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Created October 12, 2015 11:15
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program to select two square from an image and write LeTeX code (using AddToShipoutPictureBG) to allow double side square picture books.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from re import compile as re_compile
from select import select
from sys import stdin
from time import time
from os.path import exists
from os import listdir, makedirs
from PIL.Image import frombytes, open as fromfile, eval as image_eval, merge as image_merge
from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage
from PIL.ImageOps import invert, autocontrast, grayscale, equalize, solarize
from tkinter import Frame, Button, Tk, Label, Canvas, BOTH, TOP, Checkbutton, OptionMenu, StringVar, BooleanVar, Menu, IntVar, LEFT, RIGHT, TOP
''' Program to edit two squares in an image for a two-page book
class Cap(Frame):
def __init__(self, filename):
' set defaults, create widgets, bind callbacks, start live view '
self.root = Tk()
# menu: = Menu(self.root)
# bind global keypresses:
self.root.bind('q', lambda e: self.root.quit())
self.root.bind('x', lambda e: self.root.quit())
#self.root.bind('<Enter>', lambda e: self.root.quit())
self.root.bind('<Left>', lambda e: self.move(-1, 0))
self.root.bind('<Right>', lambda e: self.move(1, 0))
self.root.bind('<Up>', lambda e: self.move(0, -1))
self.root.bind('<Down>', lambda e: self.move(0, 1))
self.root.bind('<Prior>', lambda e: self.move(0, 0, 1))
self.root.bind('<Next>', lambda e: self.move(0, 0, -1))
Frame.__init__(self, self.root)
self.x_canvas = Canvas(self, )
self.x_canvas.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e: self.move(0, 0))
self.ox = self.oy = 0
self.image = fromfile(filename)
self.orig_dx, self.orig_dy = self.image.size
self.image.thumbnail((800, 800, ), ) = PhotoImage(self.image)
self.dx, self.dy = self.image.size
#self.scale = self.dx / self.orig_dx
self.scale = self.dy / self.orig_dy
self.x_canvas.create_image(self.dx/2, self.dy/2,
# we look for two squares fitting into the rectangle
if self.dx / 2 + (OVERLAP/2) < self.dy:
self.ds = self.dx / 2 + (OVERLAP/2) # delta square
self.oy = (self.dy - self.ds) / 2
self.ds = self.dy
self.ox = (self.dx - self.ds) / 2
l, r = self.calc()
self.left_page = self.x_canvas.create_rectangle(*l, outline="blue", width=1)
self.right_page = self.x_canvas.create_rectangle(*r, outline="red", width=1)
self.x_canvas.config(width=self.dx, height=self.dy, )
def move(self, x, y, d=0):
self.ox += x
self.oy += y
self.ds += d
l, r = self.calc()
self.x_canvas.coords(self.left_page, l)
self.x_canvas.coords(self.right_page, r)
def calc(self):
oxL = self.ox
oy = self.oy
oxR = self.ox + self.ds - OVERLAP
return (
(oxL, oy, oxL + self.ds, oy + self.ds, ),
(oxR, oy, oxR + self.ds, oy + self.ds, ),
def calc_real(self):
oxL = int(self.ox / self.scale)
oy = int(self.oy / self.scale)
oxR = int((self.ox + self.ds - OVERLAP) / self.scale)
ds = int(self.ds / self.scale)
return (
(oxL, self.orig_dy - (oy + ds), self.orig_dx - (oxL + ds), oy, ),
(oxR, self.orig_dy - (oy + ds), self.orig_dx - (oxR + ds), oy, ),
def main(filename = None):
' main start point of the program '
if not filename:
pattern = re_compile(r'\\AddToShipoutPictureBG\*{\\includegraphics\[[^\]]*\]{(?P<filename>[^}]*)}}')
# try to guess from stdin / latex pattern
for x in stdin.readlines():
match = pattern.match(x)
if match:
filename = match.groupdict()['filename']
app = Cap(filename)
left, right = app.calc_real()
left, right = list(left), list(right),
print('\\AddToShipoutPictureBG*{{\\includegraphics[width=\\paperwidth,height=\\paperheight,keepaspectratio,clip,trim={}pt {}pt {}pt {}pt]{{{}}}}}'.format(*left + [filename, ]))
print('\\AddToShipoutPictureBG*{{\\includegraphics[width=\\paperwidth,height=\\paperheight,keepaspectratio,clip,trim={}pt {}pt {}pt {}pt]{{{}}}}}'.format(*right + [filename, ]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv
# vim:tw=0:nowrap
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