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Created April 30, 2020 21:00
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using System;
interface Generator<A,Y,R>
where Y : struct
where R : struct
unsafe bool Resume(A a, System.Span<Y> y, System.Span<R> r);
struct None {
public static None Value = new None();
class FibTo : Generator<None, int, None> {
public int n;
public int pos;
public int n1;
public int n2;
public unsafe bool Resume(None _none, System.Span<int> y, System.Span<None> _r) {
if (this.pos == this.n) {
return true;
var next = n1 + n2;
this.n2 = n1;
this.n1 = next;
y[0] = next;
return false;
public static FibTo To(int n) {
return new FibTo(){n = n, pos = 0, n1 = 1, n2 = 0};
static class Generator {
public static void Run<Y, R,G>(G gen)
where G : class, Generator<None, Y, R>
where R : struct
where Y : struct
unsafe {
Span<byte> yb = stackalloc byte[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Y))];
Span<byte> yr = stackalloc byte[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(R))];
Span<Y> y = System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, Y>(yb);
Span<R> r = System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, R>(yr);
bool finished;
finished = gen.Resume(None.Value, y, r);
if (!finished){
Console.WriteLine($"yield: {y[0]}");
while (!finished);
Console.WriteLine($"return: {r[0]}");
static class Program {
public static int Main(string[] args) {
Generator.Run<int, None, FibTo>(FibTo.To(10));
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emcake commented Apr 30, 2020

yield: 1
yield: 2
yield: 3
yield: 5
yield: 8
yield: 13
yield: 21
yield: 34
yield: 55
yield: 89
return: Submission#2+None

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