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Last active November 17, 2016 19:29
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
using System.Web;
using SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Interfaces;
namespace SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Helpers
public class ContentCache
private static readonly MemoryCache Cache = new MemoryCache("ContentCache");
private static readonly int CacheExpiryInSeconds = GetCacheExpiryValue(600);
public static T AddOrGetExisting<T>(string key, Func<T> valueFactory)
var newValue = new Lazy<T>(valueFactory);
var cacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy()
AbsoluteExpiration = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(CacheExpiryInSeconds))
var oldValue = Cache.AddOrGetExisting(key, newValue, cacheItemPolicy) as Lazy<T>;
return (oldValue ?? newValue).Value;
// Handle cached lazy exception by evicting from cache.
return newValue.Value;
private static int GetCacheExpiryValue(int defaultValue)
int numberOfSeconds;
if (int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DeliveryContentCacheTimeSeconds"], out numberOfSeconds))
return numberOfSeconds;
return defaultValue;
using KenticoCloud.Deliver;
using SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Factories;
using SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Interfaces;
using SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities;
namespace SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Helpers
public static class ContentDeliveryHelper
public static SettingsItemModel GetGeneralSettings()
var model = DeliverClientFactory<SettingsItemModel>.GetItem(SettingsItemModel.ItemCodeName);
return model;
public static List<T> GetListOfModularContent<T>(this IEnumerable<ContentItem> items) where T : IKenticoDeliverModel, new()
var modularList = new List<T>();
foreach (var module in items)
var model = new T();
return modularList;
public static KeyValuePair<string, string> GetSelectedTaxonomy(this ContentItem content, string elementCode)
var element = content.Elements[elementCode];
return element != null && element.value != null ? new KeyValuePair<string, string>(element.value[0].codename.ToString(), element.value[0].name.ToString()) : new KeyValuePair<string, string>();
public static string StringfyFilter(this IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return "no-params";
var filterBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var filter in parameters)
return filterBuilder.ToString().ToLower();
using KenticoCloud.Deliver;
using SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Helpers;
using SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Interfaces;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Factories
public class DeliverClientFactory<T> where T : IKenticoDeliverModel, new()
private static readonly DeliverClient client = new DeliverClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProjectId"]);
public static T GetItem(string itemCodename, IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
return Task.Run(() => GetCachedItemAsync(itemCodename, parameters)).Result;
public static async Task<T> GetItemAsync(string itemCodename, IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
return await GetCachedItemAsync(itemCodename, parameters);
public static async Task<T> GetItemByIdAsync(string itemId)
itemId = UrlHelper.GetKenticoIdFromUrl(itemId);
return await GetItemAsync(itemId);
public static async Task<T> GetItemsAsync(IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
return await GetCachedItemsAsync(parameters);
private static async Task<T> GetCachedItemAsync(string itemCodename,
IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
var cacheKey = $"dcf-cache-{itemCodename ?? string.Empty}-{parameters.StringfyFilter()}";
return await ContentCache.AddOrGetExisting<Task<T>>(cacheKey, () => GetItemAsyncInternal(itemCodename, parameters));
private static async Task<T> GetCachedItemsAsync(IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
var cacheKey = $"dcf-cache-items-{parameters.StringfyFilter()}";
return await ContentCache.AddOrGetExisting<Task<T>>(cacheKey, () => GetItemsAsyncInternal(parameters));
private static async Task<T> GetItemAsyncInternal(string itemCodename,
IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
var response = await client.GetItemAsync(itemCodename, parameters);
return GetItem(response.Item);
private static async Task<T> GetItemsAsyncInternal(IEnumerable<IFilter> parameters = null)
var response = await client.GetItemsAsync(parameters);
return GetItems(response.Items);
private static T GetItem(ContentItem content)
var item = new T();
return item;
private static T GetItems(List<ContentItem> contentList)
var item = new T();
return item;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "HelpPageIndex",
url: "help",
defaults: new { controller = "Content", action = "Detail", id = "help" }
name: "HelpPages",
url: "help/{id}",
defaults: new {controller = "Content", action = "Detail"}
name: "ContactPageIndex",
url: "contact",
defaults: new { controller = "Content", action = "Detail", id = "contact" }
name: "ContactPages",
url: "contact/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Content", action = "Detail" }
name: "404Page",
url: "404",
defaults: new { controller = "Content", action = "Detail", id = "404" }
name: "500Page",
url: "500",
defaults: new { controller = "Content", action = "Detail", id = "500" }
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
namespace SuzieT.Kentico.WebApp.Helpers
public static class UrlHelper
public static string GetFriendlyUrl(KenticoCloud.Deliver.System system)
var url = string.Empty;
if (system == null)
return url;
if (system.SitemapLocations.Count > 0)
url = $"/{system.SitemapLocations[0]}";
if (url == "/root" & system.Codename == "home")
return "/";
if (url == "/root")
url = string.Empty;
var codeName = system.Codename.Replace("_", "-");
if (codeName.StartsWith("n") && char.IsNumber(codeName, 1))
codeName = codeName.TrimStart(new[] {'n'});
url = $"{url}/{codeName}/";
return url;
public static string GetKenticoIdFromUrl(string url)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
return string.Empty;
if (char.IsNumber(url, 0))
url = $"n{url}";
return url.Replace("-", "_");
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