_copy action;_o_cut action;_o_database cache size;_o_database settings action;_o_delete record action;_o_delete subrecord action;_o_direct2d hardware svg and editors;_o_direct2d mixed;_o_direct2d software svg and editors;_o_edit subrecord action;_o_english dictionary;_o_extended;_o_extras folder;_o_first page action;_o_first record action;_o_form has toolbar button mac;_o_french dictionary;_o_full version;_o_german dictionary;_o_has toolbar button mac;_o_hidden modal dialog;_o_in contents;_o_in drag;_o_in go away;_o_in grow;_o_in menu bar;_o_in system window;_o_in zoom box;_o_index compacting;_o_intel 386;_o_intel 486;_o_invert objects;_o_ip address to listen;_o_is float;_o_last page action;_o_last record action;_o_lk display hor scrollbar;_o_lk display ver scrollbar;_o_lk footer height;_o_lk header height;_o_lk hor scrollbar position;_o_lk ver scrollbar position;_o_mac control panels;_o_mac extensions;_o_mac os 7;_o_mac os 9;_o_mac shutdown items_all;_o_mac shutdown items_user;_o_mac theme;_o_macintosh 68k;_o_macintosh node;_o_maximum temporary memory size;_o_maximum web process;_o_minimum web process;_o_msc action;_o_next page action;_o_next record action;_o_no action;_o_noninverted objects;_o_norwegian dictionary;_o_object accept action;_o_object add subrecord action;_o_object automatic splitter action;_o_object cancel action;_o_object clear action;_o_object copy action;_o_object cut action;_o_object database settings action;_o_object delete record action;_o_object delete subrecord action;_o_object edit subrecord action;_o_object first page action;_o_object first record action;_o_object goto page action;_o_object last page action;_o_object last record action;_o_object msc action;_o_object next page action;_o_object next record action;_o_object no standard action;_o_object open back url action;_o_object open next url action;_o_object paste action;_o_object previous page action;_o_object previous record action;_o_object quit action;_o_object redo action;_o_object refresh current url action;_o_object return to design mode action;_o_object select all action;_o_object show clipboard action;_o_object stop loading url action;_o_object test application action;_o_object undo action;_o_on loading record event;_o_on mac toolbar button;_o_outline;_o_paste action;_o_powerpc 601;_o_powerpc 603;_o_powerpc 604;_o_powerpc g3;_o_previous page action;_o_previous record action;_o_qt animation compressor;_o_qt compact video compressor;_o_qt graphics compressor;_o_qt photo compressor;_o_qt raw compressor;_o_qt video compressor;_o_quicktime support;_o_quit action;_o_real display precision;_o_redo action;_o_return to design mode;_o_select all action;_o_seq access optimization;_o_seq distinct values ratio;_o_seq order ratio;_o_seq query select ratio;_o_shadow;_o_show clipboard action;_o_spanish dictionary;_o_temporary memory size;_o_test application action;_o_undo action;_o_use pict resource;_o_web conversion mode;_o_web log recording;_o_web process with context;_o_wedd signature;_o_windows 3_11, nt 3_51;_o_windows 9x;_o_windows node;aborted;absolute path;access privileges;ack ascii code;activate event;activate window bit;activate window mask;active 4d folder;activity all;activity language;activity network;activity operations;additional text;ak accept;ak add subrecord;ak automatic splitter;ak background color;ak background color dialog;ak cancel;ak clear;ak compute expressions;ak copy;ak current form;ak cut;ak database settings;ak delete record;ak delete subrecord;ak display subrecord;ak edit subrecord;ak first page;ak first record;ak font bold;ak font color;ak font color dialog;ak font italic;ak font linethrough;ak font show dialog;ak font size;ak font style;ak font underline;ak freeze expressions;ak goto page;ak last page;ak last record;ak main form;ak msc;ak next page;ak next record;ak none;ak open back url;ak open forward url;ak paste;ak previous page;ak previous record;ak quit;ak redo;ak refresh current url;ak return to design mode;ak select all;ak show clipboard;ak show reference;ak spell;ak standard action title;ak stop loading url;ak undo;alias selection;align bottom;align center;align default;align left;align right;align top;allow deletion;alternate dialog box;apple event manager;applications or program files;april;array 2d;associated standard action;asynchronous progress bar;at sign;at the bottom;at the top;attribute background color;attribute bold style;attribute executed on server;attribute folder name;attribute font name;attribute invisible;attribute italic style;attribute published soap;attribute published sql;attribute published web;attribute published wsdl;attribute shared;attribute strikethrough style;attribute text color;attribute text size;attribute underline style;august;austrian schilling;auto insertion;auto key event;auto repair mode;auto synchro resources folder;automatic;automatic style sheet;automatic style sheet_additional;automatic style sheet_main;background color;background color none;backspace;backspace key;backup history file;backup log file;backup process;backup settings file;backup settings file for data;barber shop;bel ascii code;belgian franc;black;black and white;blank if null date;blank if null time;blob array;blue;bold;bold and italic;bold and underline;boolean array;border dotted;border double;border none;border plain;border raised;border sunken;border system;brown;bs ascii code;build application log file;build application settings file;cache flush periodicity;cache manager;cache priority high;cache priority low;cache priority normal;cache priority very high;cache priority very low;cache unload minimum size;can ascii code;caps lock key bit;caps lock key mask;carriage return;changed resource bit;changed resource mask;character set;choice list;circular log limitation;ck ascending;ck descending;ck diacritical;ck disable wildchar;ck ignore null or empty;ck keep empty strings;ck keep null;ck resolve pointers;ck shared;client character set;client https port id;client log recording;client manager process;client max concurrent web proc;client port id;client server port id;client web log recording;cluster btree index;code with tokens;color option;command key bit;command key mask;compact address table;compact compression mode;compacting log file;compiler process;control key bit;control key mask;controller form window;copy xml data source;cr ascii code;create process;created from execution dialog;created from menu command;crop;currency symbol;current backup settings file;current localization;current process debug log recording;current resources folder;dark blue;dark brown;dark green;dark grey;dark shadow color;data bits 5;data bits 6;data bits 7;data bits 8;data folder;database folder;database folder unix syntax;date array;date rfc 1123;date separator;date type;dates inside objects;db4d cron;db4d flush cache;db4d garbage collector;db4d index builder;db4d listener;db4d mirror;db4d worker pool user;dc1 ascii code;dc2 ascii code;dc3 ascii code;dc4 ascii code;debug log file;debug log recording;december;decimal separator;default index type;default localization;degree;del ascii code;delayed;delete only if empty;delete with contents;demo version;description in text format;description in xml format;design process;desktop;destination option;deutsche mark;diagnostic log file;diagnostic log recording;direct2d disabled;direct2d get active status;direct2d hardware;direct2d software;direct2d status;directory file;disable events others unchanged;disable highlight item color;disk event;dk ascending;dk auto merge;dk can be stopped by user;dk descending;dk diacritical;dk distinct values;dk force drop if stamp changed;dk keep ordered;dk key as string;dk no ranges;dk non ordered;dk reload if stamp changed;dk silent mode;dk status automerge failed;dk status entity does not exist anymore;dk status locked;dk status serious error;dk status stamp has changed;dk status success;dk status wrong permission;dk stop dropping on first error;dk with primary key;dk with stamp;dle ascii code;do not compact index;do not create log file;do not modify;doctype name;document unchanged;document uri;document with cr;document with crlf;document with lf;document with native format;documents folder;does not exist;double quote;double sided option;down arrow key;e number;em ascii code;enable events disable others;enable events others unchanged;encoding;end key;enq ascii code;enter;enter key;eot ascii code;error message;esc ascii code;escape;escape key;etb ascii code;etx ascii code;euro;event manager;excluded list;execute on client process;execute on server process;executing;exif action;exif adobe rgb;exif aperture priority ae;exif aperture value;exif auto;exif auto bracket;exif auto mode;exif average;exif b;exif brightness value;exif cb;exif center weighted average;exif close;exif cloudy;exif color sequential area;exif color sequential linear;exif color space;exif components configuration;exif compressed bits per pixel;exif compulsory flash firing;exif compulsory flash suppression;exif contrast;exif cool white fluorescent;exif cr;exif creative;exif custom;exif custom rendered;exif d50;exif d55;exif d65;exif d75;exif date time digitized;exif date time original;exif day white fluorescent;exif daylight;exif daylight fluorescent;exif detected;exif digital camera;exif digital zoom ratio;exif distant;exif exif version;exif exposure bias value;exif exposure index;exif exposure mode;exif exposure portrait;exif exposure program;exif exposure time;exif f number;exif file source;exif film scanner;exif fine weather;exif flash;exif flash energy;exif flash fired;exif flash function present;exif flash mode;exif flash pix version;exif flash red eye reduction;exif flash return light;exif flashlight;exif focal length;exif focal lens in 35 mm film;exif focal plane resolution unit;exif focal plane x resolution;exif focal plane y resolution;exif g;exif gain control;exif gamma;exif high;exif high gain down;exif high gain up;exif image unique id;exif iso speed ratings;exif isostudio tungsten;exif landscape;exif light fluorescent;exif light source;exif low;exif low gain down;exif low gain up;exif macro;exif maker note;exif manual;exif max aperture value;exif metering mode;exif multi segment;exif multi spot;exif night;exif no detection function;exif none;exif normal;exif not defined;exif not detected;exif one chip color area;exif other;exif partial;exif pixel x dimension;exif pixel y dimension;exif program ae;exif r;exif reflection print scanner;exif related sound file;exif reserved;exif s rgb;exif saturation;exif scene capture type;exif scene landscape;exif scene portrait;exif scene type;exif sensing method;exif shade;exif sharpness;exif shutter speed priority ae;exif shutter speed value;exif spectral sensitivity;exif spot;exif standard;exif standard light a;exif standard light b;exif standard light c;exif subject area;exif subject dist range;exif subject distance;exif subject location;exif three chip color area;exif trilinear;exif tungsten;exif two chip color area;exif uncalibrated;exif unknown;exif unused;exif user comment;exif white balance;exif white fluorescent;exif y;extended real format;external task;external window;f1 key;f10 key;f11 key;f12 key;f13 key;f14 key;f15 key;f2 key;f3 key;f4 key;f5 key;f6 key;f7 key;f8 key;f9 key;fade to grey scale;fast compression mode;favorite fonts;favorites win;february;ff ascii code;field attribute with name;field attribute with number;file name entry;finnish markka;fk alias link;fk applications folder;fk data folder;fk database folder;fk desktop folder;fk documents folder;fk ignore invisible;fk licenses folder;fk logs folder;fk mobileapps folder;fk overwrite;fk platform path;fk posix path;fk recursive;fk remote database folder;fk resources folder;fk symbolic link;fk system folder;fk user preferences folder;fk web root folder;flip horizontally;flip vertically;floating window;folder separator;fonts;foreground color;form all pages;form break0;form break1;form break2;form break3;form break4;form break5;form break6;form break7;form break8;form break9;form current page;form detail;form footer;form has full screen mode mac;form has no menu bar;form header;form header1;form header10;form header2;form header3;form header4;form header5;form header6;form header7;form header8;form header9;form inherited;formula in with virtual structure;formula out with tokens;formula out with virtual structure;four colors;french franc;friday;fs ascii code;full method text;generic pdf driver;get pathname;get xml data source;gps 2d;gps 3d;gps above sea level;gps altitude;gps altitude ref;gps area information;gps below sea level;gps correction applied;gps correction not applied;gps date time;gps dest bearing;gps dest bearing ref;gps dest distance;gps dest distance ref;gps dest latitude;gps dest latitude deg;gps dest latitude dir;gps dest latitude min;gps dest latitude sec;gps dest longitude;gps dest longitude deg;gps dest longitude dir;gps dest longitude min;gps dest longitude sec;gps differential;gps dop;gps east;gps img direction;gps img direction ref;gps km h;gps knots h;gps latitude;gps latitude deg;gps latitude dir;gps latitude min;gps latitude sec;gps longitude;gps longitude deg;gps longitude dir;gps longitude min;gps longitude sec;gps magnetic north;gps map datum;gps measure mode;gps measurement in progress;gps measurement interoperability;gps niles h;gps north;gps processing method;gps satellites;gps south;gps speed;gps speed ref;gps status;gps track;gps track ref;gps true north;gps version id;gps west;graph background color;graph background opacity;graph background shadow color;graph bottom margin;graph colors;graph column gap;graph column width max;graph column width min;graph default height;graph default width;graph display legend;graph document background color;graph document background opacity;graph font color;graph font size;graph left margin;graph legend font color;graph legend icon gap;graph legend icon height;graph legend icon width;graph legend labels;graph line width;graph pie direction;graph pie font size;graph pie shift;graph pie start angle;graph plot height;graph plot radius;graph plot width;graph right margin;graph top margin;graph type;graph xgrid;graph xmax;graph xmin;graph xprop;graph ygrid;graph ymax;graph ymin;greek drachma;green;grey;gs ascii code;gzip best compression mode;gzip fast compression mode;has full screen mode mac;has grow box;has highlight;has window title;has zoom box;help key;hh mm;hh mm am pm;hh mm ss;hide printing progress option;highlight menu background color;highlight menu text color;highlight text background color;highlight text color;highlighted method text;home key;horizontal concatenation;horizontally centered;hour min;hour min sec;ht ascii code;html root folder;http basic;http compression;http compression level;http compression threshold;http debug log file;http delete method;http digest;http display auth dial;http follow redirect;http get method;http head method;http listener;http log file;http log flusher;http max redirect;http options method;http post method;http put method;http reset auth settings;http timeout;http trace method;http worker pool server;https port id;idle connections timeout;ignore invisible;imap authentication cram md5;imap authentication login;imap authentication plain;indexing process;information message;integer array;intel compatible;internal 4d localization;internal 4d server process;internal date abbreviated;internal date long;internal date short;internal date short special;internal timer process;into 4d commands log;into 4d debug message;into 4d diagnostic log;into 4d request log;into current selection;into named selection;into set;into system standard outputs;into variable;into windows log events;iptc action;iptc aerial view;iptc byline;iptc byline title;iptc caption abstract;iptc category;iptc city;iptc close up;iptc contact;iptc content location code;iptc content location name;iptc copyright notice;iptc country primary location code;iptc country primary location name;iptc couple;iptc credit;iptc date time created;iptc digital creation date time;iptc edit status;iptc expiration date time;iptc exterior view;iptc fixture identifier;iptc full length;iptc general view;iptc group;iptc half length;iptc headline;iptc headshot;iptc image orientation;iptc image type;iptc interior view;iptc keywords;iptc language identifier;iptc movie scene;iptc night scene;iptc object attribute reference;iptc object cycle;iptc object name;iptc off beat;iptc original transmission reference;iptc originating program;iptc panoramic view;iptc performing;iptc posing;iptc profile;iptc program version;iptc province state;iptc rear view;iptc release date time;iptc satellite;iptc scene;iptc single;iptc source;iptc special instructions;iptc star rating;iptc sub location;iptc subject reference;iptc supplemental category;iptc symbolic;iptc two;iptc under water;iptc urgency;iptc writer editor;irish pound;is a document;is a folder;is alpha field;is blob;is boolean;is collection;is color;is current database a project;is date;is dom reference;is gray scale;is host database a project;is integer;is integer 64 bits;is longint;is not compressed;is null;is object;is picture;is pointer;is real;is string var;is subtable;is text;is time;is undefined;is variant;is xml;iso date;iso date gmt;iso l1 a acute;iso l1 a circumflex;iso l1 a grave;iso l1 a ring;iso l1 a tilde;iso l1 a umlaut;iso l1 ae ligature;iso l1 ampersand;iso l1 c cedilla;iso l1 cap a acute;iso l1 cap a circumflex;iso l1 cap a grave;iso l1 cap a ring;iso l1 cap a tilde;iso l1 cap a umlaut;iso l1 cap ae ligature;iso l1 cap c cedilla;iso l1 cap e acute;iso l1 cap e circumflex;iso l1 cap e grave;iso l1 cap e umlaut;iso l1 cap eth icelandic;iso l1 cap i acute;iso l1 cap i circumflex;iso l1 cap i grave;iso l1 cap i umlaut;iso l1 cap n tilde;iso l1 cap o acute;iso l1 cap o circumflex;iso l1 cap o grave;iso l1 cap o slash;iso l1 cap o tilde;iso l1 cap o umlaut;iso l1 cap thorn icelandic;iso l1 cap u acute;iso l1 cap u circumflex;iso l1 cap u grave;iso l1 cap u umlaut;iso l1 cap y acute;iso l1 copyright;iso l1 e acute;iso l1 e circumflex;iso l1 e grave;iso l1 e umlaut;iso l1 eth icelandic;iso l1 greater than;iso l1 i acute;iso l1 i circumflex;iso l1 i grave;iso l1 i umlaut;iso l1 less than;iso l1 n tilde;iso l1 o acute;iso l1 o circumflex;iso l1 o grave;iso l1 o slash;iso l1 o tilde;iso l1 o umlaut;iso l1 quotation mark;iso l1 registered;iso l1 sharp s german;iso l1 thorn icelandic;iso l1 u acute;iso l1 u circumflex;iso l1 u grave;iso l1 u umlaut;iso l1 y acute;iso l1 y umlaut;iso time;italian lira;italic;italic and underline;january;july;june;key down event;key up event;keywords index;last backup date;last backup file;last backup information;last backup status;last restore date;last restore status;ldap all levels;ldap password md5;ldap password plain text;ldap root and next;ldap root only;left arrow key;legacy printing layer option;lf ascii code;libldap version;libsasl version;licenses folder;light blue;light grey;light shadow color;line feed;lk add to selection;lk all;lk allow wordwrap;lk auto row height;lk automatic;lk background color;lk background color array;lk background color expression;lk break row;lk column max width;lk column min width;lk column resizable;lk control array;lk detail form name;lk display;lk display footer;lk display header;lk display record;lk display type;lk do nothing;lk double click on row;lk edit record;lk extra rows;lk font color;lk font color array;lk font color expression;lk font style expression;lk footer average;lk footer count;lk footer custom;lk footer max;lk footer min;lk footer std deviation;lk footer sum;lk footer sum squares;lk footer variance;lk hide;lk hide selection highlight;lk highlight set;lk hor scrollbar height;lk inherited;lk last printed row number;lk level;lk lines;lk manual;lk meta expression;lk multi style;lk multiple;lk named selection;lk no;lk none;lk numeric format;lk pixels;lk printed height;lk printed rows;lk printing is over;lk remove from selection;lk replace selection;lk resizing mode;lk row height array;lk row height unit;lk row is disabled;lk row is hidden;lk row is not selectable;lk row max height;lk row min height;lk selection;lk selection mode;lk single;lk single click edit;lk sortable;lk style array;lk three states checkbox;lk truncate;lk ver scrollbar width;lk with ellipsis;lk without ellipsis;lk yes;locked resource bit;locked resource mask;log command list;log file process;logger process;logs folder;longint array;luxembourg franc;mac c string;mac os;mac pascal string;mac spool file format option;mac text with length;mac text without length;macintosh byte ordering;macintosh double real format;macos printer port;macos serial port;mail disposition attachment;mail disposition inline;mail mode iso2022jp;mail mode iso88591;mail mode utf8;mail mode utf8 in base64;main 4d process;main process;manual;march;max concurrent web processes;maximum web requests size;maxint;maxlong;maxtextlenbeforev11;may;md5 digest;merged application;method editor macro process;millions of colors 24 bit;millions of colors 32 bit;min sec;min tls version;mm ss;mobileapps folder;modal dialog;modal dialog box;modal form dialog box;monday;monitor process;mouse button bit;mouse button mask;mouse down event;mouse up event;movable dialog box;movable form dialog box;move to replaced files folder;msc process;multiline auto;multiline no;multiline yes;multiple files;multiple selection;nak ascii code;name;native byte ordering;native real format;nbsp ascii code;netherlands guilder;new file;new file dialog;new record;next backup date;no current record;no relation;no selection;no such data in pasteboard;none;normal;november;nul ascii code;null event;number of copies option;number of formulas in cache;object array;object current;object first in entry order;object named;object subform container;object type 3d button;object type 3d checkbox;object type 3d radio button;object type button grid;object type checkbox;object type combobox;object type dial;object type group;object type groupbox;object type hierarchical list;object type hierarchical popup menu;object type highlight button;object type invisible button;object type line;object type listbox;object type listbox column;object type listbox footer;object type listbox header;object type matrix;object type oval;object type picture button;object type picture input;object type picture popup menu;object type picture radio button;object type plugin area;object type popup dropdown list;object type progress indicator;object type push button;object type radio button;object type radio button field;object type rectangle;object type rounded rectangle;object type ruler;object type splitter;object type static picture;object type static text;object type subform;object type tab control;object type text input;object type unknown;object type view pro area;object type web area;object type write pro area;object with focus;october;on activate;on after edit;on after host database exit;on after host database startup;on after keystroke;on after sort;on alternative click;on application background move;on application foreground move;on background;on before data entry;on before host database exit;on before host database startup;on before keystroke;on begin drag over;on begin url loading;on bound variable change;on clicked;on close box;on close detail;on collapse;on column moved;on column resize;on data change;on deactivate;on delete action;on deleting record event;on display detail;on double clicked;on drag over;on drop;on end url loading;on exit process;on expand;on footer click;on getting focus;on header;on header click;on load;on load record;on long click;on losing focus;on menu selected;on mouse enter;on mouse leave;on mouse move;on mouse up;on object locked abort;on object locked confirm;on object locked retry;on open detail;on open external link;on outside call;on page change;on plug in area;on printing break;on printing detail;on printing footer;on resize;on row moved;on row resize;on saving existing record event;on saving new record event;on scroll;on selection change;on the left;on the right;on timer;on unload;on url filtering;on url loading error;on url resource loading;on validate;on vp ready;on window opening denied;openssl version;operating system event;option key bit;option key mask;orange;order by formula on server;orientation 0°;orientation 180°;orientation 90° left;orientation 90° right;orientation option;other 4d process;other internal process;other user process;own xml data source;package open;package selection;page down key;page range option;page setup dialog;page up key;palette form window;palette window;paper option;paper source option;parity even;parity none;parity odd;path all objects;path class;path database method;path is posix;path is system;path project form;path project method;path table form;path trigger;paused;pc byte ordering;pc double real format;pdfcreator printer name;period;php interpreter ip address;php interpreter port;php max requests;php number of children;php privileges;php raw result;php use external interpreter;pi;picture array;picture data;picture document;plain;plain dialog box;plain fixed size window;plain form window;plain no zoom box window;plain window;pointer array;pop up form window;pop up window;pop3 authentication apop;pop3 authentication cram md5;pop3 authentication login;pop3 authentication plain;pop3 authentication user;pop3 log;pop3 log file;port id;portuguese escudo;posix path;power pc;preloaded resource bit;preloaded resource mask;print dialog;print frame fixed with multiple records;print frame fixed with truncation;processes only;progress bar;protected resource bit;protected resource mask;protocol dtr;protocol none;protocol xonxoff;public id;purgeable resource bit;purgeable resource mask;purple;query by formula joins;query by formula on server;quote;radian;read and write;read mode;real array;recent fonts;recursive parsing;red;regular window;renumber records;repair log file;replicated;request log file;required list;reset;resizable sheet window;resize horizontal grow;resize horizontal move;resize horizontal none;resize vertical grow;resize vertical move;resize vertical none;restore process;return key;right arrow key;right control key bit;right control key mask;right option key bit;right option key mask;right shift key bit;right shift key mask;round corner window;rs ascii code;saturday;scale;scale option;scaled to fit;scaled to fit prop centered;scaled to fit proportional;screen size;screen work area;september;serial port manager;server base process stack size;server interface process;servernet listener;servernet session manager;sessions only;sha1 digest;sha256 digest;sha512 digest;sheet form window;sheet window;shift key bit;shift key mask;short date day position;short date month position;short date year position;shortcut with backspace;shortcut with carriage return;shortcut with delete;shortcut with down arrow;shortcut with end;shortcut with enter;shortcut with escape;shortcut with f1;shortcut with f10;shortcut with f11;shortcut with f12;shortcut with f13;shortcut with f14;shortcut with f15;shortcut with f2;shortcut with f3;shortcut with f4;shortcut with f5;shortcut with f6;shortcut with f7;shortcut with f8;shortcut with f9;shortcut with help;shortcut with home;shortcut with left arrow;shortcut with page down;shortcut with page up;shortcut with right arrow;shortcut with tabulation;shortcut with up arrow;si ascii code;single selection;sixteen colors;sk diacritical;sk ignore empty strings;sk trim spaces;smtp authentication cram md5;smtp authentication login;smtp authentication plain;smtp log;smtp log file;so ascii code;soap client fault;soap input;soap method name;soap output;soap process;soap server fault;soap service name;soh ascii code;sp ascii code;space;spanish peseta;speed 115200;speed 1200;speed 1800;speed 19200;speed 230400;speed 2400;speed 300;speed 3600;speed 4800;speed 57600;speed 600;speed 7200;speed 9600;spellchecker;spooler document name option;sql all records;sql asynchronous;sql autocommit;sql charset;sql connection timeout;sql engine case sensitivity;sql listener;sql max data length;sql max rows;sql method execution process;sql net session manager;sql on error abort;sql on error confirm;sql on error continue;sql param in;sql param in out;sql param out;sql param set size;sql query timeout;sql server port id;sql use access rights;sql worker pool server;sql_internal;ssl cipher list;st 4d expressions as sources;st 4d expressions as values;st end highlight;st end text;st expression type;st expressions display mode;st mixed type;st picture type;st plain type;st references;st references as spaces;st start highlight;st start text;st tags as plain text;st tags as xml code;st text displayed with 4d expression sources;st text displayed with 4d expression values;st unknown tag type;st url as labels;st url as links;st url type;st user links as labels;st user links as links;st user type;st values;standard btree index;start a new process;start menu win_all;start menu win_user;startup win_all;startup win_user;stop bits one;stop bits one and a half;stop bits two;strict mode;string array;string type with time zone;string type without time zone;structure configuration;structure settings;stx ascii code;sub ascii code;sunday;superimposition;syn ascii code;system;system data source;system date abbreviated;system date long;system date long pattern;system date medium pattern;system date short;system date short pattern;system fonts;system heap resource bit;system heap resource mask;system id;system time am label;system time long;system time long abbreviated;system time long pattern;system time medium pattern;system time pm label;system time short;system time short pattern;system win;system32 win;tab;tab key;table sequence number;tcp authentication;tcp dns;tcp finger;tcp ftp control;tcp ftp data;tcp gopher;tcp http www;tcp imap3;tcp kerberos;tcp klogin;tcp nickname;tcp nntp;tcp ntalk;tcp ntp;tcp pmcp;tcp pmd;tcp pop3;tcp printer;tcp radacct;tcp radius;tcp remote cmd;tcp remote exec;tcp remote login;tcp router;tcp smtp;tcp snmp;tcp snmptrap;tcp sun rpc;tcp talk;tcp telnet;tcp tftp;tcp uucp;tcp uucp rlogin;tcp_nodelay;text array;text data;text document;texture appearance;thousand separator;thousands of colors;thursday;tiff adobe deflate;tiff artist;tiff black is zero;tiff ccirlew;tiff ccitt1d;tiff cielab;tiff cm;tiff cmyk;tiff color filter array;tiff compression;tiff copyright;tiff date time;tiff dcs;tiff deflate;tiff document name;tiff epson erf;tiff horizontal;tiff host computer;tiff icclab;tiff image description;tiff inches;tiff it8bl;tiff it8ctpad;tiff it8lw;tiff it8mp;tiff itulab;tiff jbig;tiff jbig black and white;tiff jbigcolor;tiff jpeg;tiff jpeg2000;tiff jpegthumbs only;tiff kodak dcr;tiff kodak kdc;tiff kodak262;tiff linear raw;tiff lzw;tiff make;tiff mdibinary level codec;tiff mdiprogressive transform codec;tiff mdivector;tiff mirror horizontal;tiff mirror horizontal and rotate270cw;tiff mirror horizontal and rotate90cw;tiff mirror vertical;tiff mm;tiff model;tiff next;tiff nikon nef;tiff none;tiff orientation;tiff pack bits;tiff pentax pef;tiff photometric interpretation;tiff pixar film;tiff pixar log;tiff pixar log l;tiff pixar log luv;tiff resolution unit;tiff rgb;tiff rgbpalette;tiff rotate180;tiff rotate270cw;tiff rotate90cw;tiff sgilog;tiff sgilog24;tiff software;tiff sony arw;tiff t4group3fax;tiff t6group4fax;tiff thunderscan;tiff transparency mask;tiff um;tiff uncompressed;tiff white is zero;tiff xresolution;tiff ycb cr;tiff yresolution;time array;time separator;times in milliseconds;times in seconds;times inside objects;timestamp log file name;tips delay;tips duration;tips enabled;tlsv1_0;tlsv1_1;tlsv1_2;toolbar form window;translate;transparency;truncated centered;truncated non centered;tuesday;two fifty six colors;underline;unicode mode;up arrow key;update event;update records;us ascii code;use ast interpreter;use default folder;use legacy network layer;use picref;use selected file;use sheet window;use structure definition;user data source;user param value;user preferences_all;user preferences_user;user settings;user settings file;user settings file for data;user settings for data file;user system localization;utf8 c string;utf8 text with length;utf8 text without length;verification log file;verify all;verify indexes;verify records;version;vertical concatenation;vertically centered;vk 4d view pro format;vk clipboard paste options all;vk clipboard paste options formatting;vk clipboard paste options formulas;vk clipboard paste options formulas and formatting;vk clipboard paste options values;vk clipboard paste options values and formatting;vk current sheet;vk font size large;vk font size larger;vk font size medium;vk font size small;vk font size smaller;vk font size x large;vk font size x small;vk font size xx large;vk font size xx small;vk font style italic;vk font style oblique;vk font variant small caps;vk font weight 100;vk font weight 200;vk font weight 300;vk font weight 400;vk font weight 500;vk font weight 600;vk font weight 700;vk font weight 800;vk font weight 900;vk font weight bold;vk font weight bolder;vk font weight lighter;vk header auto text blank;vk header auto text letters;vk header auto text numbers;vk horizontal align center;vk horizontal align general;vk horizontal align left;vk horizontal align right;vk image layout center;vk image layout none;vk image layout stretch;vk image layout zoom;vk label alignment bottom center;vk label alignment bottom left;vk label alignment bottom right;vk label alignment top center;vk label alignment top left;vk label alignment top right;vk label visibility auto;vk label visibility hidden;vk label visibility visible;vk line style dash dot;vk line style dash dot dot;vk line style dashed;vk line style dotted;vk line style double;vk line style empty;vk line style hair;vk line style medium;vk line style medium dash dot;vk line style medium dash dot dot;vk line style medium dashed;vk line style slanted dash dot;vk line style thick;vk line style thin;vk ms excel format;vk pattern full date time;vk pattern long date;vk pattern long time;vk pattern month day;vk pattern short date;vk pattern short time;vk pattern sortable date time;vk pattern universal sortable date time;vk pattern year month;vk pdf format;vk position bottom;vk position center;vk position left;vk position nearest;vk position right;vk position top;vk print centering both;vk print centering horizontal;vk print centering none;vk print centering vertical;vk print page order auto;vk print page order down then over;vk print page order over then down;vk print page orientation landscape;vk print page orientation portrait;vk print visibility hide;vk print visibility inherit;vk print visibility show;vk print visibility show once;vk text decoration double underline;vk text decoration line through;vk text decoration none;vk text decoration overline;vk text decoration underline;vk vertical align bottom;vk vertical align center;vk vertical align top;vk workbook;vss available;vss error;vss not available;vss update required;vt ascii code;wa enable contextual menu;wa enable java applets;wa enable javascript;wa enable plugins;wa enable url drop;wa enable web inspector;wa next urls;wa previous urls;waiting for input output;waiting for internal flag;waiting for user event;warning message;wdl disable web log;wdl enable with all body parts;wdl enable with request body;wdl enable with response body;wdl enable without body;web character set;web client ip address to listen;web database server;web debug log;web host database server;web hsts enabled;web hsts max age;web http compression level;web http compression threshold;web http enabled;web http trace;web https enabled;web https port id;web inactive process timeout;web inactive session timeout;web ip address to listen;web keep session;web log recording;web max concurrent processes;web max sessions;web maximum requests size;web port id;web process on 4d remote;web process with no context;web request receiving server;web server process;web service compression;web service detailed message;web service display auth dialog;web service dynamic;web service error code;web service fault actor;web service http compression;web service http status code;web service http timeout;web service manual;web service manual in;web service manual out;web service reset auth settings;web service soap header;web service soap version;web service soap_1_1;web service soap_1_2;web session cookie domain;web session cookie name;web session cookie path;web session ip address validation enabled;wednesday;white;windows;windows midi document;windows sound document;windows video document;wk 4d write pro layout;wk 4wp;wk anchor all;wk anchor embedded;wk anchor first page;wk anchor horizontal align;wk anchor horizontal offset;wk anchor layout;wk anchor left page;wk anchor origin;wk anchor page;wk anchor right page;wk anchor section;wk anchor vertical align;wk anchor vertical offset;wk append;wk armenian;wk author;wk auto;wk avoid;wk avoid widows and orphans;wk background clip;wk background color;wk background height;wk background image;wk background image url;wk background origin;wk background position horizontal;wk background position vertical;wk background repeat;wk background width;wk bar;wk baseline;wk behind text;wk body;wk border box;wk border color;wk border color bottom;wk border color left;wk border color right;wk border color top;wk border radius;wk border style;wk border style bottom;wk border style left;wk border style right;wk border style top;wk border width;wk border width bottom;wk border width left;wk border width right;wk border width top;wk bottom;wk capitalize;wk cell count;wk cell range;wk center;wk circle;wk cjk ideographic;wk club;wk column break;wk column count;wk column range;wk column rule color;wk column rule style;wk column rule width;wk column spacing;wk column width;wk company;wk contain;wk container;wk content box;wk cover;wk current page footer;wk current page header;wk current section default footer;wk current section default header;wk current section first footer;wk current section first header;wk current section left footer;wk current section left header;wk current section right footer;wk current section right header;wk custom;wk dashed;wk date creation;wk date modified;wk debug format;wk decimal;wk decimal greek;wk decimal leading zero;wk default;wk default paragraph stylesheet;wk diamond;wk direction;wk disc;wk do not recompute formulas;wk docx;wk dotted;wk double;wk dpi;wk end;wk end text;wk exclude from range;wk expressions as source;wk expressions as space;wk expressions as value;wk false;wk first column;wk first page;wk first row;wk font;wk font bold;wk font default;wk font family;wk font italic;wk font size;wk footer box;wk freeze expressions;wk georgian;wk groove;wk header and footer autofit;wk header box;wk hebrew;wk height;wk hidden;wk hiragana;wk hollow square;wk html wysiwyg;wk id;wk image;wk image alternate text;wk image expression;wk image formula;wk image url;wk import html expressions as text;wk in front of text;wk include in range;wk inherit style from paragraph;wk inline with text;wk inset;wk inside;wk justify;wk katakana;wk keep paragraph styles;wk landscape;wk layout unit;wk leading;wk left;wk left page;wk left to right;wk line break;wk line height;wk link url;wk list auto;wk list font;wk list font family;wk list start number;wk list string format ltr;wk list string format rtl;wk list style image;wk list style image height;wk list style image url;wk list style type;wk lower greek;wk lower latin;wk lower roman;wk lowercase;wk margin;wk margin bottom;wk margin left;wk margin right;wk margin top;wk middle;wk mime html;wk min height;wk min width;wk mixed;wk new line style sheet;wk no repeat;wk none;wk normal;wk notes;wk offset;wk outset;wk outside;wk owner;wk padding;wk padding bottom;wk padding box;wk padding left;wk padding right;wk padding top;wk page break;wk page break inside;wk page first number;wk page first right;wk page height;wk page margin;wk page margin bottom;wk page margin left;wk page margin right;wk page margin top;wk page orientation;wk page size;wk page view mode;wk page width;wk paper box;wk paragraph break;wk parent;wk portrait;wk prepend;wk protected;wk protection enabled;wk recompute formulas;wk repeat;wk repeat x;wk repeat y;wk replace;wk resolution;wk ridge;wk right;wk right page;wk right to left;wk row count;wk row range;wk section break;wk section index;wk section name;wk semi transparent;wk shift down;wk shift left;wk shift right;wk shift up;wk small uppercase;wk solid;wk spell enable;wk square;wk start;wk start text;wk style sheet;wk subject;wk subscript;wk superscript;wk tab default;wk tab stop leadings;wk tab stop offsets;wk tab stop types;wk table;wk table align;wk table id;wk tabs;wk text align;wk text color;wk text indent;wk text linethrough color;wk text linethrough style;wk text shadow color;wk text shadow offset;wk text transform;wk text underline color;wk text underline style;wk title;wk top;wk transparent;wk true;wk type;wk type body;wk type character;wk type container;wk type default;wk type image;wk type image anchored;wk type image inline;wk type paragraph;wk type table;wk type table cell;wk type table column;wk type table row;wk unit cm;wk unit inch;wk unit mm;wk unit percent;wk unit pt;wk unit px;wk upper latin;wk upper roman;wk uppercase;wk value unit not percentage;wk value unit percentage;wk version;wk vertical align;wk visible background;wk visible footers;wk visible headers;wk visible hidden characters;wk visible horizontal ruler;wk visible html wysiwyg;wk visible page frames;wk visible references;wk visible vertical ruler;wk web page complete;wk web page html 4d;wk width;wk word;wk zoom;worker pool in use;worker pool spare;worker process;write mode;xml base64;xml binary encoding;xml case insensitive;xml case sensitive;xml cdata;xml comment;xml convert to png;xml data;xml data uri scheme;xml date encoding;xml datetime local;xml datetime local absolute;xml datetime utc;xml disabled;xml doctype;xml dom case sensitivity;xml duration;xml element;xml enabled;xml end document;xml end element;xml entity;xml external entity resolution;xml indentation;xml iso;xml local;xml native codec;xml no indentation;xml picture encoding;xml processing instruction;xml raw data;xml seconds;xml start document;xml start element;xml string encoding;xml time encoding;xml utc;xml with escaping;xml with indentation;xy current form;xy current window;xy main window;xy screen;yellow;zip compression none;zip compression standard;zip encryption aes128;zip encryption aes192;zip encryption aes256;zip encryption none;zip ignore invisible files;zip without enclosing folder" />
<keywords3 keywords="case of;else;end case;end for;end for each;end if;end while;for;for each;if;repeat;until;while" />
<mapping ext="4dm" />
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elutz commented Nov 18, 2020

Place this file on Windows into C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\<product e.g. PHPStorm...>\filetypes

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