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Created March 21, 2017 19:19
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
protocol OfflineRequestConvertible {}
extension String: OfflineRequestConvertible {}
struct OfflineAction {
enum `Type` {
case cache, get, delete
fileprivate(set) var type: Type?
fileprivate(set) var request: OfflineRequestConvertible?
fileprivate(set) var data: Data?
fileprivate(set) var id: String?
fileprivate(set) var encryptionKey: String?
fileprivate(set) var keepAliveUntil: Date?
fileprivate(set) var ifBefore: Date?
protocol BuildStep {
func build() -> OfflineAction
protocol RequestStep {
func toCache(_ request: OfflineRequestConvertible) -> DataStep
func toGet(_ request: OfflineRequestConvertible) -> GetCommonsStep
func toDelete(_ request: OfflineRequestConvertible) -> CommonsStep
protocol DataStep {
func data(_ data: Data) -> CacheCommonsStep
protocol CommonsStep: BuildStep {
func forId(_ id: String) -> Self
func withEncryptionKey(_ encryptionKey: String) -> Self
protocol CacheCommonsStep: CommonsStep {
func keepingAliveUntil(_ date: Date) -> Self
protocol GetCommonsStep: CommonsStep {
func ifBefore(_ date: Date) -> Self
class OfflineActionBuilder {
fileprivate var action: OfflineAction!
init() {
fatalError("This type cannot be constructed directly, use static var 'builder' instead.")
private init(_ action: OfflineAction) {
self.action = action
static var builder: RequestStep {
return OfflineActionBuilder(OfflineAction()) as RequestStep
extension OfflineActionBuilder: RequestStep, DataStep, CommonsStep, CacheCommonsStep, GetCommonsStep {
func toCache(_ request: OfflineRequestConvertible) -> DataStep {
action.type = .cache
action.request = request
return self as DataStep
func toGet(_ request: OfflineRequestConvertible) -> GetCommonsStep {
action.type = .get
action.request = request
return self as GetCommonsStep
func toDelete(_ request: OfflineRequestConvertible) -> CommonsStep {
action.type = .delete
action.request = request
return self as CommonsStep
func data(_ data: Data) -> CacheCommonsStep { = data
return self as CacheCommonsStep
func forId(_ id: String) -> Self { = id
return self
func withEncryptionKey(_ encryptionKey: String) -> Self {
action.encryptionKey = encryptionKey
return self
func keepingAliveUntil(_ date: Date) -> Self {
action.keepAliveUntil = date
return self
func ifBefore(_ date: Date) -> Self {
action.ifBefore = date
return self
func build() -> OfflineAction {
return action
// Let's build here:
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