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Alexander Zizzo elzii

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0xdevalias /
Last active February 27, 2025 21:08
Some notes, tools, and techniques for reverse engineering macOS binaries
AminoffZ / new-button-structure.html
Created October 14, 2023 20:36
The structure of the new like and dislike buttons on YouTube
class="top-level-buttons style-scope ytd-menu-renderer"
class="style-scope ytd-menu-renderer"
class="style-scope ytd-segmented-like-dislike-button-renderer"
Baneeishaque / main.txt
Created July 2, 2023 02:08
Chrome Extensions
SuperSorter - Chrome Web Store
FBS II : Fast Bookmark Scanner II - Chrome Web Store
The Great Discarder - Chrome Web Store
Google Keep Chrome Extension - Chrome Web Store
Simple URL Copy - Chrome Web Store
Strus /
Last active February 28, 2025 02:45
How to use clangd C/C++ LSP in any project

How to use clangd C/C++ LSP in any project

tl;dr: If you want to just know the method, skip to How to section

Clangd is a state-of-the-art C/C++ LSP that can be used in every popular text editors like Neovim, Emacs or VS Code. Even CLion uses clangd under the hood. Unfortunately, clangd requires compile_commands.json to work, and the easiest way to painlessly generate it is to use CMake.

For simple projects you can try to use Bear - it will capture compile commands and generate compile_commands.json. Although I could never make it work in big projects with custom or complicated build systems.

But what if I tell you you can quickly hack your way around that, and generate compile_commands.json for any project, no matter how compilcated? I have used that way at work for years, originaly because I used CLion which supported only CMake projects - but now I use that method succesfully with clangd and Neovim.

acarril /
Created November 18, 2022 17:49
Create a bootable Windows USB using macOS

For some reason, it is surprisingly hard to create a bootable Windows USB using macOS. These are my steps for doing so, which have worked for me in macOS Monterey (12.6.1) for Windows 10 and 11. After following these steps, you should have a bootable Windows USB drive.

1. Download a Windows disc image (i.e. ISO file)

You can download Windows 10 or Windows 11 directly from Microsoft.

2. Identify your USB drive

After plugging the drive to your machine, identify the name of the USB device using diskutil list, which should return an output like the one below. In my case, the correct disk name is disk2.

SofijaErkin /
Last active November 26, 2024 18:40
Free space via removing purgeable on mac.

The purgeable space on macOS


I have gone to bed before using TimeMachine to backup my mac and accidentally

clicked the Back Up Automatically button on the setting of Time Machine

yesterday night. I have found my mac only has 60 GB free space on Disk

metzenseifner /
Created August 9, 2022 13:49 — forked from Sam0230/
Installing Arch Linux ARM in a UTM virtual machine

Installing Arch Linux ARM in a UTM virtual machine


  1. Create a new virtual machine.
  2. Go to System tab, change architecture to `ARM64 (aarch64)' and increase memory as needed.
  3. Download Alpine Linux LiveCD:
curl -o alpine-virt-latest-aarch64.iso "$mirror/latest-stable/releases/aarch64/$(curl "$mirror/latest-stable/releases/aarch64/latest-releases.yaml" | /usr/bin/grep -E 'file: alpine-virt-[0-9\.]+-aarch64\.iso' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/\t//g' | sed 's/^file://')"
  1. Go to Drives tab, New Drive, set size to 20GiB or larger, then Inport Drive, choose the file you just downloaded.
skoqaq / build4123.sublime4.key
Last active February 28, 2025 01:16
Sublime Text 4 License Key
Mifeng User
Single User License
C0DAA9CD 6BE825B5 FF935692 1750523A
EDF59D3F A3BD6C96 F8D33866 3F1CCCEA
1C25BE4D 25B1C4CC 5110C20E 5246CC42
D232C83B C99CCC42 0E32890C B6CBF018
B1D4C178 2F9DDB16 ABAA74E5 95304BEF
9D0CCFA9 8AF8F8E2 1E0A955E 4771A576

An guide how to activate Windows 11 Pro for free


Because you will get some more features like an Bitlocker and host your device as an External Desktop which can be accessed through the internet

Am i also able to switch from any other edition to Pro?

The answer is yes! You can switch from almost any edition to Pro completely for free!

Note for users with unactivated Pro edition

People which already have Pro, but not activated, can skip to this step.

Getting started

What you first need to do is open CMD (Command Prompt) as Administrator using this keyboard key: