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Petr Viktorin encukou

  • Python Software Foundation
  • Czech Republic
  • 12:11 (UTC +01:00)
View GitHub Profile

Python Vendor Configuration

Currently, several Python distributors modify the Python install layout. Making such modifications requires them to patch multiple standard library modules. The install layout is currently not meant to be a configurable option in a Python installation, but Python developers, distro packagers and module authors all have conflicting certain assumptions in this area. This has presented itself as problematic because Python distributors, understandably, fail to correctly modify all places required to satisfy all these assumptions, resulting in incoherent or straight-out broken Python distributions

encukou /
Created July 25, 2019 12:17 — forked from hroncok/
Watch my FTBFSes
#! /usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'watch -n 300 I=$(whoami) python3.8'
import re
import sys
import os
from urllib.request import urlopen
URL = ''
#USER = sys.argv[1]
encukou / 0_tables
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13 — forked from Sanqui/0_tables
"A specific physical instance of a location_area"
* width
* height
"A game-specific physical instance of a location_area"
* location_area
* version
* map
encukou /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05 — forked from honzajavorek/

Pyvo v Brně



  • Ruby sraz v Brně, dotaz na Twitteru zda existuje Python sraz (odpověď: neexistuje, založ)
  • Při hledání názvu jsem se dověděl, že Rasťo Turek založil v Bratislavě Pyvo a Pyoniery - řekl jsem si, že nic lepšího nevymyslím
  • 26.4. sraz u stolečku ve Falku, kam přišlo 8 lidí a bavili jsme se o všem možném
  • další Pyva s přednáškami
encukou / README.rst
Created December 15, 2011 23:29 — forked from wolever/
EMPMYMIP: Easily Maintain a PyPI Mirror of Your Important Packages!

EMPMYMIP: Easily Maintain a PyPI Mirror of Your Important Packages!


EMPMYMIP seems to mostly kind of work for me. It might even do the same for you!

The implementation is kind of a huge hack, though, and it might very well

encukou /
Created November 15, 2011 20:14 — forked from e000/
(lambda n,s,I:n.classobj('h',(),dict(__init__=(lambda M,S,P,C:M.__dict__.update(
dict(R=(S,P),H=C,O=s.socket()))),C=(lambda M:(M.O.connect(M.R),setattr(M,'D',M.O
.makefile()),setattr(M,'S',(lambda l: M.O.send('%s\r\n'%l))),M.S("NICK hue"),M.S
("USER a b c d :LOL!"),setattr(M,'R',lambda n,m: M.S('PRIVMSG %s :%s'%(n,m))),M.
P())),G = (lambda M,S:S.split(' :',1)[1] if' :'in S else ''),P=(lambda M:next(I.
dropwhile((lambda Lu:((lambda L:((lambda: M.S("PONG :%s"%M.G(L))if L.startswith(
'PING')else(lambda P,G,S:({'001':(lambda: M.S('JOIN %s'%M.H)),'PRIVMSG':(lambda:
M.HC(L[1:].split('!',1),P[2],G[1:].split(),G)if G.startswith('!')else None)}.get
(P[1],lambda: None)())if len(P)>1 else None)(L.split(),M.G(L),M.O))()))(Lu.strip
()),True)[1]),iter(M.D)),None)),HC=(lambda M,(N,H),C,P,L: {'hello':lambda:M.R(C,
- pokemon: [Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup]
level: 5
type: gift
version: [diamond, pearl, platinum]
is_starter: true
- pokemon: Eevee
level: 5
type: gift