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dbwebb --dry validate
Uploading the directory '/home/efo/dbwebb/webapp/' to '[email protected]:dbwebb-kurser/webapp/' for validation.
sending incremental file list
sent 5,078 bytes received 83 bytes 10,322.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1,439,375 speedup is 278.89
Validating '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp'.
*.html using htmlhint
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f -name "*.html"
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/calendar/www/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/grid/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/helloworld/www/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/meapp-mithril/www/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/mithril/content.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/mithril/diary.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/mithril/diaryroutes.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/mithril/handlebars.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/mithril/rotatelinks.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/mithril/routes.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/namnsdag/www/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/storlek/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/splashScreen/www/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0.
htmlhint --config '/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.htmlhintrc' './example/husLeta/www/index.html' | grep -v "No problem." | grep -v "Config loaded." | grep -v "Scan " | grep -v "Scanned "; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0. (14)
*.css using csslint
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f -name "*.css"
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/calendar/www/css/index.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/grid/style.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/grid/flex.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/helloworld/www/css/index.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/meapp-mithril/www/css/style.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/mithril/css/style.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/namnsdag/www/css/style.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/splashScreen/www/css/index.css' .
csslint --quiet --ignore=import,box-model,qualified-headings,unique-headings,box-sizing,universal-selector,bulletproof-font-face,font-sizes,adjoining-classes './example/husLeta/www/css/index.css' . (9)
*.js using jshint
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f -name "*.js"
jshint './example/calendar/www/js/models/calendar.js' .
jshint './example/calendar/www/js/views/calendar.js' .
jshint './example/calendar/www/js/index.js' .
jshint './example/calendar/www/bin/app.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/request.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/response.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/router.v1.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/router/router.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/router/router.test.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/router/usage.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/GomokuBoard.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/GomokuServer.js' .
jshint './example/gomoku/index-server.js' .
jshint './example/helloworld/www/js/index.js' .
jshint './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/hobby.js' .
jshint './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/layout.js' .
jshint './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/me.js' .
jshint './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/index.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/models/nameday.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/days.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/hobby.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/layout.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/me.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/nameday.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/js/index.js' .
jshint './example/namnsdag/www/bin/app.js' .
jshint './example/storlek/main.js' .
jshint './example/splashScreen/www/js/index.js' .
jshint './example/husLeta/www/js/models/booli.js' .
jshint './example/husLeta/www/js/views/home.js' .
jshint './example/husLeta/www/js/views/search.js' .
jshint './example/husLeta/www/js/index.js' . (32)
*.js using jscs
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f -name "*.js"
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/calendar/www/js/models/calendar.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/calendar/www/js/views/calendar.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/calendar/www/js/index.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/calendar/www/bin/app.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/request.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/response.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/router.v1.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/router/router.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/router/router.test.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/router/usage.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/GomokuBoard.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/GomokuServer.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/gomoku/index-server.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/helloworld/www/js/index.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/hobby.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/layout.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/me.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/index.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/models/nameday.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/days.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/hobby.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/layout.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/me.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/nameday.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/js/index.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/namnsdag/www/bin/app.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/storlek/main.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/splashScreen/www/js/index.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/husLeta/www/js/models/booli.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/husLeta/www/js/views/home.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/husLeta/www/js/views/search.js' .
jscs --verbose --config=/home/saxon/teachers/dipt/efostud/dbwebb-kurser/webapp/.jscsrc < /dev/null './example/husLeta/www/js/index.js' . (32)
*.json using jsonlint
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f -name "*.json"
jsonlint --quiet './example/arbetsformedlingen/soklista_lan.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/calendar/www/package.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/instagram/tag-dbwebb.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/meapp-mithril/www/package.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/mithril/json/about.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/mithril/json/diary.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/mithril/json/diaryextended.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/mithril/json/me.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/mithril/json/pages.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/mithril/json/report.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/namnsdag/www/package.json' .
jsonlint --quiet './example/husLeta/www/package.json' . (12)
*.bash using shellcheck
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f -name "*.bash"
shellcheck --shell=bash --exclude=SC2002,SC1091 './example/arbetsformedlingen/af.bash' . (1)
*. using file
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f
file './.dbwebb/validate.exclude' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/arbetsformedlingen/af.bash' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/arbetsformedlingen/soklista_lan.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/css/index.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/js/models/calendar.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/js/views/calendar.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/js/index.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/bin/app.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/package.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/request.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/response.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/router.v1.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/router.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/router.test.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/usage.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/GomokuBoard.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/GomokuServer.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/index-server.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/grid/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/grid/style.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/grid/flex.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/helloworld/www/css/index.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/helloworld/www/js/index.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/helloworld/www/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/instagram/' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/instagram/tag-dbwebb.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/css/style.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/hobby.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/layout.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/me.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/index.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/package.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/css/style.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/img/' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/about.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/diary.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/diaryextended.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/me.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/pages.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/report.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/content.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/diary.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/diaryroutes.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/handlebars.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/rotatelinks.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/routes.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/css/style.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/models/nameday.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/days.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/hobby.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/layout.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/me.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/nameday.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/index.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/bin/app.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/package.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/solution/jq.txt' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/storlek/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/storlek/main.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/www/css/index.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/www/js/index.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/www/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/config.xml' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/css/index.css' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/models/booli.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/views/home.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/views/search.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/index.js' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/index.html' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/package.json' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.csslintrc' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.dbwebb-validate.config' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.dbwebb.course' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.dbwebb.moss' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.html-minifier.conf' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.htmlhintrc' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.jscsrc' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1.
file './.jshintrc' | grep CRLF; test $? -eq 1. (83)
*. using file
find "./" \( -not -path "*/.git/*" -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/cache/*" -not -path "*/docs/*" -not -path "*/lib/*" -not -path "*.min.*" -not -path "*.png" -not -path "*.jpg" -not -path "./me/*/vendor/*" -not -path "./me/*/node_modules/*" -not -path "./me/*/platforms/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/*.html" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/css/*" -o -path "./me/*/platforms/browser/www/js/*" \) -type f
file './.dbwebb/validate.exclude' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/arbetsformedlingen/af.bash' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/arbetsformedlingen/soklista_lan.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/css/index.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/js/models/calendar.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/js/views/calendar.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/js/index.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/bin/app.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/calendar/www/package.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/request.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/response.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/v1.0/router.v1.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/router.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/router.test.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/router/usage.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/GomokuBoard.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/GomokuServer.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/gomoku/index-server.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/grid/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/grid/style.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/grid/flex.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/helloworld/www/css/index.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/helloworld/www/js/index.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/helloworld/www/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/instagram/' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/instagram/tag-dbwebb.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/css/style.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/hobby.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/layout.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/views/me.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/js/index.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/meapp-mithril/www/package.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/css/style.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/img/' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/about.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/diary.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/diaryextended.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/me.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/pages.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/json/report.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/content.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/diary.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/diaryroutes.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/handlebars.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/rotatelinks.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/mithril/routes.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/css/style.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/models/nameday.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/days.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/hobby.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/layout.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/me.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/views/nameday.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/js/index.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/bin/app.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/namnsdag/www/package.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/solution/jq.txt' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/storlek/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/storlek/main.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/www/css/index.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/www/js/index.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/www/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/splashScreen/config.xml' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/css/index.css' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/models/booli.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/views/home.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/views/search.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/js/index.js' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/index.html' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './example/husLeta/www/package.json' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.csslintrc' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.dbwebb-validate.config' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.dbwebb.course' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.dbwebb.moss' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.html-minifier.conf' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.htmlhintrc' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.jscsrc' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1.
file './.jshintrc' | grep BOM; test $? -eq 1. (83)
OK Asserts: 0 Faults: 0
DONE to validate course results.
Saved a log of the output: less -R '/home/efo/.dbwebb-validate.log'
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