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Last active October 18, 2017 00:53
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Philly donations by zipcode

Philly donations by zipcode

A Shape file of the zipcodes was downloaded from the US Census

That was loaded into a MySQL database, and a GeoJSON file was created with the subset of zipcodes that lie within Philly.

Map was created with Leaflet and code was heavily borrowed from two of their tutorials:

Future example code
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Delaware 2016 election races.">
<title>Donations by Philadelphia Zipcode</title>
<script src=""
<!-- Load Leaflet from CDN -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css"
<script src="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js"
<!-- Load Esri Leaflet from CDN -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/esri-leaflet.js"
<!-- load the latest release from the cdn automatically -->
<script src=""></script>
#mapid_1 {
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
.info {
padding: 6px 8px;
font: 14px/16px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: white;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-radius: 5px;
.info h4 {
margin: 0 0 5px;
color: #777;
.legend {
text-align: left;
line-height: 18px;
color: #555;
.legend i {
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
float: left;
margin-right: 8px;
opacity: 0.7;
<div id="layout">
<!-- Menu toggle -->
<a href="#menu" id="menuLink" class="menu-link">
<!-- Hamburger icon -->
<div id="main">
<div class="header">
<h1>Donations by Philadelphia Zipcode</h1>
<div class="content">
<div id="mapid_1"></div>
var max_num_contrib = 0;
var max_total_amount = 0;
var zipcode_map ='mapid_1').setView([40.00, -75.11], 10);
var layer = L.esri.Vector.basemap('ModernAntique').addTo(zipcode_map);
// control that shows state info on hover
var info = L.control();
info.onAdd = function (map) {
this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info');
return this._div;
info.update = function (props) {
this._div.innerHTML = '<h4>Philly donations by zipcode</h4>' + (props ?
'<b>' + props.num_contrib + ' contributors donated ' + '$' + props.total_amount + ' from zipcode' + + '</b><br />'
: 'Hover over a zipcode');
function mapRound(x){
return Math.ceil(x / 100.0) * 100
// get color depending on population density value
function getColor(d) {
return d > mapRound(0.90*max_total_amount) ? '#800026' :
//d > mapRound(0.75*max_total_amount) ? '#BD0026' :
d > mapRound(0.65*max_total_amount) ? '#E31A1C' :
//d > mapRound(0.45*max_total_amount) ? '#FC4E2A' :
d > mapRound(0.40*max_total_amount) ? '#FD8D3C' :
//d > mapRound(0.15*max_total_amount) ? '#FEB24C' :
d > mapRound(0.15*max_total_amount) ? '#FED976' :
d > 1 ? '#FFEDA0' :
function style(feature) {
return {
weight: 2,
opacity: 1,
color: 'white',
dashArray: '3',
fillOpacity: 0.7,
fillColor: getColor(
function highlightFeature(e) {
var layer =;
weight: 5,
color: '#666',
dashArray: '',
fillOpacity: 0.7
if (! && !L.Browser.opera && !L.Browser.edge) {
var geojson;
function resetHighlight(e) {
function zoomToFeature(e) {
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
mouseover: highlightFeature,
mouseout: resetHighlight,
//click: zoomToFeature
zipcode_map.attributionControl.addAttribution('Population data &copy; <a href="">US Census Bureau</a>');
var legend = L.control({position: 'bottomright'});
legend.onAdd = function (map) {
var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info legend'),
//grades = [0, mapRound(0.05*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.15*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.30*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.45*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.60*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.75*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.90*max_total_amount)],
grades = [0, 1, mapRound(0.15*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.40*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.65*max_total_amount), mapRound(0.90*max_total_amount)],
labels = [],
from, to;
for (var i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
from = grades[i];
to = grades[i + 1];
'<i style="background:' + getColor(from + 1) + '"></i> ' +
from + (to ? '&ndash;' + to : '+'));
div.innerHTML = labels.join('<br>');
return div;
$(document).ready(function() {
//alert( 'hi there dude.' );
//var combined_data = 'hi'
// Pull in zipcode data
$.getJSON( "pa_zipcode_geo.json", function() {
//console.log( "success" );
.done(function( district_data ) {
//console.log( "second success" );
// Pull in donation data by zipcode
$.getJSON( "donations.json", function() {
//console.log( "success 2" );
.done(function( donation_data ) {
//console.log( "second success 2" );
//alert( combined_data );
for (i in district_data.features) {
// "name":"19962","zipcode":19962,"num_contrib":"8","total_amount":"3400.00"
district_data.features[i] = district_data.features[i].properties.ZCTA5CE10;
district_data.features[i].properties.zipcode = district_data.features[i].properties.ZCTA5CE10;
district_data.features[i].properties.num_contrib = 0;
district_data.features[i].properties.total_amount = 0;
if (district_data.features[i].properties.ZCTA5CE10 in donation_data) {
//console.log('found: '+district_data.features[i].properties.ZCTA5CE10)
key = district_data.features[i].properties.ZCTA5CE10
district_data.features[i].properties.num_contrib = donation_data[key].num_donations;
district_data.features[i].properties.total_amount = donation_data[key].amount_donated;
if ( max_num_contrib < donation_data[key].num_donations ) {
max_num_contrib = donation_data[key].num_donations;
//console.log('curr: '+max_total_amount+ ' & test: '+donation_data[key].amount_donated)
// Javascript doesn't like decimal notation ...
if ( parseInt(max_total_amount) < parseInt(donation_data[key].amount_donated) ) {
max_total_amount = donation_data[key].amount_donated;
else {
//console.log('missing: '+district_data.features[i].properties.DISTRICT)
geojson = L.geoJson(district_data, {
style: style,
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
.fail(function() {
console.log( "error 2" );
.always(function() {
//console.log( "getJSON().always() 2" );
// End Pull in donation data by zipcode
.fail(function() {
console.log( "error" );
.always(function() {
//console.log( "getJSON().always()" );
// alert( 'by dude' );
} );
</div> <!-- /main -->
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