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Last active December 14, 2015 04:29
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Save emilaxelsson/5028556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Liveness analysis and variable reuse for a list of assignments. Assumptions: All variables have the same type and size.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Algorithm for reusing variables
-- | Assignment
data a := b = a := b
deriving (Eq, Show)
listProg :: (Show a, Show b) => [a := b] -> IO ()
listProg = mapM_ print
-- | Variable liveness
type Liveness a = Map a Int
-- | Variable aliasing
type Alias a = Map a a
-- | Count the number of times each variable is referenced
countRefs :: (Ord a, Foldable f) => [a := f a] -> Liveness a
countRefs prog = Map.fromListWith (+) [(b,1) | a := f <- prog, b <- a : Fold.toList f]
-- | Decrease the ref count for the given variable
decRef :: (Ord a) => a -> State (Liveness a, Alias a) ()
decRef ref = do
(live,alias) <- get
let live' = Map.alter (fmap pred) ref live
put (live',alias)
-- | Decrease the ref count for each variable in the given expression
updateLiveness :: (Ord a, Foldable f) => a := f a -> State (Liveness a, Alias a) ()
updateLiveness (a := f) = decRef a >> mapM_ decRef (Fold.toList f)
-- | Find a dead variable
findDeadVar :: (Eq a) => State (Liveness a, Alias a) (Maybe a)
findDeadVar = do
(live,alias) <- get
let dead = Map.assocs $ Map.filter (==0) live
return $ case dead of
[] -> Nothing
(a,_):_ -> Just a
-- TODO Improve the linear complexity by remembring the set of dead vars in the state
-- | Get the alias of a variable
getAlias :: (Ord a) => Alias a -> a -> a
getAlias alias a = Map.findWithDefault a a alias
-- | Update an expression according to the available aliases
aliasExpr :: (Ord a, Functor f) => f a -> State (Liveness a, Alias a) (f a)
aliasExpr f = do
(live,alias) <- get
return (fmap (getAlias alias) f)
-- | Make @old@ and alias for @new@
reuseVar :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> State (Liveness a, Alias a) ()
reuseVar old new = do
(live,alias) <- get
let live' = Map.insert old (live Map.! new) live
alias' = Map.insert new old alias
put (live',alias')
reuseVarsM :: (Ord a, Functor f, Foldable f) => [a := f a] -> State (Liveness a, Alias a) [a := f a]
reuseVarsM prog = forM prog $ \(a := f) -> do
g <- aliasExpr f
dead <- findDeadVar
updateLiveness (a := g)
case dead of
Nothing -> return (a := g)
Just b -> reuseVar b a >> return (b := g)
-- | Optimize the program by reusing dead variables
reuseVars :: (Ord a, Functor f, Foldable f) => [a := f a] -> [a := f a]
reuseVars prog = evalState (reuseVarsM prog) (countRefs prog, Map.empty)
-- Verification
class Eval f
eval :: f Int -> Int
executeAssign :: (Ord a, Functor f, Eval f) => a := f a -> State (Map a Int) ()
executeAssign (a := f) = modify $ \mem -> Map.insert a (eval $ fmap (mem Map.!) f) mem
execute :: (Ord a, Functor f, Eval f) => [a := f a] -> Int
execute prog = mem Map.! res
res := _ = last prog
mem = execState (mapM_ executeAssign prog) Map.empty
prop_reuseVars prog = execute prog == execute (reuseVars prog)
-- Test
data E a
= Int Int
| Add a a
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)
instance Eval E
eval (Int a) = a
eval (Add a b) = a + b
prog1 =
[ "x" := Int 4
, "y" := Int 5
, "z" := Add "x" "y"
, "a" := Add "z" "z"
, "b" := Add "a" "a"
, "c" := Add "z" "x"
test1 = countRefs prog1
test2 = listProg $ reuseVars prog1
test3 = prop_reuseVars prog1
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