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Created July 18, 2020 00:40
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import prefect
from prefect import Flow, task, Task, case, Parameter
from prefect.environments import LocalEnvironment
from import S3
from prefect.tasks.prefect import FlowRunTask
from prefect.tasks.control_flow import merge
from prefect.engine.results import PrefectResult
with Flow('subflow-one') as subflow_one:
x = Parameter('x')
@task(slug='result', result=PrefectResult())
def result(x):
return x ** 2
with Flow('subflow-two') as subflow_two:
x = Parameter('x')
@task(slug='result', result=PrefectResult())
def result(x):
return x ** 3 + 46
with Flow('super-flow') as flow:
def format_params(n):
return dict(x=n)
def get_result_from_subflow(flow_run_id):
c = prefect.Client()
info = c.get_flow_run_info(flow_run_id)
res = None
for x in info.task_runs.to_list():
if x.task_slug == 'result' :
if isinstance(x.state._result, PrefectResult) :
res = x.state.result
raise ValueError('expected PrefectResult')
return res
n = Parameter('input', default=1)
group = Parameter('flow_group')
name = Parameter('flow_name')
formatted_parameters = format_params(n)
subflow_run = FlowRunTask(wait=True)(flow_name=name, project_name=group, parameters=formatted_parameters)
result = get_result_from_subflow(subflow_run)
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gryBox commented Jul 18, 2020

This looks really neat. Thank you again

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