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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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706 London Street, San Francisco, CA | 415-609-4345 | [email protected] |
San Francisco State University —San Francisco, CA, U.S.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science—Expected May 2015
Minor in Criminal Justice Studies
City College of San Francisco—San Francisco, CA, U.S.
Associates in Science Administration of Justice—Fall 2012
Proficient: Ruby/Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Design, Git, Heroku Deployment, PostgreSQL, Java, HTTP, Command Line, NetBeans, OOP, VMC, REST architecture, Web development, Database design, Software development, compilers, algorithms
Knowledgeable: SQL, TDD, RSpec, Node, Event-driven programming, Less, Sass, JQuery, JavaScript, DOM
Used Previously: C++, Python, Prolog, MIPS, Photoshop, InDesign, GitHub API
GitHub API App:—October 2014
Utilize rails-composer to set up Rails project with rails-omniauth gem, ERB, PostgreSQL and GitHub
Employ the OmniAuth gem to authenticate users with their GitHub accounts
Make effective use of the Octokit client to make authenticated API requests on behalf of users
Generate user Model with provider, user id and name, create GitHub profile Model with basic profile info and access_token. Display public repos and basic info such as followers etc
Personal Website:—Summer 2014
Employ Rails VMC architectural pattern and Bootstrap front-end framework to develop site
Make use of ActiveModel to validate contact form fields before sending an email/contact page
Implement partials: header, footer, and social links, directly from layouts to DRY up views
Use git revision control system to push code to GitHub and deploy app to Heroku
Household Management App :—Spring 2014
Team Term Project for CSC667 Internet Application Design and Development SFSU
Assist in brainstorming ideas and features for web application
Facilitate the development of wireframes to represent the skeletal framework for website
Implement Models as resource to declare all of the common routes for resourceful controllers
Define associations between Models and define named routes to be used as named helpers in app
Interpreter and Debugger: —Spring 2014
Term Project for CSC413 Software Development
Design UML Diagram with an abstract superclass and derived class:interpreter
Employ Java OOP methodologies to program an interpreter and debugger from the ground up
Apply Java reflection and symbol table mechanism to create ByteCode classes
Extend functionality of interpreter to program debugger with limited commands e.g. “step over”
21Tech contractor for the Department of Technology—San Francisco, CA.
Title: Office 365 Help Desktop Support-Outlook Support Specialist—July 2014 - September 2014
Provide city employees support with email migration from IBM Lotus Notes to Microsoft Office 365
Assist users on-site, over the phone and through remote support software in configuring Outlook and OWA
Administer passwords in Office 365, Exchange and the City Wide Active Directory
Helping in average 15-20 users a day, with a rate of 98% success.
San Francisco State University —San Francisco, CA.
Title: Computer Science Teaching Assistant—January 2014 - May 2014
Assist students in understanding basic and complex programing concepts
Advise students to develop good programming practices and follow language standards
Hold office hours twice a week, grade homework, exams and assign grades accordingly
Campus Academic Resource Program—San Francisco, CA.
Title: Math Tutor—February 2013 - December 2013
Assist undergraduate students seeking assistance in Math, and Computer Science courses
Hold individual as well as group tutorial sessions, assist in average 3-4 students per day, aid in recruiting and training three math tutors
Develop and pilot workshops over the summer
San Francisco State University—San Francisco, CA.
Title: Calculus I/II Teaching Assistant—May 2013 - August 2013
Grade 30-40 weekly quizzes and assign grades accordingly for both Calculus I & II students
The Paramount—San Francisco, CA.
Title: Porter—June 2009 - January 2012
Provide cleaning and maintenance services
Evaluate residents’ needs/requests and implement solutions accordingly
Provide 100% effective and positive solutions and establish good rapport with residents
Campus Police—City College of San Francisco, CA.
Title: Special Police Officer Intern—Spring 212 and Fall 2012
Project SHINE—San Francisco, CA.
Title: Project SHINE Coach—Fall 2011
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