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Created March 30, 2014 20:21
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  • Save emad-elsaid/9879163 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emad-elsaid/9879163 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Execute code online and return output this script is part of my quest to create a facebook bot for executing code and respond with code output in another comment, this is similar to a reddit bot. the first step is to submit code and get the output or error from a service online, i found that is simple and free and supports json formatted…
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author : Emad Elsaid (
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
$url = ""
$languages = {
'c' => 'c/gcc-4.7.2', 'c++' => 'c++/gcc-4.7.2',
'fortran' => 'fortran/f95-4.4.3', 'haskell' => 'haskell/hugs98-sep-2006',
'io' => 'io/io-20110912', 'javascript' => 'javascript/node-0.10.26',
'lua' => 'lua/lua-5.2.1', 'ocaml' => 'ocaml/ocaml-4.00.1',
'php' => 'php/php-5.5.1', 'perl' => 'perl/perl-5.16.1',
'python' => 'python/cpython-3.2.3', 'ruby' => 'ruby/mri-2.1.0',
'slash' => 'slash/slash-head', 'assembly' => 'assembly/nasm-2.07'
def evalin code, language
return nil unless $languages.keys.include? language
return nil if code.length < CODE_LIMIT
params = {
code: code, lang: $languages[language],
execute: 'on', input: ''
postData = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse($url), params)
location = postData['location']
if location
evalin_data = JSON.parse open("#{location.gsub 'http://', 'https://'}.json").read
return "#{evalin_data['output']}\n#{evalin_data['status']}\n#{location}"
return nil
puts evalin('10.times{ puts "done."}', 'ruby')
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you sure CODE_LIMIT is minimal length?

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@pynixwang am i missing something ? i think in line 23 i did that right?

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