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Last active February 16, 2023 09:10
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Set up e-banking using smart card reader and electronic signature under OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

This guide is for you if:

  • You have a smart card reader and (universal) electronic signature bought from InfoNotary (can be a different company, hardware, etc – just change the necessary steps), you are using Mac OS X, and want to do some e-banking because you value your time and prefer to cut your wrists instead of physically visiting a bank in BG to do any kind of work.
  • You haven’t set up e-banking under Mac OS before OR you did set it up but then you decided to upgrade to Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) because it is simply better.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the smart card reader driver. Note I personally own ACR38T USB dongle, so I used:

    Run pcsctest from the terminal to check your exact card reader model, find, and install the relevant driver for it – check this link for additional smart card readers and drivers.
  2. Install the dmg – in the window opened, you will see OpenSC-0.12.2-10.6.pkg.
  3. Under Mountain Lion only, you have to hit Ctrl + Open because InfoNotary is an unidentified developer to Apple – GateKeeper will not let you install it otherwise.
  4. Under Mountain Lion only, you will notice the pkg install will fail because of a version check (checks for 10.6, works on 10.7, but not 10.8). Do the following:
    • $ cp -rf /Volumes/OpenSC-0.12.2-10.7/OpenSC-0.12.2-10.6.pkg ~/Desktop
    • $ vim ~/Desktop/OpenSC-0.12.2-10.6.pkg/Contents/Resources/InstallationCheck
    • Comment out the following three lines (Perl comments are done with #):
      if(CheckVersion(“$SYSTEM_VERS”, “10.7.9”, “ProductVersion”, “>”)) {
      $EXIT_VALUE = ((1 << 6) | ( 1 << 5 ) | 18 );
    • Save and install the modified pkg – this time it should pass successfully.
  5. Check the pcscd daemon, should run as root:
    $ ps aux | grep pcscd | grep -v ‘grep pcscd’
    root 36 0.0 0.0 625420 1968 ?? S 10:33PM 0:03.92 /usr/sbin/pcscd -f
  6. Run the following commands:
    • $ /Library/OpenSC/bin/opensc-tool -l # shows the connected card readers
    • $ /Library/OpenSC/bin/opensc-tool -n # shows if your smart card reader has been correctly identified.
  7. Under Mountain Lion only, If you get the below error when running those commands:
    dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libltdl.7.dylib
    Referenced from: /Library/OpenSC/bin/opensc-tool
    Reason: image not found
    Trace/BPT trap: 5

    You need to install the missing library libtool:
    brew install libtool 
    brew link libtool

    If you don’t know what HomeBrew is, shoot yourself in the head…or at least read and follow this guide to install it.
  8. When the missing libtool is taken care of, restart your Mac or better execute:
    sudo killall pcscd
    sudo /usr/sbin/pcscd -f &
  9. Do some sanity checks:
    opensc-tool -l                             # should see your card reader listed here, e.g. “Detected readers (pcsc) 0    Yes             ACS ACR 38U-CCID 00 00”
    opensc-tool -n # should see a message about correct identification of your card reader, e.g. “Using reader with a card: ACS ACR 38U-CCID 00 00 CardOS M4”
    pkcs15-tool -D # see the objects on the actual smart card e.g. info about public RSA key, X.509 certificate, PIN, etc
    pkcs11-tool -lt —module # check if your electronic signature works correctly, will ask for PIN
  10. Once everything with the smart card reader is OK, you want to configure Firefox to use the new OpenSC PKCS#11 module. There is a working (!!!) Firefox plugin for that available, so check it out. Previous years we had to do manual config e.g. under Linux.
  11. Finally, open the Infonotary test site. You should get something like this:
    Вашият КЕП от InfoNotary работи коректно!
    Your digital certificate from InfoNotary works fine!
  12. Open the e-banking website for your bank (e.g. FIB) and your SSL certificate should be installed (disconnect the smart card reader and it is gone as it should be). Happily do some e-banking and do not
    forget my IBAN is BG39FINV91501000117730. I also drink beer :)
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