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Created May 13, 2016 18:29
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what does open mean?

"Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose (subject, at most, to requirements that preserve provenance and openness)."

- Summary of Open Definition

what can be open?

information and content,

artFreer Sackler Museum collections, DC Public Library archives, Public Library of Science

codecivic tech and government on GitHub, Google machine learning library


laws (Maryland state code)

formats (CSV, XML, JSON, HTML)

frameworks (Bootstrap, Django, Ruby on Rails)

what are the benefits of open?

  • allows dialogue + collaboration
  • often free or cheap
  • helps us build on and not just re-build
  • can be improved upon

what are the challenges of open?

open government


funded by the public

build things for the public

governments face many of the same problems everywhere

  • 311 system
  • school lotteries
  • budget data
  • maps of infrastructure
  • data portal


before you build

  • think deeply about your problem
  • do your user research
  • figure out who else is working on this problem
  • determine if you can copy or build on their work


  • build in the open whenever possible
  • tell other people what you're working on
  • apply an open license
  • adopt open standards
  • document your work

next steps

  • contribute back
  • make it reusable
  • tell everyone!
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