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Forked from mcroydon/gopher.js
Last active August 26, 2016 05:13
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// gopher.js - a gopher implementation using node.js
// Released under the 3 clause BSD license by Matt Croydon <[email protected]> (
// Forked by Emma Humphries ( for stupid Internet of Things tricks
var net = require('net');
net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on("data", function (data) {
if (data === '\r\n') {
console.log('Serving index.');
socket.write('0About gopher.js' + '\t' + 'About' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '70');
socket.write('0Local Temperature' + '\t' + 'Temp' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '70');
else if (data === 'About\r\n') {
console.log('Serving about file.');
socket.write('Gopher.js is a minimal implementation of the gopher protocol using node.js.\r\n' +
'To try it for yourself, run "node gopher.js" and connect to gopher:// using a gopher client or a browser like Firefox.\r\n' +
'You will likely need to run this command as root or with sudo.\r\n');
else if (data === 'Temp\r\n') {
console.log('Serving climate module data');
socket.write('Local climate data here\r\n');
else {
console.log('Unknown: ' + data);
socket.on("end", function () {
console.log('Ending connection.');
}).listen(70, "");
console.log('Server running at');
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