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Created December 21, 2016 16:54
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Some talkomatic utils
String.prototype.shuffle = function () {
var a = this.split(""),
n = a.length;
for(var i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = tmp;
return a.join("");
var compareStrings = function( s, ss ) {
return s.indexOf(ss) !== -1
var oldC = "";
function msg_recd() {
var A = $("#text1").val();
var B = $("#text2").val();
var C = $("#text3").val();
var active = B;
if ( active != oldC && active.split('')[0] == "=") {
oldC = active;
function incoming (message) {
yak ("Received: " + message);
serverWaitTimer(); // Received something from server, so reset timer
/* Split message into pieces. Note that we can't just split the entire string using the vertical bar
separator because the text portion of U or A commands could include vertical bars. */
var msgpart = split_rem(message, "|", 2);
var command = msgpart[0]; // Get the one-letter command code
var theslot = msgpart[1]; // Get slot number sent with this message
var therest = msgpart[2]; // Remainder of the message after command and slot
var slotId = '#slot' + theslot; // ID of the slot's main DIV
var textId = '#text' + theslot; // ID of the slot's textarea
var textAr = $('textarea' + textId)[0]; // Handle on the textarea
var thetext;
var scrollAmount;
switch (command) {
case 'U': /* Update (update to a talker's text): U|slot|deleteChars|changeIndex|newStuff */
/* Nonsense values for deleteChars or changeIndex could cause odd effects here but won't crash the program. */
msgpart = split_rem(therest, "|", 2);
thetext = $(textAr).val().substring( msgpart[0] ); // Delete specified number of characters from beginning
thetext = thetext.substring(0, msgpart[1] ) + msgpart[2]; // Replace/Add new text at indicated start position
$(textAr).val( thetext );
scrollAmount = textAr.scrollHeight - textAr.clientHeight;
if (scrollAmount > 0) { // Scroll down if necessary to keep bottom-most text visible
case 'A': /* All (all of a talker's information and text): A|slot|name|location|3rd party authenticator|profile URL|text */
msgpart = split_rem(therest, "|", 4);
slotInit (theslot, msgpart[0], msgpart[1], msgpart[2], msgpart[3]); // Display user's name and location
$(textAr).val(msgpart[4]); // Display user's text
// $(textAr).scrollTop( textAr.scrollHeight - textAr.clientHeight );
case 'X': /* Exit (talker exited): X|slot */
slotClear (theslot); // Clear the slot header and text
case 'E': /* Enter (new talker entered): E|slot|name|location|3rd party authenticator|profile URL */
msgpart = therest.split("|");
slotInit (theslot, msgpart[0], msgpart[1], msgpart[2], msgpart[3]); // Display new user's name and location
/* Respond by sending A command with full text. Server adds slot, my name, and my location and forwards it to new talker */
sendomatic ( 'A|' + $(TG.myBlather).val() );
if (TG.sound) {
/* Firefox plays the sound every time without redoing the "new Audio" line below,
but Chrome plays it only once unless we redo this every time. */
EntrySound = new Audio('/sounds/doorbell.mp3');;
case 'W': /* Where (server tells client what slot talker is in): W|slot */
if (isNaN(theslot)) {
/* Slot number empty or nonnumeric value means the room is full or another problem prevents entry. */
if ( (theslot === '') || (typeof(theslot) === 'undefined') ) {
theslot = "full";
window.location = "index.html#" + theslot;
else {
case 'R': /* Room info: R|host's slot|privacy code */
TG.roomHost = theslot;
TG.roomPrivacy = therest;
case 'P': /* Poke (server tells client connection is still alive) */
} // end of switch
function setText(text) {
sendomatic( 'U|0|0|' + text );
function generateMatrix(length) {
var text = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
text += String(Math.ceil(Math.random() - 0.5));
return text;
var interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 500 );
setTimeout(() => {clearInterval(interval)}, 3000);
slowType = function(text, speed) {
var l = text.length;
var cache = "";
var interval = setInterval(() => {
if ( cache.length >= l ) {
}, speed);
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